Support Africans already in EU vs encourage those who want to come?

What do you feel is most effective and you could make your "thing" to support/contribute to?

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let Africans solve their own problems when we try to help it usually just makes things worse, fuck as many africans as you want including the white ones but leave them alone
Why will discourage others by saying such? some of us Africans have Hopes of applying for visas to enjoy academic privileges for pursuit of a bachelors degree or masters degree when the right opportunity present itself, it is not every African that is a bad prospect, some like myself have good desires and aspirations
Preferujem a propagujem čiernych mužov, utečencov na svojich sociálnych sieťach.
Každý Afričan má právo prísť a príležitosť prežiť nový krásny život.
Mali by sme im pomôcť dostať sa do Európy. Mnoho rokov žili v chudobných podmienkach, boli otrokmi bielej rasy.
A je čas na zmenu. V prípade potreby vstupu do Európy alebo Slovenskej republiky vždy rád pomôžem🇸🇰
People keep mixing sex / fantasies and serious topics like politics and emigration / refugees from horror wars, u cant even imagine.

For me this is just disrespectful for people who are trying to seek a better life and chances for their family. No matter if they are black, white, yellow or pink. Is about their lifes not about their colours.

If you can support a good organization that are trying to SAVE lifes of innocent people, thats great! But that kind of replys "lets have more black boys..." they are not toys, and they have family too.
Ľudia si stále miešajú sex / fantázie a vážne témy, ako je politika a emigrácia / utečenci z hororových vojen, si to ani neviete predstaviť.

Pre mňa je to len neúcta k ľuďom, ktorí sa snažia nájsť lepší život a šance pre svoju rodinu. Bez ohľadu na to, či sú čierne, biele, žlté alebo ružové. Ide o ich životy, nie o ich farby.

Ak môžete podporiť dobrú organizáciu, ktorá sa pokúša zachrániť životy nevinných ľudí, je to skvelé! Ale tento druh odpovedí „nechajme viac čiernych chlapcov ...“ nie sú hračky a majú tiež rodinu.
Prepáč! Nikto ale nepísal, že sú to pre nás hračky. Každý z nás má pri komunikácii svoj šmrnc. Pre mňa to nie je tovar, ale normálni ľudia. Čo podporujem a pomáham. A to, že píšem o mužoch, neznamená, že dehonestujem ich rodiny. Neváhajte a nechajte prísť celú rodinu! Len aby mal pokoj a našiel šťastie a skutočnú krajinu, kde si ich ľudia budú vážiť. Amen🙏
I think we should encourage more Africans to come to the EU. The only reason African immigration is discouraged is because the white male hierarchy realizes the Truth of African Supremacy. Africans have already demonstrated They are physically Superior, but on an even playing field, They are also demonstrating They are also mentally Superior. The white male hierarchy fears an nation of African Rule. But I believe African Rule would be the best way to run the nation.
I think we should encourage more Africans to come to the EU. The only reason African immigration is discouraged is because the white male hierarchy realizes the Truth of African Supremacy. Africans have already demonstrated They are physically Superior, but on an even playing field, They are also demonstrating They are also mentally Superior. The white male hierarchy fears an nation of African Rule. But I believe African Rule would be the best way to run the nation.
It's not even a real even playing field right now. That's why anything close to equality sounds like oppression to the racists because they know they can only be "superior" on a very unbalance playing field. They see how much it's changed with them falling behind with just a small tip out of their favor.
I have only been volunteering at ASHA Stoke a couple of weeks. I have already been taken to a very nice hotel in Staffordshire, by a far younger man and definitely had my needs met.
I’d love to meet your needs in a hotel…