Stories With Built-In Pics

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Okay, we got back from our trip and I fully intended to send a narrative to you, as promised, but....

I looked around the table with the computer on it and couldn't see the SD card with all our pics on it. Convinced it was on the table, I dragged up a chair and sat down. But I knew I'd screwed up when I heard a tell-tale snap! I quickly lifted the offending chair, hoping it was a cookie or something my hubby may have dropped. But that wasn't the case at all.

Nope, instead, I found the SD card I was looking for in three equal sized pieces! You can't imagine the subsequent profanity that came out of my mouth! I yelled at Rob (hubby) and asked him were the back up card was (we just backed everything up two weeks ago). But he couldn't immediately find it!

We are in the process of making a few narratives to tide everyone over until we locate the missing card, we're sure it's around somewhere, just take a bit of time to find it.

Hope you all understand and don't give up on us. It'll just be a few more days until we're back to posting pics for everyone.

Thank you very much!
