Old Black people should also benefit from white surrender


The girls were just laying on the beach after graduation, chilling, when an older Black man sat down next to them. The girls looked at each other, wondering who this forward man was. Didn't he understand boundaries?

He said he would teach them a Barry White song. Who's Barry White, they asked themselves? But whatever, they were a little bored anyway.

The man got on his feet and they followed. He sang each verse the first time, then the girls joined in and repeated it, each one feeling her chest become flush and tingling.

"I've heard people say / Too much of anything is not good for you, baby . . ." (Barry White - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Baby. - YouTube)

Soon the three of them were cuddling close as they were singing. And a little later, out of sight, on the far side of a dune, both girls would get just enough of a good thing.
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