Check the Stats on black on black murders vs White on Black murders you would be surprised at the amount. I don't consider myself a racist since I judge everyone I react with as a man. If I decide not to like you, I have strong reasons behind my decision not to associate with you. Some people I have chosen not to even get to know have dressed in a manner that might suggest gang relations, or a lifestyle I do not like or care to be around. I have helped people of color all my life and have had some good friendships from this. I even do social work educating parents about what to look for in their children as far a gang activities. No I'm not a cop just someone who knows what gangs can do to young *******. Look up in history about the two opposing factions that was in play during the civil war and how they wanted to deal with the slave issue. It is interesting on the ideas that were put forth at that time. Also look back after the Civil War and see which party controlled the south and what they brought to the plate. I think that if a woman want to fuck BBC it should be her decision to or not to, as far as it being pay back for transgressions against the black race is pure hooey in my book.
Again I do not disagree with you. There is a significant amount of black on black crime that goes underreported. Because racism is not extinct, the media loves to milk every drop out of it to have people watch their news, sell their newspapers if anyone still buys them and so forth. However, for which party wanted to maintain slavery, I will mention facts that seems to be forgotten these days (as proof look at: and also Hillary's America):
1) In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
2) The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress. Therefore, it is ironic for blacks support the Democratic Party with their votes.
3) Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
4) In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.
5) In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.
6) In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.
7) In Hillary's America it mentions how Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate blacks through abortion and how it had backing of the Democrats.
I think all of the aforementioned points speaks for themselves to anyone who wish to examine them.