Old Black people should also benefit from white surrender

NOT to be taken seriously...
Even if it's oddly popular, I think it's a bent way of thinking of this Black on White kink as some strategic revenge war. So, the plan is to dominate the white race as payback for the black race being dominated by them for centuries? And the way to do that is by blacks claiming superiority based primarily on the size of their dicks, angry-fucking white women ( single and married ), breeding them in some cases in-- what? -- an attempt to emulate the 9th Century conquest of Sicily by the ancient Moors. Well, the fact is, the Moors were not all black, not in the monolithic way "black" applies today. The Moors were a diverse group of Muslims which included Arabs, and Berbers. It's not even conclusive that Othello was actually "African black." The point is, any serious thought of revenge, or conquest, or reparations through fucking is, at best, dopey. Because white Masters raped black female slaves, free black men of today have a right to fuck white women? Stop it.

Now, as a role-play theme meant to enhance the kink of immoral interracial sex, that can be fun for some. As I've mentioned before on another thread, I have participated in a couple's sex-play where I strongly suspected there was an underlying theme related to American slavery. I see the appeal of having white women use the "n" word as a playful trigger during kinky sex. While nobody has the time or the means of creating an elaborate role-play scenario, complete with antebellum costumes, I would be down for that type of sex party, big-time.
Let's just keep it playful. ;)
I'm all for keeping it playful, but I must admit I absolutely love fucking MWW. And while its great providing them with the pleasure they deserve and don't (and can't) get from their husbands, I must admit I also get some measure of pleasure in demonstrating superiority over their husbands. And when I impregnate them (3 ch-ildren) so far I get additional pleasure that I am producing a mixed race for the future. I don't need any so called repartations, this is all I need.
With their experience, Old Black People (men and women) would be perfect teachers for white girls ! I've always been moved by these pictures ! The Old warrior has his trophy at least. Testimonies welcome.. View attachment 5434427View attachment 5434428
Totally agree, remember when I first moved to NC, I had a customer that owned an electrical contracting company. He would come into our store to purchase supplies and sit on his stool and loved to tell stories about women. I always imagined he was talking about white girls that would satisfy him. He was at least in his 60s possibly 70's. The idea made me hard as a rock and it seemed like, hell yea you should be plowing those fields.