Black and white differences. Questions.

So ive posted either here or elsewhere about the failed experiment in eugenics that was the African slave trade. Darwinian evolution theory is that members of a race or species that are put through extreme trauma and survive will have a stronger genetic makeup based on the principles that the strong survive and thrive and pass those superior genes on their descendants.

If you survived the middle passage, slavery, reconstruction, jim crow, and all the other traumas and indignities that black American ancestors of so many of our black kings and queens did, you’d be stronger, more resilient, smarter, more physically capable, sexually attractive and verile than your counterparts of other races.

Add that to the genetic paths that pass male dna from black men through their daughters to the daughters sons, and you get the current genetic superiority of most black Americans over the lazy and privileged white equivalents.

I don’t have a study but I know my history and I understand how evolutionary biology works. I’ve also seen for myself- including seeing guys who weren’t so lucky and often feel inadequate for not having a “BBC”. But it’s really not about the dick! Too many fetishists are easily placated with that. Look at sports, entertainment, corporate America, higher education and every other industry and youll see that once the overseers opened the doors with affirmative action they sealed their own fate. They thought they were safe because they had the complexion for protection but they didn’t realize that the people they thought they were going to continue to exploit were far superior and would actually take over and demonstrate their superiority in every lane that was opened to them.

Now let’s hear all the wah wahs lol
So, according to your interpretation of evolution, only blacks who had been ****** into slavery benefited from this process, those who stayed in Africa, or who immigrated after the end of slavery, did not? Your interpretation is based on conjecture, that "only the strong survive", which is a common misconception about evolution. In reality, it is the fittest who survive, which is why humans, who aren't the biggest, aren't the fastest, aren't the best fighters, but are the smartest, rose to the top of the food chain.

How's them wah wahs?
So, according to your interpretation of evolution, only blacks who had been ****** into slavery benefited from this process, those who stayed in Africa, or who immigrated after the end of slavery, did not? Your interpretation is based on conjecture, that "only the strong survive", which is a common misconception about evolution. In reality, it is the fittest who survive, which is why humans, who aren't the biggest, aren't the fastest, aren't the best fighters, but are the smartest, rose to the top of the food chain.

How's them wah wahs?
Nah there’s obviously a genetic advantage in that department already but it’s not that hard to understand that when you take the strongest most resilient and verile and ******* them to breed so you can have more human property you’re going to end up with a superior variant that, especially when compounded over several generations, will demonstrate that superiority in every aspect of our society and culture. Look at any institution that hasn’t been kept completely under the control of the descendants of its creators - whether it’s athletics, the arts, higher education, business, technology, religion and politics, there’s clearly a substantial class of people who are descendants of slavery who have not only managed to survive under virtually insurmountable circumstances, but have risen to the top of their respective fields and are unquestionably superior to their counterparts born with the complexion for protection. If you take privilege into consideration it becomes that much more clear. The cognitive dissonance is real.
Nah there’s obviously a genetic advantage in that department already but it’s not that hard to understand that when you take the strongest most resilient and verile and ******* them to breed so you can have more human property you’re going to end up with a superior variant that, especially when compounded over several generations, will demonstrate that superiority in every aspect of our society and culture. Look at any institution that hasn’t been kept completely under the control of the descendants of its creators - whether it’s athletics, the arts, higher education, business, technology, religion and politics, there’s clearly a substantial class of people who are descendants of slavery who have not only managed to survive under virtually insurmountable circumstances, but have risen to the top of their respective fields and are unquestionably superior to their counterparts born with the complexion for protection. If you take privilege into consideration it becomes that much more clear. The cognitive dissonance is real.
reasonable analysis.
Nah there’s obviously a genetic advantage in that department already but it’s not that hard to understand that when you take the strongest most resilient and verile and ******* them to breed so you can have more human property you’re going to end up with a superior variant that, especially when compounded over several generations, will demonstrate that superiority in every aspect of our society and culture. Look at any institution that hasn’t been kept completely under the control of the descendants of its creators - whether it’s athletics, the arts, higher education, business, technology, religion and politics, there’s clearly a substantial class of people who are descendants of slavery who have not only managed to survive under virtually insurmountable circumstances, but have risen to the top of their respective fields and are unquestionably superior to their counterparts born with the complexion for protection. If you take privilege into consideration it becomes that much more clear. The cognitive dissonance is real.
I see. So you're starting from the totally false idea that Africans had a genetic advantage and extrapolating from there. Got it.
I see. So you're starting from the totally false idea that Africans had a genetic advantage and extrapolating from there. Got it.
Actually no I’m starting at the theory of evolution- Africa is where we all came from originally and as our earliest ancestors who had more time than the rest of us did to naturally evolve through genetic selection to the most evolved of our species.
In my opinion there are some obvious differences between black men and white boys. I am not sure if these differences have been proven but I suspect anyone asking about them (to prove the obvious) will be discouraged. It seems to me that these differences likely play a role in the changes we see both in terms of sex but also more in society. I thought a discussion about this might be interesting and helpful for all.

Black men seem to be more masculine on average. That seems obvious. They are more sexual than white boys for the most part. I would extend that to my idea that it is actually painful for black men if they are deprived of a healthy and natural sexual outlet. That could be with a woman or sissy bottom or trans. But to deny them just seems wrong to me.

White boys are more feminine. They are more voyeuristic. I suspect they actually do better if they are denied sexual release. They become more compliant and more submissive to both black men and white women. The entire sexual dynamic changes when white boys are denied-and changed for the better. It helps promote the black man and white woman pairing. If this is true than having sex with a white boy just seems wrong to me with the exception of those white boys who have become bottoms.

These are my personal observations and I would be interested if people agree or not. If people agree do you think that it should be an obligation of women, especially white women to be more responsive to black men? To break down barriers that might be holding them back. Also if people agree about white boys should it be the responsibility of the white boy to request chastity or feminization or some other things that could encourage white male chastity? Or should any women involved be the driving *******? Finally, if correct black men will almost certainly honor a black man-white woman relationship. But should he be expected to honor a white woman-white boy relationship? Should he have to honor a white only marriage? If he does honor such a relationship does that not interfere with the promotion of a healthier relationship with a black man?

I know that not everyone will agree with my thoughts but I appreciate all opinions. I especially appreciate any knowledge people might have to support my general ideas. Thank you.
I agree wholeheartedly