Politics in 2022

you posted that a couple times now......and she is still leading trump in the polls....matter of fact she is getting trumps attention now and thinks she might be his biggest threat...…..

hang on....she could be the next pres!
I'll stop if she is but that won't happen keep believing your polls
I'll stop if she is but that won't happen keep believing your polls

regardless of the polls she seems to be gathering support.....I saw somewhere that she was even attending back yard BBQ's and etc at people's houses all over the place.....she is definitely one of the hardest working of them all
and she said "I have the answers".....seems to have those also....not all good...but she is on top of things and I think that might be impressing people....and yes even though the polls show her beating trump....don't think she can do it when push comes to pull....I will stick with "Joe' even though he has been fucking up here lately trying to compete with that others....he should have been the one with the I have the answers speech!
regardless of the polls she seems to be gathering support.....I saw somewhere that she was even attending back yard BBQ's and etc at people's houses all over the place.....she is definitely one of the hardest working of them all
and she said "I have the answers".....seems to have those also....not all good...but she is on top of things and I think that might be impressing people....and yes even though the polls show her beating trump....don't think she can do it when push comes to pull....I will stick with "Joe' even though he has been fucking up here lately trying to compete with that others....he should have been the one with the I have the answers speech!
so we have your pic
you posted that a couple times now......and she is still leading trump in the polls....matter of fact she is getting trumps attention now and thinks she might be his biggest threat...…..

hang on....she could be the next pres!

Only if the country is ready for communism and willing to be told what to eat and how to wipe your ass.
The only campaign he ever ran and he became President of the United States - your idea of what an idiot is - is skewed by irrational hatred and leftist propaganda.

Also remember the polls in 2016 - whose the real idiot here???

wrong again there camel breath....he ran twice before and was laughed at and couldn't take the humiliations so he dropped out...both times was less than a week....strange how he went from laughing stock to president...
makes you wonder how the fools took over the country.....well we know Russia helped...and now it is Russia doing all the laughing
Only if the country is ready for communism and willing to be told what to eat and how to wipe your ass.

you mean like the communism we have now?.....it would just be a different type?....well the country is always ready for change....they thought they were getting it with trump.....the only real change is trump went from broke to making millions off the country...and bring more corruption to the country than ever before
wrong again there camel breath....he ran twice before and was laughed at and couldn't take the humiliations so he dropped out...both times was less than a week....strange how he went from laughing stock to president...
makes you wonder how the fools took over the country.....well we know Russia helped...and now it is Russia doing all the laughing

He who knows no truth - decides who is correct and who is wrong - I think not
Let alone who has the breath of a camel.

The Russia thing is done - time to put a fork in it - move on to racism like the rest of your ilk or climate change - get with it o great Regurgitator of all things lefty propaganda.
you mean like the communism we have now?.....it would just be a different type?....well the country is always ready for change....they thought they were getting it with trump.....the only real change is trump went from broke to making millions off the country...and bring more corruption to the country than ever before

Was Donald Trump hated as much before he ran for President?

Throughout the 1980s in New York, Trump aroused a lot of contempt.
He seemed to be something new on the scene: a crass and self-aggrandizing creep who took no pains whatsoever to look like anything else, and would take every opportunity to amplify and broadcast the qualities that made more traditional New Yorkers hate him. SPY magazine, the publication that practically invented American snark, called him a "short-fingered vulgarian," and its readers largely agreed.

To understand why he offended us so deeply, you have to understand how things were before his type began to dominate the scene. The old set of rules dictated that if you were Andrew Carnegie who made his fortune exploiting steel workers and miners, you would take pains to craft a different reputation as Andrew Carnegie, library benefactor. And you never, never bragged about how wealthy and powerful you were. According to that old-fashioned calculus, greed and egotism were things you downplayed, while creating a parallel reputation for arts patronage and public service.

Was it hypocrisy? Certainly, but as the old saying goes, "hypocrisy is the tribute that vice plays to virtue." If you didn't follow those established rules of hypocrisy, you were little better than a gangster. And that's how Trump appeared to many of us: a harbinger of a world where venal and ugly people gloried in their ugliness and venality saw no need to pretend to be anything else. That estimation was correct, IMO.

When my ******* was born at Santa Monica General Hospital, he and Ivana (his 1st wife) blocked off the entire floor of the hospital right below Maternity – making it impossible to get to maternity for two days. They were both having plastic surgery done.

This is what the nurse told me – she told me to keep it quiet. That was thirty years ago so I figure what the hell – I'll open my mouth up now.

Basically I've not liked him ever since.

Plus, his "security staff" was a bunch of goons. They were giving the stink-eye to everyone who walked in and out of the hospital – even some geeky guy with a brand new baby. Me.

But, just to add a little more backstory..... My wife and I were required to use the freight elevator to go to the OB hospital section. And I had to take the stairs up and down four flights.

I wonder how Ivana and Donald would have reacted to the same situation if they had to do the same -- especially if Ivana was in labor.

Plus, Although there was never anything "illegal" about the Trumps taking an entire floor (this was back in the eighties, and "flaunting wealth" was looked at a little differently).

He could have used one of many "private surgical centers" instead of disrupting the entire hospital with his elective surgery. The hospital (Santa Monica General) is and was part of UCLA medical - which is a public taxpayer paid college -- as such it's a necessary community resource.

And if Mr. Trump becomes POTUS, he's going to have to think more about the welfare of the community rather than his own personal ostentation - IMHO, anti-capitalistic view. But, besides his charity work (which I don't know the specifics of), I see little signs of this. He appears to be one of the least philanthropic billionaires

I don't hate him. I may be carrying a grudge against him because he doesn't seem to have undertaken much personal growth over the years and he annoyed the hell out of my ex and me that fateful day in maternity, but I don't hate him. I just thought I should mention that.

First, to preface my remarks, I am a conservative, and I think that a Trump nomination would be a political disaster for the Republican Party, because it would likely ensure a democratic landslide win next November, which otherwise would not happen; in fact, there is every indication that, sans Trump, it could very well be a runaway for the Republicans, as it was for the post-Carter era.

Now, why do I think Trump is getting so much traction this early on? Part of it is the way the press is playing it, because they enjoy the sound-bite headlines that Trump barks out each and every day, where he unintentionally (or intentionally; sometimes I'm not sure) makes a fool out of himself. This, along with the actions (or lack thereof) of the Rino-Republican leadership, who have made woeful attempts to stay out of his way.

The other side of this is that many, too many people, clueless democrats and republicans alike (following Obama's election, especially) have come to consider the Presidency as the butt of a joke, and are truly enjoying the extreme political incorrectness (and its inevitable fallout) that Trump represents... BUT, when the RINOs bail on him, he'll just declare victory and go home, to become just another zany laugh track in the stack that will be played over and over... you know... like Hillary has been for the last 10 years. For I believe that, like the Honey Badger (and I'm not talkin' about Hillary), Trump Just Don't Care! And not in a funny, free-spirited kind of way, but in a snobbish bore kind of way.

One day soon, the jokesters will sit down, and a decent, somewhat more intelligent group of people in America will wake up from their ******* and realize that Donald Trump is more suited for the WWF presidency, rather than the U.S. Presidency. Then, we Republicans will be given the option to put forward a proper conservative candidate who will deserve the nomination... and we'll win back the Presidency, and straighten out the mess we're all collectively in.

He was widely seen as a loudmouth, attention seeking, misogynist jerk, but he was basically harmless. If you encountered him personally, or did business with him, or lived in an area where he was building something you might have a bad experience, but for the average citizen, he was just a rich clown who showed up on TV every so often saying stupid things.

Now, that's still what he is, but now his antics are toying with our Presidential election, warping the process of electing the most powerful person on earth. At that point, he stops being funny and starts being a real problem.

True story: I know a family with a six year old ******* who woke up crying because she had a nightmare that Donald Trump was elected president and came to take her mom away. That sounds like a joke, but it's not. Her mom, despite having lived as a model American for many years, has an iffy immigration status. In most cases, you'd comfort a baby by saying that wouldn't happen, but that is more or less exactly what Trump is advocating.

I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. The prospect of a President Trump gives children nightmares. That's something that doesn't happen when a guy's just a narcissistic, self-promoting businessman.

What was to "hate" about him before? He was a media clown that, like all clowns, some people find them entertaining, other people find them troubling and annoying.

Now that he's taken his act outside the big top and into the real world he isn't an isolated performer telling mean spirited jokes to a willing and receptive, like-minded audience. He's tarnishing the image of the USA on the world stage, frightening, threatening and offending the interests of many groups. He has distilled serious political discussion into the kind of stereotyped and racist interaction you'd expect between two uneducated jerks in a barroom.

Yeah you gotta love him for all the attention he can get, but like the half wit wearing a lampshade at a party, his antics may get giggles from the ******* and adults who have a good buzz going, but they get old fast to the sober and serious folks at the party.

Donald Trump has been known as a businessman, a TV personality, a loudmouth and something of a jerk. Him as just a regular citizen, even a multi-billionaire, he's manageable. I admit I didn't watch any of his shows because, well, I'm just not that into Trump. He was nowhere near as noxious as the Koch brothers in terms of politics.

As a politician, though, and somebody aiming for the top spot in the US Government? That Donald Trump annoys and even worries me regularly.

Was Donald Trump as disliked in past as he is a US Presidential Candidate? Yes ...maybe ...kind of... What is the real question ?

Was he an arrogant asshole? Did he take himself too seriously? Was he motivated by greed and power? Inconsiderate? Do things at the expense of others ?

Yes ...Yes...Yes.. Yes..Yes ...and Yes

I and many others have been guilty of all the same. As a student of Transformational Leadership, these are all classic signs of an immature struggling leader with success .

However the best leaders grow out of that behavior .
Donald Trump has not grown out of the behavior. In fact he appears to have been completely overtaken by the least attractive leadership qualities. It appears he has no sense of how the majority sees him.

The other possibility is that his persona has been carefully crafted for a purpose.

But yes ....the jokes and reputation has remained consistent.

He's somehow in a position where he could potentially bring down the only true super power in the world.

Before he began getting the support he did? No one cared. Rich blowhards can have any opinion they want. But a rich blowhard that seems to somehow be winning the republican primaries? Thats much scarier.

Donald Trump was always a classless boor. The difference is, a classless boor who makes an ass of himself on TV occasionally doesn't impact people's lives in the slightest whereas a classless boor who presumes to run for the Presidency potentially could. Especially given that one of the President's main functions is to serve as our face when dealing with the rest of the world.

People who live in New York state have always hated his obnoxious, arrogant self. It's just that he's playing on a bigger stage now, and so the NUMBER of people who hate him has increased.
He who knows no truth - decides who is correct and who is wrong - I think not
Let alone who has the breath of a camel.

The Russia thing is done - time to put a fork in it - move on to racism like the rest of your ilk or climate change - get with it o great Regurgitator of all things lefty propaganda.

what? I post nothing but facts....even my opinions are factual!....so naturally my opinions count....

Russia thing...no where near done....you have just accepted the fact that P.utin may one day be our leader after trump gets done
was more than ready to put a fork in the racism thing but stiff won't let it die...so created a whole thread for him to post his nonsense and leave the other threads for actual conversation!

Of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?
The first part of your last statement reminds me of a GREAT quote from an old TV show - The Guns of Will Sonnet :

“No brag just fact”
Will Sonnet generally said that line before his grandson opened up - I meant it in regards to the first part of your last statement in that post ;}