Straight men don't watch interracial bbc porn

Cumming to handsome virile muscular big black men and their BBCs is not what straight men would do. People are in denial here and we cucks who are bbc addicts need to come out as we are, we are in fact BISEXUALS and GAYS for BIG BLACK COCKS.

Is it effective Porn brainwashing or our innate attraction to black men exposed by porn ?

I don't know.

But the addiction is real and there's no escape.

I LOVE to see the big dark muscular asses of black men when they fuck white or asian women-missionary or doggystyle.

I LOVE watching white/asian women licking a bull's dark muscular chest. I cant cum to porn if there's no bbc in it. It's impossible.

We don't watch porn for the white women anymore, increasingly us cucks watch porn for the big, tall, yummy, darkskinned, black muscular men.
I feel the same way, and I think many others do too, even if they haven't yet admitted it to themselves.
I’m not attracted to men at all. I just like to watch the girls faces and expressions while taking bbc. I do like to see the bbc getting sucked and stretching pussy open too but I’m never like “damn he’s hot”. Also, after I cum I feel disgusted for watching it. Not sure where that puts me
I tend to agree, I have never felt the need to get involved with the act, My pleasure comes from, watching my wife, after the guy has gone, talking to her , and then sex.
I have absolutely no interest other than Her pleasure.
Too funny ! I hate to burst your bubble but I've known many men who would remove the teeth of any guy who tried to hit on them. Pretty sure they were not gay or BI . When it comes to watching porn they would watch whatever was available unless it was gay. Of course every one has a personal preference But they all watched whatever was on at the time I never saw one leave the room when a interracial scene came on. One time a five guy gang bang was shown and the woman had to be at least 300 lbs not one guy stopped watching and I'd bet none of them would have tried to score with that woman but they watched that video . The guys watched stuff many of the wife's left the room over. Giving me the impression most guys would watch anything if there wasn't a better choice in the next room.
Cumming to handsome virile muscular big black men and their BBCs is not what straight men would do. People are in denial here and we cucks who are bbc addicts need to come out as we are, we are in fact BISEXUALS and GAYS for BIG BLACK COCKS.

Is it effective Porn brainwashing or our innate attraction to black men exposed by porn ?

I don't know.

But the addiction is real and there's no escape.

I LOVE to see the big dark muscular asses of black men when they fuck white or asian women-missionary or doggystyle.

I LOVE watching white/asian women licking a bull's dark muscular chest. I cant cum to porn if there's no bbc in it. It's impossible.

We don't watch porn for the white women anymore, increasingly us cucks watch porn for the big, tall, yummy, darkskinned, black muscular men.
Don’t we all man, don’t we all 😩😭😭
i am not bi or gay . it is the fact that i like to watch him getting stiff and enjoy my wife . the wife is the important factor . without her it is just a dick .
he becomes horny because of my wife _ he get a hard stiff dick because of her .
he enjoy her body .
his cock make it visible that she turned him on .
and for her _ i love to be focused on her reactions and sounds _ which i can not if i fuck her .
sideefect if she enjoy it makes me proud of her and happy for her .
I’m not attracted to men at all. I just like to watch the girls faces and expressions while taking bbc. I do like to see the bbc getting sucked and stretching pussy open too but I’m never like “damn he’s hot”. Also, after I cum I feel disgusted for watching it. Not sure where that puts me
I agree with all of this, except for the feeling disgusted for watching it. I don't watch much interracial porn these days, except for what my wife makes with her bulls and playmates. If I do seek out porn, it's usually scrolling through sites like bdsmlr and newtumbl to find femdom and amateur chastity porn. BUT... I used to watch a ton of interracial/bbc porn, and occasionally still do, with my wife.

Lusting after the black men was never the attraction for me. I'm not attracted to men. For me, one of the main reasons I used to watch it were that it was more genuine. The pornstars aren't faking their enjoyment when they're getting pounded by a string black guy with a huge cock for scenes that last longer than I ever have. Especially the amateurs. I find watching women cum hard extremely hot, and also fantasized about seeing my wife in similar situations, getting so much enjoyment out of her naughty sexual escapades, and before she started cuckolding me, I watched it all the time. These days my wife and I like watching it together, for inspiration in our role play, to ratchet up sexual tension, or to get revved up prior to intimate sessions with just the two of us.

There are undoubtedly some men who are in denial about being into men, but to make a blanket statement that straight men don't like bbc porn, or that anyone who claims to is in denial, is a false statement. I'm not in denial about anything, nor an I ashamed of anything.
I have consumed more than my share of that kind of porn, and my wife and I are doing just fine. I also know there are plenty of others like us. Closeted men are not the only (maybe not even the primary) market for this stuff. They may be the loneliest and most vocal addicts consuming it, though.
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I’m not attracted to men at all. I just like to watch the girls faces and expressions while taking bbc. I do like to see the bbc getting sucked and stretching pussy open too but I’m never like “damn he’s hot”. Also, after I cum I feel disgusted for watching it. Not sure where that puts me
I think IR porn appeals to different types of viewers for different reasons. I'm sure there are many who enjoy it as they would any sort of heterosexual porn without any fetishization. Others fetishize it in various ways. Like many others on this site, I watched it for years without understanding why. The reasons can be complex. Even now it's difficult for me to describe why I prefer it, but I've come to realize bisexuality is at least part of it for me.
I think IR porn appeals to different types of viewers for different reasons. I'm sure there are many who enjoy it as they would any sort of heterosexual porn without any fetishization. Others fetishize it in various ways. Like many others on this site, I watched it for years without understanding why. The reasons can be complex. Even now it's difficult for me to describe why I prefer it, but I've come to realize bisexuality is at least part of it for me.
Yes, the reasons can be very complex, and they can be vary from one white male to another. IR videos often trigger an awareness of what had been a dormant bisexual nature within a white male.
Exactly. In my case I found myself ogling the guys rather than the girls, and ultimately I admitted to myself that I was attracted to black guys.
Unfortunately, a lot of IR porn (and porn in general) focuses nearly exclusively on the girls, and the guys are mostly off-camera except for their dicks. Close-ups are fine once in a while, but it's so much more erotic when zoomed out so the guys are fully in the frame.
For me it was more of a repressed bisexual side. But the same effect in the end.
Exactly. In my case I found myself ogling the guys rather than the girls, and ultimately I admitted to myself that I was attracted to black guys.
So many white boys are raised in ways that encourage macho behavior and denigrate bisexuality or ignore it completely. The innate feelings lie dormant until they see black males in action sexually (either in person or on video), and then those feeling emerge and grow.
So many white boys are raised in ways that encourage macho behavior and denigrate bisexuality or ignore it completely. The innate feelings lie dormant until they see black males in action sexually (either in person or on video), and then those feeling emerge and grow.
Absolutely. I'm in my fifties, and when I grew up homosexuality and bisexuality were largely not accepted, and this kept many of us in the closet and in denial for years.
So many white boys are raised in ways that encourage macho behavior and denigrate bisexuality or ignore it completely. The innate feelings lie dormant until they see black males in action sexually (either in person or on video), and then those feeling emerge and grow.
You are so right. I wrestled for years with the idea of bisexuality. It was while watching IR porn that the realization of my true submissive nature became undeniable to me.