other vintage amateur

Alright one more vintage "pro" creampie with the one and only Aunt Peg! I'm pretty sure she needs no introduction as she was one of the iconic pioneer female stars from the golden age of porn. Anyhow, I'm also sure most of you on this forum have probably seen this clip before called "Sports Challenge" masquerading as a female reporter and she takes on the legendary King Paul and some other black dude. she rides the other black man reverse cowgirl position and he gives her one of the biggest creampies I've ever seen in all my years of watching porn. seems like a good 2 - 3 cups of jizz spilled out of her vagina. I'm very curious as to your opinions on this scene. Are we calling fake or bullshit on the creampie? I'll be honest. I've had serious doubts about it being legitimate. (because of the sheer volume and consistency of the nut). But here again, I digress. I just enjoy it for what it is and pretend that it's real!... :ROFLMAO: ! One final note, what makes this clip so iconic and rare is the fact I do believe this is the one and only time Aunt Peg ever got creampied in all of her adult flicks that she ever did! very lucky brother got to deposit his nut in her hairy box!
At creampie was insane. I'd live to have eaten that
I'll tell you who's looking very HOT these days is Kate England. She is a bit older now, put on a few pounds. She is now the HOTWIFE next door type. Over the years, she has taken some of the largest BBC's available. And everyone cums in her. Her newer stuff is off the hook. And she didn't go the silicone route either. She is all natural. Great looking woman. You go Kate !!
I'll tell you who's looking very HOT these days is Kate England. She is a bit older now, put on a few pounds. She is now the HOTWIFE next door type. Over the years, she has taken some of the largest BBC's available. And everyone cums in her. Her newer stuff is off the hook. And she didn't go the silicone route either. She is all natural. Great looking woman. You go Kate !!
Kate is still just 31 but she does look great. I seen many of her videos (a bunch) that she did for BrotherLovers.com
Kate did EVERY huge cock associated with Brotha Lovers (and there were a bunch). I'll bet she did like 15 movies with Bro Lovers. Still a great looking woman. I have a big fetish that isnt really sex related.................I'm a sucker for women with short hairstyle (like Kate). Y'know like shoulder length, can be shorter, but no longer than shoulder. I melt when I look at Kate. She has that power over me. Ok, so there............now y'all know something about me.
Wifey, Sandra Otterson wears a platinum blonde wig sometimes that has just shoulder length hair, and I melt for her look in that wig too !!
Man, I just starred at the Elaine pix I posted in this thread................damn, she was a tasty lil thing !! Elaine !! if you're listening, please come back and make more Am movies !! C'mon now, you have fans here !!