P Diddy,,,

All you did was say this person said that, and that person said this, typical Democratic Socialist spin!
I didn't quote anyone. So what are you talking about? You couldn't even take the time to go back and check before responding? You're a typical dummy trying to pretend to be knowledgable on something because of how you 'feel' about it.
Do you even know what a Democratic Socialist is, and what's been it's role in Western Liberalism?
I smell a Putin lover.
We can all go back and forth and it won’t change a thing, in another month it’ll all be decided, you’ll know if Trump won by how many buildings your side sets on fire!
What Presidential election results did Democrats burn anything after?
It's the anti-American cultists who only believe the results if they win.
Republicans have only won a majority of the votes from Americans ONE TIME since 1992.

Like I said, once Americans are back in charge things will get fixed,
You mean the ones that don't mind pushing the Constitution to the side for their guy?
The ones who think prosecuting a criminal is a waste of money if it's their guy?
The ones that are OK with aligning with nations who are directly against our interests?
The ones who don't understand Federalism?
The ones are willing ignore the r.apes, thievery, traitorism, ignorance, and disgrace of their individual cult leader?
The ones to claim they love America, but know nothing of the history, traditions, and operations?
Well Fuck Them.
if they aren’t, it doesn’t matter, I’m too old to learn Chinese, and too old to start making sneakers.
Funny you mention that. Allow me to keep the humor going:
Trump hosted the Chinese President in his home:
Shortly after that - Chinese membership exploded:
At the same time, in New York at Trump tower, Chinese officials rented out an ENTIRE FLOOR while he was president, and ended their lease when he was thrown out of office.
Also, had a secret bank account in China and actually paid more taxes to them than to us...
His whole family was in on the grift, and China rewarded them:
As President he filled his pockets with Chinese money:
And continued to make his MAGA products in China:
You laughing yet? You should be crying for falling for Trump's bullshit.
And one more thing, most of his wives are also from other countries. Great American.
Sure it does, it gets the world to pay its fuck’n bills, how long are we expected to use our influence to keep you free for free?
Still yapping on about things you're clueless and yet you're a confident ignoramous. Interesting.
We can all go back and forth and it won’t change a thing, in another month it’ll all be decided, you’ll know if Trump won by how many buildings your side sets on fire! Like I said, once Americans are back in charge things will get fixed, if they aren’t, it doesn’t matter, I’m too old to learn Chinese, and too old to start making sneakers.
Oh I forgot about the Trump sneakers grift. Well, fuck it, you know. They are already made in China through a Wyoming LLC.
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Sure it does, it gets the world to pay its fuck’n bills, how long are we expected to use our influence to keep you free for free?
Oh Jesus! In your world you think a trump presidency gets the world to pay its bills.
See this is probably about NATO , where the funding model is based on percentage of GDP. Say it’s 1%.
If America gdp is $100 and Australia is $10, did we skimp on paying?
See why the rest of the world see you lots as🤡s
Also your hero Majorie Taylor green thinks someone controls the weather !🤦‍♀️
It’s unbelievable. It’s like only the two of us have access to the internet
Problem is, people like her search for confirmation not information.
They cannot distinguish between the conspiracy and straight BS on the web, and really don't care to if it's something that lines up with their belief.
Problem is, people like her search for confirmation not information.
They cannot distinguish between the conspiracy and straight BS on the web, and really don't care to if it's something that lines up with their belief.
I get that people want to vote republican but trump with all his criminality?🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I get that people want to vote republican but trump with all his criminality?🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Here’s the thing, 85 % of the crap you socialist spew about Trump is bullshit, the 15% of stuff that he’s actually guilty of, either isn’t that bad, or I personally see as a trade off. You should know something about that considering Hillary, Obama, and let’s not forget the “sniffer in chief”. Oh wait, I keep forgetting, you’ve got no skin in this game…as long as we keep the world out of your backyard!
Here’s the thing, 85 % of the crap you socialist spew about Trump is bullshit, the 15% of stuff that he’s actually guilty of, either isn’t that bad, or I personally see as a trade off. You should know something about that considering Hillary, Obama, and let’s not forget the “sniffer in chief”. Oh wait, I keep forgetting, you’ve got no skin in this game…as long as we keep the world out of your backyard!
85% of what crap?
Does that crap include when trump was convicted of *******?

How about the whole “stolen” election saga? He knew it wasn’t stolen, told you mouth breathers it was , you got your kissing cousins and stormed the Capitol, now we find out he’s was trying to over throw a democratically elected government.

How about the 200,000 pages of classified documents that still is missing today that he kept in his bathroom?

The fact he pardoned Steven bannon who stole $1M of your build a wall money.

Is that your 15%?

Did you see 200 republicans who worked for Regan and bush signed a letter supporting Kamala .

Look you are in a cult , your leader is a convicted criminal, who is Fkin crazy. You’re embarrassed but you are too far in. Perhaps sit this one out 😂
Here’s the thing, 85 % of the crap you socialist spew about Trump is bullshit, the 15% of stuff that he’s actually guilty of, either isn’t that bad, or I personally see as a trade off. You should know something about that considering Hillary, Obama, and let’s not forget the “sniffer in chief”. Oh wait, I keep forgetting, you’ve got no skin in this game…as long as we keep the world out of your backyard!
Also literally every person has skin in the game when it comes to the US election, but you probably don’t know why.
That ok like I said best to sit this one out
85% of what crap?
Does that crap include when trump was convicted of *******?

How about the whole “stolen” election saga? He knew it wasn’t stolen, told you mouth breathers it was , you got your kissing cousins and stormed the Capitol, now we find out he’s was trying to over throw a democratically elected government.

How about the 200,000 pages of classified documents that still is missing today that he kept in his bathroom?

The fact he pardoned Steven bannon who stole $1M of your build a wall money.

Is that your 15%?

Did you see 200 republicans who worked for Regan and bush signed a letter supporting Kamala .

Look you are in a cult , your leader is a convicted criminal, who is Fkin crazy. You’re embarrassed but you are too far in. Perhaps sit this one out 😂
Hitler had only to accuse a person of being a Jew in order to find them guilty, there was absolutely nothing regarding his past trial in New York that passed the smell test, from the judge who refused to recluse himself while being a donor to the DNC, to the gag order against a defendant, to trying a case that had already exceeded the statute of limitations, and on and on. So finding him guilty in a “kangaroo” court holds zero effect on us Trump supporters. In a hundred and fifty years there will be people that swear the term “trumped up charges” will have stemmed from this mess!

You totally skipped over the most recent and important one “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and the entire DNC since Obama took office,,,like Attorney General Eric Holder openly refusing to obey the law, and nothing came of it, didn’t even get fired.

How’s this scenario?
Mrs Clinton,,,you were seen arguing with the victim in a garage hours before his body was found in that same garage, we’ve been made aware you own seven guns of the same caliber used to ******* the victim, so here’s a subpoena for all your guns for ballistic testing.

That’s not necessary, my assistant changed all the barrels in six of them, so the test results would be a moot point, and the seventh gun was only used at special functions, like my daughters wedding, and besides, it’s not available, my assistant smashed it into pieces and threw it in the Potomac.

I see,,,okay,,,never mind,,,have a nice day!

That’s exactly what she did with her seven electronic devices that she was handed a subpoena for. If that was you or me we’d still be in jail! But she had the head of the FBI, most Main Street media, and the DNC, not to mention George Soros who installed all those DA’s that turned our streets into war zones. Again, none of this matters to you or concerns you, you guys were busy arresting people for leaving their houses, so you’re already used to being treated in a fascistic manner!
Hitler had only to accuse a person of being a Jew in order to find them guilty, there was absolutely nothing regarding his past trial in New York that passed the smell test, from the judge who refused to recluse himself while being a donor to the DNC, to the gag order against a defendant, to trying a case that had already exceeded the statute of limitations, and on and on. So finding him guilty in a “kangaroo” court holds zero effect on us Trump supporters. In a hundred and fifty years there will be people that swear the term “trumped up charges” will have stemmed from this mess!

You totally skipped over the most recent and important one “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and the entire DNC since Obama took office,,,like Attorney General Eric Holder openly refusing to obey the law, and nothing came of it, didn’t even get fired.

How’s this scenario?
Mrs Clinton,,,you were seen arguing with the victim in a garage hours before his body was found in that same garage, we’ve been made aware you own seven guns of the same caliber used to ******* the victim, so here’s a subpoena for all your guns for ballistic testing.

That’s not necessary, my assistant changed all the barrels in six of them, so the test results would be a moot point, and the seventh gun was only used at special functions, like my daughters wedding, and besides, it’s not available, my assistant smashed it into pieces and threw it in the Potomac.

I see,,,okay,,,never mind,,,have a nice day!

That’s exactly what she did with her seven electronic devices that she was handed a subpoena for. If that was you or me we’d still be in jail! But she had the head of the FBI, most Main Street media, and the DNC, not to mention George Soros who installed all those DA’s that turned our streets into war zones. Again, none of this matters to you or concerns you, you guys were busy arresting people for leaving their houses, so you’re already used to being treated in a fascistic manner!
OMG and they let you vote
Remind me why Fox News had to pay 778 million dollars in settlement to dominion
Hitler had only to accuse a person of being a Jew in order to find them guilty, there was absolutely nothing regarding his past trial in New York that passed the smell test, from the judge who refused to recluse himself while being a donor to the DNC, to the gag order against a defendant, to trying a case that had already exceeded the statute of limitations, and on and on. So finding him guilty in a “kangaroo” court holds zero effect on us Trump supporters. In a hundred and fifty years there will be people that swear the term “trumped up charges” will have stemmed from this mess!

You totally skipped over the most recent and important one “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and the entire DNC since Obama took office,,,like Attorney General Eric Holder openly refusing to obey the law, and nothing came of it, didn’t even get fired.

How’s this scenario?
Mrs Clinton,,,you were seen arguing with the victim in a garage hours before his body was found in that same garage, we’ve been made aware you own seven guns of the same caliber used to ******* the victim, so here’s a subpoena for all your guns for ballistic testing.

That’s not necessary, my assistant changed all the barrels in six of them, so the test results would be a moot point, and the seventh gun was only used at special functions, like my daughters wedding, and besides, it’s not available, my assistant smashed it into pieces and threw it in the Potomac.

I see,,,okay,,,never mind,,,have a nice day!

That’s exactly what she did with her seven electronic devices that she was handed a subpoena for. If that was you or me we’d still be in jail! But she had the head of the FBI, most Main Street media, and the DNC, not to mention George Soros who installed all those DA’s that turned our streets into war zones. Again, none of this matters to you or concerns you, you guys were busy arresting people for leaving their houses, so you’re already used to being treated in a fascistic manner!

FADEL: So this report from the Senate Intelligence Committee has been in the works for a long time - might explain that thousand pages. What's the takeaway?

LUCAS: Well, there's a lot in this report. The committee spent more than three years working on it, investigating Russia's interference, as you said, in the 2016 election. They reviewed more than a million documents, documents that were provided by U.S. spy agencies as well as documents that were provided by witnesses. They also interviewed witnesses - hundreds of them, including a lot of familiar names - Donald Trump Jr., former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort but also former Obama administration officials.

And all of that digging has gone into this report, and the committee concludes that Russia conducted a sophisticated and aggressive campaign to influence the U.S. election to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and that folks on Team Trump were more than happy to accept help from the Russians. But what's really important about that conclusion is that it is a bipartisan one. It is endorsed by both Democrats and Republicans.

Also “if the president didn’t commit crimes we’d say so”
It's honestly impressive how quickly you guys can turn ANY topic into an excuse for political rants.
Oh yeah... Hold my beer.
episode 5 nbc GIF by The Voice
Hitler had only to accuse a person of being a Jew in order to find them guilty, there was absolutely nothing regarding his past trial in New York that passed the smell test, from the judge who refused to recluse himself while being a donor to the DNC, to the gag order against a defendant, to trying a case that had already exceeded the statute of limitations, and on and on. So finding him guilty in a “kangaroo” court holds zero effect on us Trump supporters. In a hundred and fifty years there will be people that swear the term “trumped up charges” will have stemmed from this mess!
You didn't like the 'hush money' trial or the rapey one?
Which one was a Kangaroo court because poor ol' Donald Trump is innocent?
Or, is it he is guilty but you don't think he should be held accountable?
☝️- that's the mindset of the MAGAts. "Yeah, he did it, so what?"
Well, what about case he loss that ****** him to close down his 'charity' because he was stealing from it. Some of that money raised for k.ids with cancer, and he spent it on a fake giant TIME magazine cover of himself, enlarged and framed.
And, what role did the judge have in choosing any of these juries or the evidence presented?
The MAGAts brain cannot even fathom how impossible their lying conspiracies are.
You totally skipped over the most recent and important one “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and the entire DNC since Obama took office,,,like Attorney General Eric Holder openly refusing to obey the law, and nothing came of it, didn’t even get fired.
Russia absolutely interfered and assisted Trump in the 2016 election and in return Trump licked his boots the entire pitiful term and even afterwards. During a time when Covid testing kits were not able to keep up with demand - Trump sent some to Putin - and talked with him several times since leaving office (Logan Act violation).
The fact that once again, you're posting this like we didn't see this, or can't prove it is so fucking delusional.
And today we find out the traitor was completely owned like a dog by Russia.
If this doesn't make you say 'WTF' and begin to believe the reason he stole nuclear and military classified documents was to share with Putin, as Putin planned his invasion, then you're a worthless MAGAt and not a real American.

Eric Holder broke no laws, and people like you aren't smart enough to bait him into the fray. But you are reaching back to justify your support of aging buffoon.

How’s this scenario?
Mrs Clinton,,,you were seen arguing with the victim in a garage hours before his body was found in that same garage, we’ve been made aware you own seven guns of the same caliber used to ******* the victim, so here’s a subpoena for all your guns for ballistic testing.
That’s not necessary, my assistant changed all the barrels in six of them, so the test results would be a moot point, and the seventh gun was only used at special functions, like my daughters wedding, and besides, it’s not available, my assistant smashed it into pieces and threw it in the Potomac.
I see,,,okay,,,never mind,,,have a nice day!
1. This bs was debunked back in the 90s.
2. Clinton is not running
3. It seems exhausting buying into these conspiracies when you can just try to read up on the truth and clean that junk out of your head.
That’s exactly what she did with her seven electronic devices that she was handed a subpoena for. If that was you or me we’d still be in jail!
We have more that twenty examples of that with Trump with real evidence or real convictions and you said it doesn't matter. R.ape, espionage, personal use of tax dollars, abuse of office, threats, all would be handled differently if it was Joe Schmoe.
But she had the head of the FBI, most Main Street media, and the DNC, not to mention George Soros who installed all those DA’s that turned our streets into war zones.
DAs are elected by the people of the district but, go on.
Again, none of this matters to you or concerns you, you guys were busy arresting people for leaving their houses, so you’re already used to being treated in a fascistic manner!
You know a 'fascistic manner' means Right Wing Authoritarianism?
That's exactly what we are trying to avoid by not voting for the convicted felon.
Hitler had only to accuse a person of being a Jew in order to find them guilty,
However, Trump has been accused, indicted, plead his innocence to a jury and got to present all of his evidence and even got all of the delays and trial procedures he wanted.
They bent the system over backwards to protect him and he was still found guilty.
But I can appreciate you comparing him to Hitler. It's pretty obvious, isn't it?