Philadelphia Eagles Wives and Girlfriends (Wags)

That has been my experience. Black women were not interested in dating me, but once I started dating white women, I was the bad guy. I'm interracially married now and still take hits from black women about that.

Thanks for being a trooper and sticking to your preference and also your insight !!
The attached is not mine !! Does this really depict the issue ??
If that was accurate, the question would have been 'how come?'
How are Black Women brought up / raised and educated in the U.S.? And what's the role of their Black daddies in this? - Go figure!
Looking at it from the outside, my impression is that more Black than white people in the U.S. are told by their parents and communities to be proud of their color and also to behave in a certain manner as a Black person. - Now imagine the consequences of that when it comes to behavioral patterns applied by American Womanhood. ;)
i think it's a very lovely picture showing beautiful Ladies!



But it makes even more sense when displayed in context. These are their handsome husbands and boyfriends...



Haters be hating. It's ridiculous! We all mutually choose our partners. No third party has a say in that nor do they have a legitimate right to do so.
All my best wishes go out to the players and their WAGs!

[The images in this post are linked-in media from public websites. I do not own them. Infringement of copyright or any other possibly associated rights is not intended.]
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If that was accurate, the question would have been 'how come?'
How are Black Women brought up / raised and educated in the U.S.? And what's the role of their Black daddies in this? - Go figure!
Looking at it from the outside, my impression is that more Black than white people in the U.S. are told by their parents and communities to be proud of their color and also to behave in a certain manner as a Black person. - Now imagine the consequences of that when it comes to behavioral patterns applied by American Womanhood. ;)
Interesting point of view !!! Thanks for sharing !!