Straight men don't watch interracial bbc porn

You are so right. I wrestled for years with the idea of bisexuality. It was while watching IR porn that the realization of my true submissive nature became undeniable to me.
Yes, submission is part of it for me as well. I don't desire a male lover in the traditional sense. I want him to dominate me, "forsing" me to suck his dick, etc. Perhaps this arises from residual guilt. I'm not REALLY bisexual. He MADE me do it. I dunno...
Yes, submission is part of it for me as well. I don't desire a male lover in the traditional sense. I want him to dominate me, "forsing" me to suck his dick, etc. Perhaps this arises from residual guilt. I'm not REALLY bisexual. He MADE me do it. I dunno...
I totally get that. But on the other hand it may have been those very ideas you used that opened me up to my sub nature that was in me all along.
That rationalization supports most submissive behavior. The person does not have to feel responsible if he or she was just obeying.
Yes. It's a common fantasy of many men to have their wives/girlfriends "*******" them to perform homosexual acts that they probably secretly want to do anyway. There's also an associated humiliation factor doing it in front of her.