Politics, Politics, Politics

leaving out just a tad bit there....like any republican report
did n't find him innocent either...…..just didn't mention that part
like any republican...selective reading and understanding of the facts

leaving out just a tad bit there....like any republican report
did n't find him innocent either...…..just didn't mention that part
like any republican...selective reading and understanding of the facts

Prosecutors don’t find people innocent - what is so freakin hard to understand about that!!!!
They indict or prosecute if they can find the evidence to - that’s it - that’s what they do - they do NOT exonerate !!!!!
Prosecutors don’t find people innocent - what is so freakin hard to understand about that!!!!
They indict or prosecute if they can find the evidence to - that’s it - that’s what they do - they do NOT exonerate !!!!!
hold on there...tweedle dumb...I never said anything about prosecuters finding people innocent...they prosecute and whatever the judge/jury finds is what it is...…...
according to what we know about it......Mueller did not find enough to prosecute....that DOES NOT MEAN he didn't find evidence of ******* he did pull!

for one we know Jr. and cuckner met with the Russians with intent to help the campaign...but no proof the chump knew about it!
ain't going to happen...the guy is guilty as *******!

you surely remember Steve bannon….he said no one around trump does ANYTHING without trump knowing about it
and yet Jr and cuckner had a meeting with the Russians at trump tower...Manafort took a bunch of voter survey papers and gave to them...on and on....Mueller has evidence just not enough to make things stick

OMG - and they call us stupid :|
hold on there...tweedle dumb...I never said anything about prosecuters finding people innocent...they prosecute and whatever the judge/jury finds is what it is...…...
according to what we know about it......Mueller did not find enough to prosecute....that DOES NOT MEAN he didn't find evidence of ******* he did pull!

for one we know Jr. and cuckner met with the Russians with intent to help the campaign...but no proof the chump knew about it!

the key word there being proof...not that there wasn't some shady ******* being pulled by members of the campaign
You have been fooled by fucking CNN, according to fucking CNN . Hillary should have been our President but she is not. You can cry you you want. All democrats presidential candidates are useless and traitors who want to destroy the United States. Trump will win big in 2020 period.
You have been fooled by fucking CNN, according to fucking CNN . Hillary should have been our President but she is not. You can cry you you want. All democrats presidential candidates are useless and traitors who want to destroy the United States. Trump will win big in 2020 period.

CNN can not over ride Russian meddling!
CNN can not over ride Russian meddling!
My friend I came from Indian 7 years ago and own three businesses and two homes . You probably was born here how many businesses you own ! Plus get ready I 2020 you will cry for long time . Trump will win landslide. You cry like babies who cares, you have been fooled by fucking Fake News . If there was no fucking collusion to being with them how can you obstruct and what ?
Yup ya jus kenna obstruct justice for NO crime - NO conspiracy - NO collusion - only Trump Derangement Syndrome and COLLUSION DELUSION !!! You lefties are DENSE :|
It will be refreshing should @MacNfries and @subhub174014 admit anytime in the future that Trump is innocent as you both obviously would scrutinize Trump a lot more once any or all of Mueller's findings are publicly released. Therefore I won't absolutely believe Trump is innocent until they declare it after putting Trump through an exhaustive array of anal exams, but until then I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt that he is innocent. However if Trump is found guilty where he ends up like Nixon I will be eating crow with others that are pro-Trump.

ain't going to happen...the guy is guilty as *******!

you surely remember Steve bannon….he said no one around trump does ANYTHING without trump knowing about it
and yet Jr and cuckner had a meeting with the Russians at trump tower...Manafort took a bunch of voter survey papers and gave to them...on and on....Mueller has evidence just not enough to make things stick

Of course no insult made to you @subhub174014 or @MacNfries but the truest and most rigorous test of Trump's innocence, if any can be found, is not through Mueller but instead it would be through guys like yourselves. Once all the evidence comes out and should Trump reveal anything needed to prove his innocence as well as personally sit in front of any committees and opened up to the public so all can examine the evidence where his toughest critics like you @subhub174014 and @MacNfries admit Trump is innocent then he would be innocent period. Peace.
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Prosecutors don’t find people innocent - what is so freakin hard to understand about that!!!!
They indict or prosecute if they can find the evidence to - that’s it - that’s what they do - they do NOT exonerate !!!!!

And who said anything about Mueller trying to find Trump "innocent or guilty" ... he simply reviewed the evidence and found no collusion. Does that absolve Trump of all charges? Fuck no you clown. Maybe you refuse to comprehend ALL the charges Trump is expected of violating.


exonerates (third person present) · exonerated (past tense) · exonerated (past participle) · exonerating (present participle)
  1. (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.
Trump is up to his eyeballs in lawsuits and more investigations ... just to name a few:
#1 NY State lawsuits - both judges have agreed they can proceed with the cases (includes his whole adult family)​
#2 Obstruction of Justice including tax evasion, fraud, campaign fund violations - Trump implicated as Individual #1
#3 The appointment of Matt Whitaker as Temp AG - a violation of Constitution's Appointment Clause​
#4 Pen America - 1st Amendment violations of Bezo (Washington Post) CNN, Amazon​
#5 Emolument charges - using the office of the Presidency to create wealth​
#6 Mismanagement of the Trump Foundation funds​
#7 Racketeering - "get rich quick" scheme against investors & not revealing payments Trump received to the investors​
#8 CNN Constitutional 1st Amendment violation against Jim Costa's Press credentials​
#9 Illegal use of campaign funds to pay off female accusers​

Should I just keep on going, Trumptards? Like having sex with a girl age 16 at the time ... etc ... those are only NOW surfacing along with his many ****** he was provided.
As I said, Trump may have won a battle last week with AG Barr violating/exceeding his OWN responsibilities, but Trump has far far to go before his WAR against the public is won.

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Trump is up to his eyeballs in lawsuits and more investigations ... just to name a few:
#1 NY State lawsuits - both judges have agreed they can proceed with the cases (includes his whole adult family)​
#2 Obstruction of Justice including tax evasion, fraud, campaign fund violations - Trump implicated as Individual #1
#3 The appointment of Matt Whitaker as Temp AG - a violation of Constitution's Appointment Clause​
#4 Pen America - 1st Amendment violations of Bezo (Washington Post) CNN, Amazon​
#5 Emolument charges - using the office of the Presidency to create wealth​
#6 Mismanagement of the Trump Foundation funds​
#7 Racketeering - "get rich quick" scheme against investors & not revealing payments to the investors​
#8 CNN Constitutional 1st Amendment violation against Jim Costa's Press credentials​
#9 Illegal use of campaign funds to pay off female accusers​

Should I just keep on going, Trumptards? Like having sex with a girl age 16 at the time ... etc ... those are only NOW surfacing along with his many ****** he was provided.
As I said, Trump may have won a battle last week with AG Barr violating/exceeding his OWN responsibilities, but Trump has far far to go before his WAR against the public is won.

Like I stated @MacNfries, you and @subhub174014 put Trump through the wringer and any battery of tests you can imagine. I don't expect you would ever say Trump was innocent, but just like with Mueller's initial findings you might conclude that Trump is not guilty. On this very thread anyone can go back in time before Mueller's initial findings, with all due respect, and your posts as well that of @subhub174014's and @DaphneD's and @bigblackbull76's and others had inevitable imagery where one could envision Trump removed from the oval office as POTUS in handcuffs and leg irons in total shame. That has yet to happen where it is absolutely proven in a court of law. So once all that information is out there and once all the trials and committees are heard and after you investigate all of the thousands of pages of redacted reports and all of the thousands of hours of wiretaps and any other thing that I might have forgot to mention, maybe the only thing you could rightfully throw the book on Trump is maybe littering if you recall this event? What penalty is it for littering on Air ******* One? Peace.

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Trump is up to his eyeballs in lawsuits and more investigations ... just to name a few:
#1 NY State lawsuits - both judges have agreed they can proceed with the cases (includes his whole adult family)​
#2 Obstruction of Justice including tax evasion, fraud, campaign fund violations - Trump implicated as Individual #1
#3 The appointment of Matt Whitaker as Temp AG - a violation of Constitution's Appointment Clause​
#4 Pen America - 1st Amendment violations of Bezo (Washington Post) CNN, Amazon​
#5 Emolument charges - using the office of the Presidency to create wealth​
#6 Mismanagement of the Trump Foundation funds​
#7 Racketeering - "get rich quick" scheme against investors & not revealing payments Trump received to the investors​
#8 CNN Constitutional 1st Amendment violation against Jim Costa's Press credentials​
#9 Illegal use of campaign funds to pay off female accusers​

Should I just keep on going, Trumptards? Like having sex with a girl age 16 at the time ... etc ... those are only NOW surfacing along with his many ****** he was provided.
As I said, Trump may have won a battle last week with AG Barr violating/exceeding his OWN responsibilities, but Trump has far far to go before his WAR against the public is won.

You people are just too pathetic - I betcha just about everybody else in this country is just as sick as me of listening to ya whine.