P Diddy,,,

This is too much crap to cypher through on a porn sight, I could be looking at porn, so I’ll address the only thing that really concerns me…please direct me to Jane’s content, I’ve obviously missed it!

A simple link will do…

P.S. couldn’t help but notice you claim I’m a tab away while working? When I’m working I give my employer a days work for a days pay. No surprise here! You also seem to have an issue with my vices, essentially how I choose to live my life…how democratic of you, I wasn’t aware you guy’s had already assumed control over hedonistic lifestyle, that’s so strange considering the very sight you’re on celebrates that entire concept? Are you sure you’re in the right place?

P.P.S. Couldn’t help but notice both you had Jane find it necessary to block your face, are you ashamed of something? Afraid your world won’t accept the real you? Awww!
🤦‍♀️ I dunno . Arguing with a pseudo intellectual is just boring and exhausting. Do you do hard *******?
Ed and Jane...Keeping B2W Informed...and entertained...Give it up for Sleeper Cell Dancing the Stars...;):ROFLMAO:🚨

Nah I think we failed. The 💩 trump has done, the excuses you made for his performance is simply staggering, it’s like you’ve ******* the koolaid and ate the dog 😂😂😂
Michael Jordan Lol GIF

Yes we are.

Yes we are.

A form of democracy.

Ths ignorance runs strong in you.
If you acknowledge there is a 'pure democracy' in concept, then there must be other types too, like a republic style democracy. We have a blend.

He is against nothing and for anything. He has no consistency in his positions. No moral groundings, no political philosophy, no worldview. It's all through the scope of how it affects him individually.

Right. Why should majorities have a say? One man, one vote, unless you live in proximity to too many others?

What the fuck are you talking about? Gun death rates are higher per capita in rural areas than urban areas for at least the last 20-25 years.
This is not a Trump Rally, you just can't say anything and expect it to be taking a true. If you don't understand thes basic things, why should anyone listen to you?
That’s for saving my brain!
I have undecided friends. When we chat and they receive information, they do a few things , they ask more questions, they researched themselves, they ask more questions, I researched myself etc
These trumps supporters can’t fathom basics.
On the balance of probabilities if everyone is telling you he is lying to you (or their action indicates so) ex wives, ex employees, 26 women he sexually assaulted , men, judges he appointed, scrutineers at polling booths, republican governors, republican employees, contractors who worked at mar lar go, people who produced the weather map, donors, charities, ex republicans presidents, ex republican vice president, republican appointed head of fbi, republican head of the fbi
Then he’s probably a Fkin liar, I don’t mean “vote for me and I’ll fix homelessness” liar , I mean “ the election was stolen so let’s storm the capitol and get people *******” liar
I mean “let's steal 200,000 pages of classified documents keep them in my bathroom” liar

Unfkin believable how gullible you lot are
Oh look le wanker found YouTube- cute

I mean, look at the revelation in Bob Woodward’s new book, War. He recounts how Trump secretly shipped Covid-19 testing equipment to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use at a time when Americans could not get it.

It was an astonishing piece of craven stupidity by a national leader who was going to seek re-election. How could he think it wouldn’t come out?

Trump denies it of course, and his communications director calls Woodward an incompetent sleazebag, and “a boring person with no personality”, but the Kremlin has confirmed the story! How is it not instantly disqualifying?
That’s for saving my brain!
I have undecided friends. When we chat and they receive information, they do a few things , they ask more questions, they researched themselves, they ask more questions, I researched myself etc
These trumps supporters can’t fathom basics.
On the balance of probabilities if everyone is telling you he is lying to you (or their action indicates so) ex wives, ex employees, 26 women he sexually assaulted , men, judges he appointed, scrutineers at polling booths, republican governors, republican employees, contractors who worked at mar lar go, people who produced the weather map, donors, charities, ex republicans presidents, ex republican vice president, republican appointed head of fbi, republican head of the fbi
Then he’s probably a Fkin liar, I don’t mean “vote for me and I’ll fix homelessness” liar , I mean “ the election was stolen so let’s storm the capitol and get people *******” liar
I mean “let's steal 200,000 pages of classified documents keep them in my bathroom” liar

Unfkin believable how gullible you lot are
When you say “bathroom”, are you referring to the locked room that additional locks were added to as per instructions from the Justice Dept.? Or are you referring to the glove compartment of Biden’s Vette, or his garage floor? Oh wait, Biden was only a Vice President and didn’t have legal access to those documents, my bad! We’ll just move on, “these are not the droids we’re looking for”…
Nah I think we failed. The 💩 trump has done, the excuses you made for his performance is simply staggering, it’s like you’ve ******* the koolaid and ate the dog 😂😂😂
Finally…something interracial in a thread on P Diddy, on a site named “Black to White”, thank God for small miraclesL
When you say “bathroom”, are you referring to the locked room that additional locks were added to as per instructions from the Justice Dept.? Or are you referring to the glove compartment of Biden’s Vette, or his garage floor? Oh wait, Biden was only a Vice President and didn’t have legal access to those documents, my bad! We’ll just move on, “these are not the droids we’re looking for”…
lol what!
Are you suggesting the DOJ asked him to put additional locks to store stolen classified documents in his bathroom?!
Fk are you du.mb?!

May 6 — The National Archives makes a request for missing presidential records “and continued to make requests until approximately late December 2021 when NARA was informed twelve boxes were found and ready for retrieval” at Mar-a-Lago, according to the Department of Justice’s affidavit requesting a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago.

July 21 — Trump gives an interview at his New Jersey golf club for a upcoming book, and shows the author and three others, none of whom has a security clearance, what the former president calls a “highly confidential” document that describes a “plan of attack” on another country. “See as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says, according to the indictment. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

August — Walt Nauta, who served as Trump’s valet at the White House, becomes an executive assistant to the former president.

August or September — Trump shows a staffer for his political action committee “a classified map related to a military operation” in another country, the indictment says. He tells the PAC staffer not to get too close, because the aide doesn’t have a security clearance.

November — Trump starts to review boxes of documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

DecemberNARA begins to arrange for the documents to be securely transported from Mar-a-Lago to Washington.


Jan. 18 — NARA receives 15 boxes of records from Trump that had been taken to Mar-a-Lago, including “highly classified documents intermingled with other records,” according to DOJ’s affidavit. The boxes contain 197 classified documents.

some of the records it retrieved from Mar-a-Lago “included paper records that had been torn up by former President Trump.” NARA adds, “As has been reported in the press since 2018, White House records management officials during the Trump Administration recovered and taped together some of the torn-up records.”

Feb. 7 — NARA issues a statement confirming that it had received 15 boxes of records from Mar-a-Lago in mid-January. “Former President Trump’s representatives have informed NARA that they are continuing to search for additional Presidential records that belong to the National Archives,” the statement says.

Feb. 8 — NARA issues a statement that says: “Throughout the course of the last year, NARA obtained the cooperation of Trump representatives to locate Presidential records that had not been transferred to the National Archives at the end of the Trump administration. When a representative informed NARA in December 2021 that they had located some records, NARA arranged for them to be securely transported to Washington. NARA officials did not visit or ‘raid’ the Mar-a-Lago property.”

Feb. 9 — The special agent in charge of NARA’s Office of the Inspector General refers the matter to the Department of Justice, according to DOJ’s affidavit.

Feb. 18 — The archivist of the United States sends a letter to the House Oversight Committee that says: “NARA has identified items marked as classified national security information” in the materials recovered from Mar-a-Lago. As a result, “NARA staff has been in communication with the Department of Justice.”

Trump issues a statement that says, “The National Archives did not ‘find’ anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.”

March 30 — The FBI opens a criminal investigation.

April 11 — At the Department of Justice’s request, the White House Counsel’s Office formally transmits a letter asking that “NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes” taken from Mar-a-Lago.

April 12 — NARA notifies Trump’s lawyer that it intends to provide FBI access to the 15 boxes of documents taken from Mar-a-Lago in January.

April 26 — A federal grand jury opens an investigation.

April 29 — The Department of Justice’s National Security Division sends a letter to Evan Corcoran, an attorney for Trump, that says access to documents taken from Mar-a-Lago is “necessary for purposes of our ongoing criminal investigation.”

“According to NARA, among the materials in the boxes are over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising more than 700 pages,” the letter says. “Some include the highest levels of classification, including Special Access Program (SAP) materials.”

The DOJ tells Corcoran it needs access to the documents to assess “the potential damage resulting from the apparent manner in which these materials were stored and transported.”

That same day, Corcoran writes to NARA, seeking to delay the FBI review of the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago. Corcoran argues that Trump needs time “to ascertain whether any specific document is subject to [executive] privilege” and have the opportunity “to assert a claim of constitutionally based privilege.”

May 1 — Corcoran again asks NARA to delay the FBI review.

May 10 — In response to Corcoran’s request for a delay, Debra Steidel Wall, acting archivist of the United States, sends a letter to Corcoran, saying that she “decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege,” and to allow the FBI review to begin as soon as May 12.

“The question [of executive privilege] in this case is not a close one,” Wall writes. “The [current] Executive Branch here is seeking access to records belonging to, and in the custody of, the Federal Government itself, not only in order to investigate whether those records were handled in an unlawful manner but also, as the National Security Division explained, to ‘conduct an assessment of the potential damage resulting from the apparent manner in which these materials were stored and transported and take any necessary remedial steps.'” (The letter was first publishedAug. 23 on a website owned by journalist John Solomon, who was designated by Trump to serve as his liaison to NARA.)

May 11 — Trump’s office receives a grand jury subpoena seeking additional documents “bearing classification markings.” (The subpoena is disclosed in a motion filed by Trump on Aug. 22.)

A DOJ attorney also sends a letter to Trump’s lawyer asking for a sworn statement from a Trump representative that any documents provided in response to the subpoena “represent all responsive records,” a Justice Department court filing says.

May 16-18 — FBI agents review the 15 boxes retrieved from Mar-a-Lago. They identify “184 unique documents bearing classification markings, including 67 documents marked as CONFIDENTIAL, 92 documents marked as SECRET, and 25 documents marked as TOP SECRET,” according to the DOJ affidavit.

May 23 — One attorney — identified in the indictment as “Trump Attorney 1,” but reported to be Corcoran — kept notes on the conversation. Trump says, among other things, “I don’t want anybody looking through my boxes, I really don’t, I don’t want you looking through my boxes.” Trump also asks questions, such as, “Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” They agree that Corcoran will return to search Mar-a-Lago on June 2 for documents responsive to the subpoena. (Trump’s response to the subpoena is described in the indictment.)

May 24 — Trump’s lawyer seeks an “extension for complying” with the subpoena to produce any additional classified documents, according to a DOJ court filing. (The DOJ later granted the extension until June 7.)

Nauta, Trump’s executive assistant, moves three boxes from the storage room to Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago at the president’s direction, the indictment says.

May 25 — Corcoran, Trump’s lawyer, sends the Justice Department a letter that asserts, among other things, that Trump, as president, had “Absolute Authority To Declassify” government documents, according to DOJ’s affidavit.

May 26 — FBI interviews Nauta. He tells the FBI that he is not aware of any boxes being moved from storage to Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago, according to the indictment.

May 30 — Nauta moves about 50 more boxes from storage to Trump’s residence.

June 1 — Nauta moves approximately 11 boxes from the storage room to Trump’s residence.

June 2 — In the early afternoon, Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, the property manager at Mar-a-Lago, move about 30 boxes from Trump’s residence back to the storage room, leaving approximately 34 boxes at Trump’s residence without Corcoran’s knowledge, the superseding indictment says. In the late afternoon, for about two and a half hours, Corcoran reviews the boxes in the storage room and finds 38 documents with classification markings. Afterward, Trump meets with Corcoran in a dining room at Mar-a-Lago and asks about the attorney’s review of the documents. Trump asks, “Did you find anything? … Is it bad? Good?”

Corcoran tells the DOJ that FBI agents can meet him tomorrow and “pick up responsive documents” from Mar-a-Lago, in the words of a DOJ court filing.

June 3 — Jay Bratt, chief of the counterintelligence and export control section in the DOJ’s National Security Division, and three FBI agents visit Mar-a-Lago, where Corcoran and another attorney, identified as Trump Attorney 3 in the indictment, present them with “a single Redweld envelope” containing documents “in a manner that suggested counsel believed that the documents were classified,” according to court filings. The agents also tour a storage room, which DOJ sayscontained about 50 to 55 boxes. Trump’s attorney tells the government agents that “all the records that had come from the White House were stored in one location – a storage room,” and “there were no other records stored in any private office space or other location at the Premises,” in the words of a DOJ court filing.

“Critically, however, the former President’s counsel explicitly prohibited government personnel from opening or looking inside any of the boxes that remained in the storage room, giving no opportunity for the government to confirm that no documents with classification markings remained,” the court filing said.

Willingly turned over documents to national archives.
When you say “bathroom”, are you referring to the locked room that additional locks were added to as per instructions from the Justice Dept.? Or are you referring to the glove compartment of Biden’s Vette, or his garage floor? Oh wait, Biden was only a Vice President and didn’t have legal access to those documents, my bad! We’ll just move on, “these are not the droids we’re looking for”…
Biden and Pence both immediately fully cooperated and invited the FBI to do a full investigation.

Trump did not. He lied and lied and hid documents for over a year and a half. They had to get a warrant - and still gave him a heads up, and had to go in his place and take back the stolen documents.

See the difference?
Biden and Pence both immediately fully cooperated and invited the FBI to do a full investigation.

Trump did not. He lied and lied and hid documents for over a year and a half. They had to get a warrant - and still gave him a heads up, and had to go in his place and take back the stolen documents.

See the difference?
Then because trump was innocent he got the gardener to delete camera footage of them moving the country’s classified documents into a shed.
He’s such a 💩stain.
….also trump raises 7 million for people in hurricane and only gives over 25k. No surprise if he can skim his own ******* cancer charity to pay bills.
No wonder he’s hated by decent ppl
….also trump raises 7 million for people in hurricane and only gives over 25k. No surprise if he can skim his own ******* cancer charity to pay bills.
No wonder he’s hated by decent ppl
Seems like Reuters has disagreed with my above statement saying the campaign said 97% will go to people impacted by hurricane 🤔
Seems like Reuters has disagreed with my above statement saying the campaign said 97% will go to people impacted by hurricane 🤔
They said the same thing about their charity for k.ids with cancer too. They stole so much from it, the state of New york barred them for running any charity or sitting on any board of a charity (not that any Trump would do such a thing).