Racist white men drawn to the lifestyle?

Interesting perspective. I know for some bulls, they dont like the aspect of fucking with a racist white couple (or dealing with a racist white man) but for me, it is simply a turn on. The psychology behind being able to take a racist white mans wife (who from an outward appearance claims his dominance) and then take her causing her and him to submit to my black cock is pleasing. In a sense, it's simply a slap in the face to the racist mindset (which I love) bcuz its flipping the role of dominance on its head....
Everytime I see an Alt-right rally or white nationalist protest on tv all I think is "I bet majority of them are obsessed with black cock and either desire it for themselves or their wives". Put me in a room just 1 on 1 with a racist white man and I'm pretty sure in about 30 mins to an hour, I'd have them sucking my cock...thats real submission vs. fake dominance
I'm not racist but when I was young I grew up around rednecks and my family was racist behind closed doors in public they bit their tongues but you could see it on their faces. And you knew you'd hear about it when you got home. Now my racist white friends would watch IR porn and make lewd comments about the hung N---rs , degrade them and call them names but all ways watched the blacks fuck hot blondes . I often scratched my head on that one. The porn was off the wall HOT. Even tho I lived in a white world I wasn't totally naive. Some time later I was down town late at night looking to score some smoke . Black dude pulled up in a pimped out car , gold tooth ,,tons of cologne,, the works ,, he was the stereotypical black my friends always talked about. he made small talk , I told him what I was looking for He popped the car door and I got in.( Damn I just realized I need to make this short ) we got trashed on his dime , he provided everything, when we were good and toasted his rant turned a little racist, as he went on it got a little worse. I started to get a little scared but I noticed he had a raging hard on . It was a once in a life time type thing.
Truth be told one for the best experience I had was with a WV redneck couple. It don’t get any more slutty/redneck than WV :bounce:

She suck my dick so hard while asking for n cock it was unreal.. granted she did ask if she could use that word and I said hell yes as long as I was pounding that white pussy and hubby was cleaning up it was fine by me ;)

I punished that white pussy proper though.. strange but it was a huge turn on

that is so hot
In my humble opinion I think a good percentage of the white people on this site is or was racist particularly the men. I know this because I was racist and still harbor some racist tendencies. I am a whiteboy addicted interracial sex, cuckoldry, and pregnancy. It may have something to do with black men gaining an increasing amount of power and influence in society and resulting in an increasing number of white women preferring to be with them over us white boys. It was such an exciting sensation when I finally surrendered and was able to acknowledge the superiority of the black man.
I'm not racist but when I was young I grew up around rednecks and my family was racist behind closed doors in public they bit their tongues but you could see it on their faces. And you knew you'd hear about it when you got home. Now my racist white friends would watch IR porn and make lewd comments about the hung N---rs , degrade them and call them names but all ways watched the blacks fuck hot blondes . I often scratched my head on that one. The porn was off the wall HOT. Even tho I lived in a white world I wasn't totally naive. Some time later I was down town late at night looking to score some smoke . Black dude pulled up in a pimped out car , gold tooth ,,tons of cologne,, the works ,, he was the stereotypical black my friends always talked about. he made small talk , I told him what I was looking for He popped the car door and I got in.( Damn I just realized I need to make this short ) we got trashed on his dime , he provided everything, when we were good and toasted his rant turned a little racist, as he went on it got a little worse. I started to get a little scared but I noticed he had a raging hard on . It was a once in a life time type thing.
Damn! Quite the story lol
In my humble opinion I think a good percentage of the white people on this site is or was racist particularly the men. I know this because I was racist and still harbor some racist tendencies. I am a whiteboy addicted interracial sex, cuckoldry, and pregnancy. It may have something to do with black men gaining an increasing amount of power and influence in society and resulting in an increasing number of white women preferring to be with them over us white boys. It was such an exciting sensation when I finally surrendered and was able to acknowledge the superiority of the black man.
I feel like alot of white men are seeing this happen as well...a shift in roles of dominance. And one of the easiest ways to see it played out is when white men see a black mans cock. In particular when its fucking a white women
I feel like alot of white men are seeing this happen as well...a shift in roles of dominance. And one of the easiest ways to see it played out is when white men see a black mans cock. In particular when its fucking a white women
Yeah, I also think that the treatment that black people suffered was born out of fear by us whites. If black men weren't kept down; they would take over as we're seeing play out today. As you said Sir, the most noticeable outward sign of this is the growing trend of white women preferring black men over us white boys. I think one reason for the obsession of racist white boys to this is we see the conquering taking place and conflicting with our attitudes we have held all our lives and can't do anything about. So, in my humble opinion this conflict gives us intense sexual arousal. I am speaking from experience, Sir. There was a time when I couldn't accept societal shift and admit that black men are superior. I suppose this wouldn't be so intensely exciting and arousing if some of us white boys were not racist or still harbored residual racists attitudes. But, the black man by is defeating us.
Yeah, I also think that the treatment that black people suffered was born out of fear by us whites. If black men weren't kept down; they would take over as we're seeing play out today. As you said Sir, the most noticeable outward sign of this is the growing trend of white women preferring black men over us white boys. I think one reason for the obsession of racist white boys to this is we see the conquering taking place and conflicting with our attitudes we have held all our lives and can't do anything about. So, in my humble opinion this conflict gives us intense sexual arousal. I am speaking from experience, Sir. There was a time when I couldn't accept societal shift and admit that black men are superior. I suppose this wouldn't be so intensely exciting and arousing if some of us white boys were not racist or still harbored residual racists attitudes. But, the black man by is defeating us.
Interesting. I actually had a white man tell me that they believe all white men have some racist like tendency that society has ****** upon them and if it wasnt the case, then the aspect of cuckolding by black men wouldnt be arousing. He said that he knows it isnt a popular sentiment, but in some regard I agree
I realize this thread will soon be buried, but I recently was chatting with a man who was admittedly racist, yet deeply drawn to interracial cuckolding. Im wondering if there are others like him lurking here who long to discuss their urges, but have no outlet for it? Also curious if black men here have played with racist couples?
never and i would never have sex with a racist woman and any white man start some racist bullshit with me, i would beat his ass and afterwards he would have a reason to hate black men.
never and i would never have sex with a racist woman and any white man start some racist bullshit with me, i would beat his ass and afterwards he would have a reason to hate black men.
Sir, it isn't hate; it is fear of, intimidation by, envy of, and jealousy of the black man's greater strength, manliness, and greater sexual prowess and stamina that drives whiteboy's racism. We have always feared what you superior men are doing to us today.
How do you explain Mulatto slaves? This is nothing new. Know your U.S. history.
You have hit on a great topic.

Two things back in the day of American colonies yes before there was a USA Britain was shipping the poor to either Jamaica (men) or the southern colonies (women) they were indentured staff for a period of twenty years. The cost was 5 stirrings. At the same time slaves were being brought in form Africa (male) their cost was 50 stirring.

For a period of time until the slave traders got up set plantation owners would breed there own slaves and sell off the excess. It was economics.

On another note the First Legal Slave owner was a free black man who had black slaves white slaves and malato slaves. His ownership rights were up held in court. He was a cotton Jenny repair man and manufacturer.

At that time most slaves went to either Arabia or South American the ones that went to Arabia were castrate and the ones going to South America were luck to last five years due to desease.

Sorry not all history is politically correct. Some of this you can google. Some you can read about in the national geographic.
Sir, it isn't hate; it is fear of, intimidation by, envy of, and jealousy of the black man's greater strength, manliness, and greater sexual prowess and stamina that drives whiteboy's racism. We have always feared what you superior men are doing to us today.
like i said try it and i will give him a reason to hate.
Ever time there is a shift in the economic ladder people get pissed. It happened as the Irish moved up the SoCal ladder. As the Italians moved up the social ladder. Think of all the names various groups have been called or are being called. Right now members of the black communities are reaping the rewards of more and better education. This means better jobs breaking out of the old images of poor old dum Tom. We need to celebrate more great accomplishments by blacks. For me it was going to a hockey game years ago and asking who Joe Louis was. The moral strength of Cassis Clay. These men were giants of there day. As great as Joe Dimasio.
My observation so far is that the men who are into this fetish are at either extreme of the racist/anti-racist spectrum. So in either case there is some kind of racial issue going on. As a psychology graduate, I find the psychological workings behind this particular fetishism to be quite fascinating.
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My observation so far is that the men who are into this fetish are at either extreme of the racist/anti-racist spectrum. So in either case there is some kind of racial issue going on. As a psychology graduate, I find the psychological workings behind this particular fetishism to be quite fascinating.

Tend to agree. I know some who would be considered leftist or liberals talk about this as "reparations" for previous white misdeeds. I'm not sure if they are really non-racist, or if it's a front.

I do think, for the white men, if this wasn't at least a little taboo, it wouldn't be as interesting. It could be taboo because society thinks it's wrong, or they personally think it's wrong for black men to be with white women.

For me, what gets me off is seeing the extreme pleasure so many white women get from it.
I'm a white cuck wannabe male. Outside of my sexual taste and kinks I'm deeply committed to the equality of races, nationalities and genders etc. Growing up my heroes were Dr. M. l. King and Gandhi and I feel as a adult (now 50) that they've never let me down and were the best humanity has ever had to offer.

My interracial cuckold fetish is not due to any latent racism but rather a sexual fetish that has grown through the years. If I thought it was detrimental to any race- people or cause I'd make sure it ended now!
I used to have a friend when I was in the Army about 10 years ago. He was from a small town in West Virginia. I can’t say for sure that he was racist but I could tell he hadn’t been around many blacks in his life. He was as county as a bucket of corn; rebel flag hats and all. We eventually decided to get an apartment as roommates. I’d bring home sluts and so would he. Once he brought home a white German slut from the dive bar just down the street. They were very ******* and he ended encouraging her to let me have some pussy too as a good roommate; he offered her to me first. I fucked her and I could see him watching intencely. He got the sloppy, gapping cum filled seconds which made him cum very quickly. The next time he brought her back with another German girlfriend of hers, I fucked the both of them in a 3sum. The next time they came I had already invited my supervisor, another black man. My supervisor and I both tagged teamed each one as my friend jerked off watching. This happened with at least two more of his dates. He’d bring them home and I’d end up fucking them.
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OMG... that is so hot..
For real..wow..
I am from Denmark..near Germarny
Kik... tinjesper
I'm a white cuck wannabe male. Outside of my sexual taste and kinks I'm deeply committed to the equality of races, nationalities and genders etc. Growing up my heroes were Dr. M. l. King and Gandhi and I feel as a adult (now 50) that they've never let me down and were the best humanity has ever had to offer.

My interracial cuckold fetish is not due to any latent racism but rather a sexual fetish that has grown through the years. If I thought it was detrimental to any race- people or cause I'd make sure it ended now!