Successful black men: How do you manage multiple women?

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Real Person
I've been getting more aggressive past few months about meeting more women and the response has been almost overwhelming. Being in a major city like New York, I've had no shortage of white women to choose from. Now the problem I'm having is how to best manage these relationships and my time with them.

Currently I'm regularly seeing 4 white girls. With another 5 that I've recently fucked and on good enough terms with that I could call them up anytime. This doesn't even include the dozens of women I've matched/chatted with online dating where I could meet up with if I made the initiative.

I haven't promised any of the women in seeing exclusivity but I also haven't told them (except for one) that I'm seeing other women.

For you other back men out there in similar situations, how are you managing these women? Are you open with them all that you're sleeping around? What do your relationships look like with them? More of a dating thing or is it purely sex?
Gosh, this is an interesting conversation! I tend to group my partners into tiers: first, second and third. The first tier are those I see at least once a month. Of this I have two: couple 1, whom I have been seeing for nearly 18 months. There is little social contact or messaging outside of meeting for sex, they are a couple in their 60's and they are experimenting with me seeing the lady on my own. Couple 2, I have known since February 2018, and I have been them four times to play but as many times socially. I am in contact with the hubby multiple times daily and her often too, and she has made it clear that she does not want to share me with anyone else, but accepts we both see other people.
Tier 2 is anyone I may see a every few months, and that would be about 4 ladies (of which two are couples and two are single ladies in the scene). But at least two of those would like to be in my tier one.
Tier 3 is anyone I would like to meet, but not making a real effort to do so. Tier 1 alone can keep me busy.
Oh ok. So you're not really approaching this from a lifestyle standpoint. You're pretty much just out there 'dating'. I can imagine that must get pretty exhausting. Let me ask you something and be real about it. What is your end game with all this "dating"? Is it about new and random pussy? Are you looking for friendships? Are you trying to find "the one"? Just trying to get an idea of your motivations for doing this.

One of the reasons why I enjoy the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle so much is that it's much easier to manage the women you are seeing. Since these women are married, there isn't the same type of demand placed on my time. These women are typically cool with seeing you every so often because they have their own lives and families as well. Often times you don't even have to hide the fact that you see other women (as long as you understand that they may be seeing other men as well). I already live with 2 women so the last thing I need is another "girlfriend".
Ok, so as someone in Los Angeles/San Diego Southern California with lots of women, I also usually prefer women who are swingers or into the BBC lifestyle, many have husbands or boyfriends and also families or careers that keep them more than busy. SO the have no expectations or demands on my time, and they also understand its not a relationship type thing, we may meet somewhere for drinks before the action starts but that is about the extent of it, we are not dating and they know and understand that. But sounds more like you are a available, single black man in the city that is currently "Dating" several women. I have in different moments of life been seeing different single women at once, What I usually do is I make an
analogy to sports, In most sports you have your starting line up and then you have your players off the bench. So I would play it the same way
I always have my starters, who get preference and priority on my time, but also have a few bench warmers who are called in when one of my starters is tired or not available to play. Now keep in mind, all playing time is earned so if one of your starters is not careful they can lose their "starting position to one of the bench players, though I have almost never seen it happen, usually a starter on the team is a starter and not a bench warmer for a reason. Also keep in mind their is usually a Star of most teams, and the Star is almost irreplaceable, usually because they bring attributes and talents that non of the other players can really match. It always seem to work for me, so maybe if you relate it to a sports team it can work for you.
I have a once a month couple, a once a week couple and a situational couple(no regular schedule) thats as much as I can handle and run a IT consulting business full time
9 women whoa you are my hero :)
I tend to stick and move. I might grab a bite or some drinks with a womsn, more meet up and break down comfort barriers than a date, that’s about it, and usually only in the beginning.
No developing feelings, no going broke, no taken my time away from other obligations or responsibilities.
There are a few that I see ongoing when I travel for work a few times a year. These are the ideal hotwives, bangn bodies, and amazing and capable sex partners, multi-orgasmic, etc...
Then a few months ago, a husband reached out to me from another site. His wife is ideal also, and conveniently close. I can stop by their house on my way to/from work.
We’ve been playing once a week for the past 3 months. It’s the perfect situation for me. Bangn body, great sex, close, clean, and no chance of pregnancy. She’s the quality I’ve been searching for and available.when I want it. Since becoming playmates I’m no longer in search of quantity.
Hopefully we can keep it casual and not ruin a good thing.
I've been getting more aggressive past few months about meeting more women and the response has been almost overwhelming. Being in a major city like New York, I've had no shortage of white women to choose from. Now the problem I'm having is how to best manage these relationships and my time with them.

Currently I'm regularly seeing 4 white girls. With another 5 that I've recently fucked and on good enough terms with that I could call them up anytime. This doesn't even include the dozens of women I've matched/chatted with online dating where I could meet up with if I made the initiative.

I haven't promised any of the women in seeing exclusivity but I also haven't told them (except for one) that I'm seeing other women.

For you other back men out there in similar situations, how are you managing these women? Are you open with them all that you're sleeping around? What do your relationships look like with them? More of a dating thing or is it purely sex?
I have belonged to a group of mostly black males and mostly white females for several years. I generally get a phone call, it I am available and interested we meet. If not there are other males, the system seems to work. I was out of the country for several months and when I returned I just picked up where I had left off
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