P Diddy,,,

It’s nice to see some other names (with different opinions), finally dip their toes into this “swamp cesspool”, to be honest I was beginning to feel I was the only sane person left in the thread…of course I know that picture in my head of a woman with insane eyes, behind coke bottle lenses, screaming in the middle of the street, is what I see when I have to grapple with these socialist commie lowlifes, they literally live on the net when they’re not tearing down signs for Trump off of peoples lawns or setting dumpsters on fire. They’re not going anywhere, so we need Trump to concentrate on setting a course, the House and Senate with him to help speed things up and not just executive orders that can’t be rescinded the minute a new prez gets in. Statistically he really only has two year if he can get them both, there’s always a course correction after two years, so time is precious. If we don’t get a conservative president after Trump then we’ll just have to block as much as we can till the pendulum swings back again…that’s my hope and dreams covering all possible outcomes. That’s it, I’m done, if the racist and the foreigner chooses to quote me again I’ll simply remind them of how much time their dreams have before they turn into their very own (and totally created by their small and misbegotten minds), nightmare!
Oh my !, your mom helped you write that it’s so obvious !
Let me tell you , your newsmax and foxnews who told you the election was stolen is telling you trump is leading in the polls 🤦‍♀️
She’s leading in so so many swing states .
He’s fked
You know he’s fked
You know no Haitian ate no cats , no dogs 😂
In regards to my apparent two retractors, from now on I’ll only respond to remind you that we’re on a countdown and time will tell, as for the rest of your absurd claims please allow me to borrow a response from the funny papers…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
Absurd claims?😂
Oh boy! Your tv must be broken!
Probably have a look at the anti trump vote from women! Just on that he’s cooked browner than that 💩 on his face!
It’s not too late to change candidates, you could try a ficus plant, it doesn’t lie, doesn’t *******, doesn’t commit fraud, and its useful- takes the hot air produced from trump rallies into oxygen.
These Cats only show up on Topics like this or something Political...Imagine a individual from Australia starting a thread about American Education...These are bait and switch topics...They contribute very little to the rest of the forum...It´s the same folks over and over again... ;) 👌

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Awe you just sour!
Seems like you know a lot about bait n switch
You keep getting walloped by a woman and its stings.
It’s ok .
Get your boyfriend to rub some gel on it
The fact that you can’t vote and have nothing you can do about what happens here pleases me no end…the only thing that pleases me more, is the knowledge of how much time it spends in your head, staring at the ceiling each night before you go to sleep, facing the realization that what appears to somehow be really important to you, you’re still totally irrelevant!
Awe you twying so hard to hwrt my feelings!
And if I’m an American living overseas , still registered to vote shows you how stupid you really are!
“Duh you have to be in America to vote in America!”
Hey how about you log off the computer incase you make yourself look more stupid 😂
diddy has more pics with trump
They are not going to want to hear that.
You just made Le Bain cry
Hulk has run with his fingers in his ears screaming “La La La La”
And MO Mary just soiled himself receiving such bad news.
There is so much information about trump’s crimes but they simply don’t care!
Amazing how people in other countries, usually ones more f-d up than we are, feel it's their prerogative to opine on US politics. Yet, their panties would be all in a twist if we did the same thing to them.
Amazing how people in other countries, usually ones more f-d up than we are, feel it's their prerogative to opine on US politics. Yet, their panties would be all in a twist if we did the same thing to them.
yes our problems in australia are many but none are

1. Being shot in school, cinemas, nightclubs, shops or enjoying an ice cream.

2. A candidate trump who struggles to grasp the English language or slurs or cries on Twitter. Also your leader -impeached

3. Decent minimum wage

4. Affordable healthcare

What about you?

You quiet ....
Oh my !, your mom helped you write that it’s so obvious !
Let me tell you , your newsmax and foxnews who told you the election was stolen is telling you trump is leading in the polls 🤦‍♀️
She’s leading in so so many swing states .
He’s fked
You know he’s fked
You know no Haitian ate no cats , no dogs 😂
I’m 63 years old, my Mom got hit by a car when I was 17 and died, go fuck yourself!
They are not going to want to hear that.
You just made Le Bain cry
Hulk has run with his fingers in his ears screaming “La La La La”
And MO Mary just soiled himself receiving such bad news.
There is so much information about trump’s crimes but they simply don’t care!
I see you went through the process of being designated a “Real Person”, you’ll notice so did I. There have been pictures and videos of me on the web since ‘95, I am a “Her”…unless on top of everything else, you're also one of those who aren’t sure about their gender? Or how many genders exist? This little back and forth dance we seem to be doing brings to mind a quote Abraham Lincoln once used, it seems very apropos here, “sometime’s it’s better to remain silent and appear the fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”!
I’m 63 years old, my Mom got hit by a car when I was 17 and died, go fuck yourself!

I see you went through the process of being designated a “Real Person”, you’ll notice so did I. There have been pictures and videos of me on the web since ‘95, I am a “Her”…unless on top of everything else, you're also one of those who aren’t sure about their gender? Or how many genders exist? This little back and forth dance we seem to be doing brings to mind a quote Abraham Lincoln once used, it seems very apropos here, “sometime’s it’s better to remain silent and appear the fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”!
Oh calm down Your pseudo intellectual self
Save your tears of pain for nov election.
Oh calm down Your pseudo intellectual self
Save your tears of pain for nov election.
I’m so sorry you find it necessary to admit to my intelligence as some sort of put down…at least you know your place in the scheme of things…hey, this could be a good thing, they say identifying the problem is the first step towards the cure!
I’m so sorry you find it necessary to admit to my intelligence as some sort of put down…at least you know your place in the scheme of things…hey, this could be a good thing, they say identifying the problem is the first step towards the cure!
MAGA = 0 intelligence
Put down?
You support a guy who lied and cheated on all three wives but you believe he’s telling you the truth, told you an election was stolen but couldn’t get a single case heard in court, told you migrants were eating cats and dong even though there are no records of this happening.
Yea you not stupid?
In regards to my apparent two retractors, from now on I’ll only respond to remind you that we’re on a countdown and time will tell, as for the rest of your absurd claims please allow me to borrow a response from the funny papers…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
Kinda don't give a sh'it if you respond or not. My responses are not for you, there are for others who's mind is temporarily polluted by your bs.
I don't present 'absurd claims', only facts and corrections.
'Absurd claims' can be debunked - like I do yours. You have yet to debunk anything.
You don't read papers.
I see a lot of vile scumbags, abusers, and some victims too unfortunately. Justice is coming.
You're absolutely right. Sadly, our resident idiots will rush in soon and defend evil with every ounce of their strength. You'll see them soon. You and I have buck broken a few of them where they ride our jocks on virtually every post. Good times.
Ah, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. I don't think anyone is defending Combs, Jane and I certainly are not.

If you stuck with what we know, Ol' Puff Daddy is criminal in actions and Jay-Z is an accomplice or at least a witness - then you have a universal point most of us can agree upon. I certainly think so.

But you present the case that if you took a picture with him, and are famous, then you must be somewhat guilty too. That's ridiculous. You even got the Simpsons as guilty.
Using your 'logic':





There are over 200 pictures of Trump and Diddy together at his 'events'. That's MORE than Jay-Z!
The Trumps have been to MOST of Diddy's events. Jr and Melania being the most frequent.
You were saying something about scumbags, continue...


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You're absolutely right. One is simply a maniac and the other has limited cognitive ability with an inferiority complex. With those descriptions alone, the entire forum knows exactly who I'm referring to.
Which one am I?! Which one am I?!
Speaking of cognitive ability, in the last week, we have seen you post false misinformation time after time - never even using common sense to deduce if it's even possible.
Lebain is the probably the most mentally limited here. Mary is just nuts. You sir, do not present an original thought, or assessment. Maybe you're unable to, or just a born cheerleader (easy on the 'leader' part).
I mean, you're talking about Jane and I and can't even find the testicular fortitude (balls) to just name us.
Kind of a pussy move.
These Cats only show up on Topics like this or something Political...Imagine a individual from Australia starting a thread about American Education...These are bait and switch topics...They contribute very little to the rest of the forum...It´s the same folks over and over again... ;) 👌
You may not know this, but most of your Right Wing propaganda comes through media outlets created and owned by an Australian.

That's right numb nuts. The Murdochs that started the FOX News networks became citizens to be able to own a network. The also own the Wall Street Journal and NY Post. Rupert and sons were not born or raised or educated here.

Yet, every night, they tell you what to think about American Politics, which works in their best interests.
Aussie's and Brits already are very familiar with their tactics of buying media outlets to manipulate politics in their best interest.

The billionaire family, told your working class asses that a fellow near-billionaire born and raised in New York City, would be great for you if you support him. You bought into it hook line and sinker, and now some of you are ready to take a bullet for him.

Yes, imagine an Aussie warning us about the Murdochs propaganda machines and their minions. Smart people would take heed.