Politics, Politics, Politics

Trump Ramps Up Obamacare Sabotage With Huge Cuts To Enrollment Programs
HuffPost Jeffrey Young,HuffPost

President Donald Trump’s administration has taken more steps to undermine the Obamacare marketplaces it’s responsible for managing.
It isn't a bad thing. The system was set up with no incentive and no control over how much health care providers charge. The national debt needs to be brought under control and it should have happened 10 years ago or more. Reducing subsidies give health care providers and insurance companies some incentive to start some cost controls
It's a nice argument Mac but during the Obama administration the nation debt nearly doubled and I didn't see the country get much better.
....That's because you saw WHAT you wanted to see, Torp. Jobs disappearing at 700,000-800,000 a month ... turned into 78 consecutive months of job growth ... unprecedented. The auto industry ( 2 companies & thousands of parts supplies and their jobs) saved, financial & housing industries turned around, etc etc ... give me a break, will you? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the jobs were many part-time but the growth had to start somewhere + what has come out of it is the realization that we have left the industrial age and entered the tech age and there is a major shortage of employees. Plus, Obama was blocked on everything as he tried to start the economy back up ... had he not been obstructed for 8 straight years, the economy would have recovered much sooner ... Republicans were even willing to let the economy crash to get their way ... forsing the extension of unbudgeted Bush tax cuts was a dumb mistake as well.
....Besides, Obama had a reason(s) for doing what he had to do to save the economy from collapse ... argue if you must that the economy wasn't collapsing, but it was and many economists agree, and Obama saved a lot of people from losing even more jobs and losing their homes & savings. Obama budgeted for his ACA and other implementations, Trump and Bush haven't budgeted for anything ... heck, with Trump we don't even have any details of what he's doing because he has NO PLAN for anything ... his total replacement of the ACA is a perfect example. His upcoming tax plan another with NO specifics.
....The UrinatorNChief is peeing down our backs once more and the conservatives are buying it, yet again, because he's promising them a big Tax Cut .... which is a major lie. The middle & poor class are going to help pay, YET AGAIN, for another tax cut for the wealthy, and again promise that cutting taxes for the corporations and wealthiest Americans is gong to create lots of jobs AGAIN .... which you know it won't. Stock holders and corp boards will pocket the profits yet again.

"Fool me once, shame on him, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a third time, shoot me and put my dumb ass out of my miseries".
Hey Mac this thread started with you and me over 3 years ago and it doesn't look like it is ending anytime soon. Does anyone have any numbers on how long a thread usually remains active?
....That's because you saw WHAT you wanted to see, Torp. Jobs disappearing at 700,000-800,000 a month ... turned into 78 consecutive months of job growth ... unprecedented. The auto industry ( 2 companies & thousands of parts supplies and their jobs) saved, financial & housing industries turned around, etc etc ... give me a break, will you? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the jobs were many part-time but the growth had to start somewhere + what has come out of it is the realization that we have left the industrial age and entered the tech age and there is a major shortage of employees. Plus, Obama was blocked on everything as he tried to start the economy back up ... had he not been obstructed for 8 straight years, the economy would have recovered much sooner ... Republicans were even willing to let the economy crash to get their way ... forsing the extension of unbudgeted Bush tax cuts was a dumb mistake as well.
I remember Tom Perez's comment a while beck about the why the Democrats lost the election. He said they weren't there for the American people but they will be there to oppose Trump. I suppose the Democrats aren't being obstructionist now?
the nation debt nearly doubled and I didn't see the country get much better.

he did improve on the debt...and if you look at the numbers the country was doing a lot better... just that so many didn't see it in their pocket book!

It is primarily a vehicle for political finger pointing. And it was intended that way.

it did do exactly what it set out to do..... cover more people and at a cheaper rate!
just that congress thought it was unconstitutional sued over it... and because of the law suit ins companies started jumping ship and raising prices...unsure how the lawsuit would come out..afraid the Medicaid would end and they would be stuck

He and the Democrats knew it was not a viable long term solution but once he was out of office the finger pointing could start.
true but it was a start... and unlike every other major program this country has put in... this one got no changes or input except to try and vote it out!
everyone knows it had/has issues but can easily be fixed... but the right is unwilling.... and trump is just doing what P u t I n wants.. they both hate Obama... and is trying to ******* everything and anything he did

The insurance companies didn't care what anything costs.

they were happy until the right put that lawsuit in... then they started jumping ship and raising prices!

PPA does a very good job of protecting a hospitals potentially "creative billing" practices. If rates have too great an increase the insurance companies can and do ask for increased subsidies.

care to take a look at the amount of hospitals that have folded recently?

The Democrats have or are planning to introduce a bill to roll back medicare enrollment to age 55. It is a move in the right direction. It remains to be seem what happens with it.,

there is a group of bipartisan people in congress that put forth some legislation...but it is being sat on!
it did do exactly what it set out to do..... cover more people and at a cheaper rate!
just that congress thought it was unconstitutional sued over it... and because of the law suit ins companies started jumping ship and raising prices...unsure how the lawsuit would come out..afraid the Medicaid would end and they would be stuck
It did cover more people but it wasn't any cheaper when you count the subsidies. I don't think anyone really thought Medicaid would end. Medicaid is generally lower quality healthcare
I don't think anyone really thought Medicaid would end. Medicaid is generally lower quality healthcare

that's what they were suing over... said it was illegal... but lower courts ruled no diff than social security
but all Medicaid does is help those that can't afford it to get it... and yes the bad part is it comes from employers... but with all the tax breaks they get anymore.... naturally I don't see anything wrong with that... if it gives ins to those that wouldn't have it otherwise
care to take a look at the amount of hospitals that have folded recently?
I think around a third of the hospitals are expected to fold in the nest few years. The fault lies with the collusion between the health care industry and the health care insurance providers. The more that was charged for services the more money the insurance companies made through higher rates. Since the 1970's when health care insurance became common, health care costs have risen 2 or 3 times the rate of inflation nearly every year. Now the well is running dry
he did improve on the debt...and if you look at the numbers the country was doing a lot better... just that so many didn't see it in their pocket book!
How did he improve the debt? It was around 10 Trillion when he came into office, it was close to 20 Trillion when he left.
Obstacles await as Congress resumes health care fight
Associated Press ALAN FRAM,Associated

Republican hopes for repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama's health care law are still twitching in Congress, though barely.

Leaders lack the votes to pass something and face a fresh obstacle — the Senate parliamentarian ruled Friday that Republicans only have the ability to dismantle the law with 51 votes until the end of the month.

It's among several health issues lawmakers face when they return from summer recess, even as fights over the budget and helping Texas recover from Hurricane Harvey grab center stage.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to push three plans through his chamber erasing the 2010 law called Obamacare. Republican defections denied him the 50 votes needed, with Vice President Mike Pence ready to seal victory with a tie-breaking vote.

The excruciating last roll call failed 51-49. Three Republicans voted "no," one more than McConnell could afford to lose. President Donald Trump used August to insult McConnell for that flop, even suggesting he might need to relinquish his leadership post, inflaming tensions between the White House and congressional Republicans and lacerating party unity.



Republicans have used a procedure that's prevented Democrats from killing the health bill by filibuster. It takes 60 votes to defeat a filibuster. Without that special step, Republicans controlling the Senate 52-48 would need support from eight Democrats to repeal Obamacare, impossible given unanimous Democratic opposition.

The safeguard against filibusters was included in a budget for the government's 2017 fiscal year that Republicans pushed through Congress in January.

That protection expires at the end of September, the Senate's nonpartisan parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, has ruled. That's when the fiscal year ends.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the ranking member of the Budget Committee, said in light of the ruling, "we need to work together to expand, not cut, health care for millions of Americans who desperately need it."

That leaves Republicans with only September to nurture their slim repeal hopes unless the GOP-run chamber votes to overrule her


This repeal push comes from GOP Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Louisiana's Bill Cassidy and Nevada's Dean Heller.

They've proposed funneling Obamacare's federal dollars directly to states and erasing its requirements that people buy coverage and companies offer it to employees. They'd cut and reshape Medicaid, halt Obama subsidies that reduce consumers' out-of-pocket costs and repeal the tax on some medical devices.

GOP aides say the proposal is evolving.

There's no sign sponsors have enough Republicans to prevail and McConnell hasn't been publicly encouraging. Further reducing its chances, lawmakers need September to prevent a damaging federal default and a government shutdown, help Texas recover from Harvey and craft a GOP tax overhaul.

"If people can show me 50 votes for anything that would make progress on that, I'll turn back to it," McConnell said in early August of repealing Obamacare.


The brightest hope comes from Senate health committee chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Washington state Sen. Patty Murray, that panel's top Democrat. They're seeking a deal on continuing federal payments to insurance companies who reduce costs for lower-earning customers.

Even this will be uphill.

Obama's law requires the cost reductions and government subsidies to insurers, but a court has ruled Congress hasn't legally authorized the payments. Obama and Trump have continued them, but Trump keeps threatening to stop, calling them an insurance company bailout. Many conservatives agree.

Yet those payments are a priority for Democrats and many Republicans. They and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office say halting the subsidies will ******* insurers to boost premiums for millions.

In exchange, Republicans want to revise parts of Obama's law. They've suggested making it easier for insurers to avoid some Obama coverage requirements or steps like curbing lawsuits against health care providers.

Alexander wants to extend the insurers' subsidies for one year while Democrats want two years or more. Another hurdle: Democrats have little interest in relaxing Obama's law.

"Nobody is going to put their fingerprints on sustaining Obamacare without some sort of reform element," Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., said of Republicans.



Funding for the popular Children's Health Insurance Program expires Sept. 30. It provided health care to more than 8 million low-income children in 2015.

Democrats and most Republicans want to extend the program and success seems likely. First they must compromise on details like how many years to finance it and at what levels.

Washington pays for most of the federal-state program, and in recent years the federal share was bumped up by 23 percent for each state. Many Republicans want to phase out that boost, but Democrats are resisting.

Some Republicans say Congress needn't act by Sept. 30 because states have enough money to continue coverage. Democrats and program advocates say without fresh funds by September's end, some states would be ****** to make cuts to wind down services
I suppose the Democrats aren't being obstructionist now?
....I'm back .... teens .... can't sell 'em ... can't ******* 'em! Its the price one pays to have children. They're like kittens, they grow up to be CATS!
....Anyways, absolutely agree the Dems are being obstructionists, but for reasons ... its primarily because Republicans refuse to sit at the table to negotiate "anything" with Democrats; they even say that. Take ACA, Repubs wanted to ******* it with a substandard health plan that would cover less and cost more ... Dems obstructed it, but WAIT! .... so did some Republicans. In fact, Republicans (ours in NC included) refused to meet with their constituents and hold town halls because of their mess. Democrats don't threaten to "close down the government" to get their way ... Republicans rely on it. And if you're implying about the Trump & Russian "thing" as being obstructionist, you'd be dead wrong. If Trump was innocent he'd be opening up his tax returns (as he promised) and co-oping with the FBI. The man's going to be leaving office someday in the near future, either on his own (with a deal) or impeached and going to jail. He has the Republicans by the throat and they know it.
If the Republican health plans don't offer a majority of the Ten Essential Services of health care ... they won't get passed.
I think around a third of the hospitals are expected to fold in the nest few years. The fault lies with the collusion between the health care industry and the health care insurance providers
Health care costs are going up because so many people use the emergency room as their provider for minor illnesses like the flu, etc ... and then don't pay their bills. Also ******* are a major reason for the cost of health care going up.
My wife works in the accounting dept of the largest hospital in NC and they write-off over $200,000+ of charges every month as uncollectable. Early this year she said they wrote off over $150,000 in one week.
..I'm back .... teens .... can't sell 'em ... can't ******* 'em! Its the price one pays to have children. They're like kittens, they grow up to be CATS!
You bond with your children when they are small, that's so you don't ******* them when the are teenagers. When my younger ******* was 15 you could have put F.Lee Bailey and Johnny Cochran side by and they wouldn't have stood a chance in an argument. She rarely lied but oh how she could tell the truth. But cheer up when they get around 18 they revert from their demon state to normal human being and go on with their lives and make you proud. Girls are worse than boys. Girls are experts at being sneaky, boys generally can't keep their mouths shut so if you pay attention you can keep up. But young girls. Of course both girls say they weren't nearly as trying as I claim. But they both have daughters and I am waiting. My older ******* has a 12year old so I won't be waiting long. And I intend to sit back and just smile
Anyways, absolutely agree the Dems are being obstructionists, but for reasons ... its primarily because Republicans refuse to sit at the table to negotiate "anything" with Democrats; they even say that. Take ACA, Repubs wanted to ******* it with a substandard health plan that would cover less and cost more ... Dems obstructed it, but WAIT! .... so did some Republicans. In fact, Republicans (ours in NC included) refused to meet with their constituents and hold town halls because of their mess. Democrats don't threaten to "close down the government" to get their way ... Republicans rely on it. And if you're implying about the Trump & Russian "thing" as being obstructionist, you'd be dead wrong. If Trump was innocent he'd be opening up his tax returns (as he promised) and co-oping with the FBI. The man's going to be leaving office someday in the near future, either on his own (with a deal) or impeached and going to jail. He has the Republicans by the throat and they know it.
Both parties have had their run and need to go away. The biggest problem is that each party has its big dollar backers and their own agenda. What is good for the American people is secondary to party dogma. The best thing that could happen is 2018 is that the Republicans loose control of both houses and the Democrats don't gain control over either house. This would ******* congress to start working together. Most countries that are republics have several political parties. I think Norway has 6 parties so working together with divergent views is second nature. 2018 should be the year we vote for anyone that isn't Republican or Democrat.

As for Trump I like him because the Democrats and Republicans don't. All this stuff with Russia so far as been more smoke than substance. I think the main reason he doesn't put out the tax returns is that he doesn't want the public to see how poorly he has done in business. I did some digging a few years ago on Trump and I think he would have been better off financially if he has cashed out and put the money in CD's. The books I would really like to see is the Clinton's. I am getting a feel that a lot of people are getting tired of hearing the relentless Trump bashing. Trying to keep the electorate fired up for two years could prove counter productive.

I don't see Trump getting impeached anytime soon. I will credit Pence for his handling of a very difficult job. He has positioned himself so he can come in with minimal baggage
Health care costs are going up because so many people use the emergency room as their provider for minor illnesses like the flu, etc ... and then don't pay their bills. Also ******* are a major reason for the cost of health care going up.
My wife works in the accounting dept of the largest hospital in NC and they write-off over $200,000+ of charges every month as uncollectable. Early this year she said they wrote off over $150,000 in one week.
So like there should be a single payer system that includes everyone