Splash mocha June 2024 Orlando rollcall

Considering most resorts hotel rooms are between $200 and $300 anyway…I think it’s a great price to pay for ‘entertainment’ included. Now I’ve got to convince my wife that she’s not ‘too old’ as she says. I know she’d love it, but she’s self conscious about her age and body. She’s still a head turner, and I’m sure there would be gentleman (and ladies) that would be interested.
Hope everyone had a great time there. Wish we were there ☹️
Considering most resorts hotel rooms are between $200 and $300 anyway…I think it’s a great price to pay for ‘entertainment’ included. Now I’ve got to convince my wife that she’s not ‘too old’ as she says. I know she’d love it, but she’s self conscious about her age and body. She’s still a head turner, and I’m sure there would be gentleman (and ladies) that would be interested.
Hope everyone had a great time there. Wish we were there ☹️
wow we both have the same problem lol
Amazing accommodations and very well run. A bevy of strikingly sexy and handsome gentleman. In their presence….. I felt like a goddess!

Oh, we forgot to bring our rose tinted glasses!

Arrived late Thursday evening, checked in, walked past the jumble sale of tat on the way to the lifts, classy! Upon entering our room we were greeted by what I can only describe as the sound of a generator, this was in fact the sound of the cold air system that struggled to keep the temperature below 75 and the grill was hanging off of the ceiling.

The decor of the room was shocking like stepping into an 80's time warp and the bathroom was like something from the 70's, haven't seen a shower curtain in years, I didn't know they were still made.

The room ambience was dark and depressing.

Needless to say I wasn't in the mood after that and booked my flight for the following day and checked out the next morning.

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