Politics, Politics, Politics



(couldn't resist) :)
Hey, fuck nuts, just last week Trump was calling on another investigation of Hillary's friken e-mails, so shut the fuck up, buster!
Furthermore, if the count is right, I think about a dozen or so of Trump's proud group of thieves he put in that "drained swamp" of his are either in prison or headed to prison. Of course, Trump will step up now and pardon them.
But, asswipe, WE are just getting started with Trump. You might as well settle in for a long 2019.

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I think what we will see from Trump now...is his petty childish and vindictiveness in going after those that started this investigation...he will keep it going....and hopefully it will backfire....Hillary's e-mails......hell look at how long they were on Benghazi.....whitewater......
GOOD - keep after Trump lefties - he’ll get
re-elected for SURE - you people are dumb as stumps - and you call us Trumptards - 2 years and you’re gonna keep going - even Pelosi came out tonight and said enough is enough!!!

2 years....that ain't ******* by republican standards...they had 12 different investigations into Hillary...some even led by republicans...all came back with the same thing...NOTHING!...so what was their answer...let's do it again...for how many years did that go on?
2 years....that ain't ******* by republican standards...they had 12 different investigations into Hillary...some even led by republicans...all came back with the same thing...NOTHING!...so what was their answer...let's do it again...for how many years did that go on?

Hope they do it again - and - get it right this time - now that the FBI and DOJ are being
de-weaponized from the Obama Administration’s weaponization.
Trumptards are shouting no collusion. When the Meuller report doesn't say anythingof the sort.
Of course for those of us here in the wonderful world of REALITY, the report says exactly that:

The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

One can read the actual text here:


Or one can stick their head further into their colon and keep crying Russia Russia, Russia.
Died laughing at the "Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-Russia-......" part .
I concur it was a brilliant video. I also enjoyed the section where it was shown all the several months that it was said how the walls are closing in on Trump and how he was going to resign and it did not ever happen. Let any who desire to investigate Trump do so, but as he continually is shown to be not guilty perhaps more people will see the light. And all this will become as ridiculous as the McCarthy trials where everyone was accused to be a Communist. Funny how history seems to repeat itself?
Being a general thread on politics I just want to share with the friends down south in America how unpopular Justin Trudeau has become. There just might be a new leader after our federal election in October:

Except, P U T I N, who said no collusion with the Trump campaign, is now more accurate than most media, and most Democrats. Who cannot seem to accept reality.

If you had an actual policy position, you might be able to have a conversation. Pro tip: I hate Trump is not a policy position.
Except, P U T I N, who said no collusion with the Trump campaign, is now more accurate than most media, and most Democrats. Who cannot seem to accept reality.
I can't really understand how you come up no collusion; Mueller simply said not enough evidence to indict, but certainly not enough to exonerate. Even Trump's "hand picked GA" has withdrawn his exoneration. Funny, however, he refuses to let Congress see the entirety of that investigation, only 4 pages of how many ... ???? 400+ pages? Actually the GA has no authority to pass opinion on the investigation. He's suppose to hand it over to Congress.
Why won't the GA hand the entire investigation report over to Congress?
Why would a GA, who contacted Trump before being chosen, saying "he didn't think a President could be indicted while President", even be allowed to pass any judgment or opinion on that investigation?
Why, after both Senate AND the President said to release the entirety of that investigation does Barr still refuse to do that?
Could it possibly be for the same reasons that Trump never took questions from Mueller under oath? And the same reason that Trump refuses to release his tax returns? Could it be because ALL OF THIS would incriminate the President?
If you feel so SURE that the President is so innocent, why would you NOT want that report from Mueller released to the people of the United States? We PAID FOR IT ... all of us. Wouldn't you want that TRUTH to come out so the president COULD be exonerated by the PUBLIC? What exactly are you afraid of? Me thinks you are simply afraid of the TRUTH!
That's not what the direct quote from Mueller said.
Ok, wiseguy, just quote Mueller, whatever .... but, here are the reports coming from many legal experts, including GA Barr regarding Trump's exoneration. Deny it if you wish, but Trump's woes are far, far from being OVER.
Unlike most of you TrumpLovers, I'll wait until the FULL Mueller report is provided to Congress to digest ... the entire CONGRESS ... Senate & House.
Has ANY qualified link been provided that says specifically that Trump HAS been exonerated? words_ThankYou.jpg
I can't really understand how you come up no collusion; Mueller simply said not enough evidence to indict, but certainly not enough to exonerate.
I can't really understand how you can keep misconstruing what Mueller said. Mueller absolutely has said unequivocally there was no collusion or coordination despite Russian operatives soliciting them multiple times:

Instead of MacNLies opinion, here's the direct quote from Mueller:

The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

As I told Daphne....One can read the actual text here:


Or one can stick their head further into their colon and keep crying Russia Russia, Russia.

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Ok, wiseguy, just quote Mueller, whatever .... but, here are the reports coming from many legal experts, including GA Barr regarding Trump's exoneration. Deny it if you wish, but Trump's woes are far, far from being OVER.
Unlike most of you TrumpLovers, I'll wait until the FULL Mueller report is provided to Congress to digest ... the entire CONGRESS ... Senate & House.
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Has ANY qualified link been provided that says specifically that Trump HAS been exonerated? View attachment 2518148
Not yet but if there ever will be it would be nice seeing an end to all these investigations on Trump, provided it passes the scrutiny of all your examinations @MacNfries. So instead of Mueller saying Trump is innocent, the true test is to see @MacNfries declare Trump is innocent! There is no test more rigorous than that!!!
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I can't really understand how you can keep misconstruing what Mueller said. Mueller absolutely has said unequivocally there was no collusion or coordination despite Russian operatives soliciting them multiple times
"unequivocally" would exonerate him, would it not? And both Mueler & Barr have both said based upon the evidence "not enough to exonerate him". Best thing to do is release the 400+ page investigation for EVERYONE to see what it says. GA Barr (hired by Trump) is committing obstruction by not releasing the entirety of the report, un-edited to Congress.
Hell, if we rely on Trump's personal lawyers, judges, and bought-and-paid for congress to fairly judge him, we'll get palm trees on the North Pole first. The most partial/biased investigation was done by the Republicans for frik'n 2 years. Now Trump is trying to get the judge in New Jersey replaced for his state investigation. Its NOT OVER ... by far. The ones with their heads up their asses are you Trumptards.
If Trump is innocent fo all charges, why would Barr NOT want to release the investigative report? Why would you NOT want it?

PS ... do something DIFFERENT for a change ... go START your own THREAD!