Sexy white moms say hello & Post your sexiest pic

Whats unrealistic about a women staying in shape, mind you most of the overweight women say black men need to have 6 packs the same overweight women you're begging. Whats insulting is a old or overweight woman who thinks she's better than you lmao lames like you give them the Ammo. And this is why I get them hot and you get them old bloated and cold .
Only a ignorant fool Begs the undesirables for sex .
Dude pull up on your childish idiotic rant
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Enough already
Dude pull up on your childish idiotic rant
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Enough already
Lmao dude seriously whats childish is blk dudes hyping up trash . Yes Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I bet half these dudes who are hyping up trash would abandoned them in a minute if a hot chick said yes .

My beef was what that clown 🤡

And it was done until your ass commented for something that was meant for him not you .
Lmao dude seriously whats childish is blk dudes hyping up trash . Yes Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I bet half these dudes who are hyping up trash would abandoned them in a minute if a hot chick said yes .

My beef was what that clown 🤡

And it was done until your ass commented for something that was meant for him not you .
Because you are an ignorant fool. If this ain’t your bag then keep your comments to yourself and post your ******* on another thread. Don’t come here bashing and shaming ladies because it ain’t your thing. Just calling out a fool when I see it.
Because you are an ignorant fool. If this ain’t your bag then keep your comments to yourself and post your ******* on another thread. Don’t come here bashing and shaming ladies because it ain’t your thing. Just calling out a fool when I see it.
You make interracial dating and fucking look bad. ? What are the racist stereotypes about interracial dating .

And those same ladies going around bashing blk dudes not all of them but a big number of them do, you can go on other threads and see that .

And the only fool is you servant you're no different from a cuck servant. Because you serve the undesirable

So this should be your last post to me .
Thirsty 🤡 clown
You make interracial dating and fucking look bad. ? What are the racist stereotypes about interracial dating .

And those same ladies going around bashing blk dudes not all of them but a big number of them do, you can go on other threads and see that .

And the only fool is you servant you're no different from a cuck servant. Because you serve the undesirable

So this should be your last post to me .
Thirsty 🤡 clown
Wow. Talk about a baby. Please keep on posting. Your only hurting yourself while the rest of us see a little boy wanna be that has no clue about life and people in general. Keep on posting though because this dips just entertaining. Can’t wait for your next pearl of ignorance.
Wow. Talk about a baby. Please keep on posting. Your only hurting yourself while the rest of us see a little boy wanna be that has no clue about life and people in general. Keep on posting though because this dips just entertaining. Can’t wait for your next pearl of ignorance.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmao you know everything i said was true . Not my fault you love being a servant
Lmao no clue about life it only took me 5mins to know who you are.
And there he is friends. Manchild trying to be mr all that. Cmon. You must have more. Keep digging that hole.
Lol Man baby lol a baby is someone who constantly Begs for sex like you 😆 🤣 😂
You keep replying to me after when I told you you're nothing but a servant to the undesirable.

? Why do u keep replying to me

This ******* is funny to me
Its funny to see a blk cuck , cuck to the undesirable 🤣🤣
Lol Man baby lol a baby is someone who constantly Begs for sex like you 😆 🤣 😂
You keep replying to me after when I told you you're nothing but a servant to the undesirable.

? Why do u keep replying to me

This ******* is funny to me
Its funny to see a blk cuck , cuck to the undesirable 🤣🤣
Come on guys, let's not ruin this great thread...Please do this in a PM. Thank you!!! Ms. TopCat
Lol Man baby lol a baby is someone who constantly Begs for sex like you 😆 🤣 😂
You keep replying to me after when I told you you're nothing but a servant to the undesirable.

? Why do u keep replying to me

This ******* is funny to me
Its funny to see a blk cuck , cuck to the undesirable 🤣🤣

Imagine if you actually had a clue. Let’s see. I’m a racist and a black cuck now because I don’t disrespect women like you do? Wow. That’s fucked up there boy. Come back when you grow up. Until then. Enjoy your wanna be status. I’m not here begging for ladies. I don’t have too. Been doing this for almost 30 years. I used to be an ignorant man baby just like you. Well guess what there boy, I grew up. You might want to try that too. Just because I can see that there is more to these ladies than what you can physically see makes me a cuck? You my friend are lost in unreality. Taking swings ar these ladies because of your own shallow views just makes you a chump. But hey. There are people out there for you but obviously not in this thread. So fuck off buttercup. Let the adults chat with each other.