Oh Fuck I'm CUMMMMING: Amateur only!

To: Raeanne.
A certain someone getting her cervex pummeled for the third night in a row.

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.and because she is classy, her hair is amazing, she leaves her opera heels on. cervical pounding 3 nights in a row. she'll go home brain-dead in a wheelchair. . . . actually she might decide she is never going to leave. :) i would consider this a successful matchmaking fix-up. :). thank you LBc. sexy photo, is it from an adult film? . . . i could leave a copy of the dvd 'hidden' in the TV stand in her en suite. . . if i were truly devious. lol
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Triple "Oh Fuck I'm CUMMMMMING!"
tempting to imagine a few friends n co-workers being compromised there.
suffering orgasmic drought does make us bitchy. even worse is being aroused but not cumming, that gives us headaches. . . . the whole development of vibrators and dildos to treat 'feminine hysteria' , . . the spectrum of headaches, frigidity, and bitchiness. . frigidity used to be common topic back when - , but in the past fed decades we have become more independent/proactive in experiencing arousal and orgasm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biology Tidbit: neurologically -arousal leading towards orgasm is termed distress . as the voltages across the neuronal cell membranes grow , the neurons progress through ascending stages of distress - - reaching ''crisis''. crisis aka orgasm, the nervous system going haywire. then a refractory state and recovery. . . . i just thnk its funny that neurologically its called 'distress' and 'crisis'. arousal and orgasm. - - - - - in french feminine orgasm is 'la petite mort'. sorry , i just get a kick out of words sometimes.
thank you for the medical explanation . explains why women "pass out" from orgasm overload .... neurons reset . circuit breaker .. yes Susan gets "unfriendly" when she is in "distress" but hasn't reached "crisis" ha ha
spring break or vacation in the Caribbean
mmm.....or maybe a couple tennis partners from the country club, and a few basketball jocks from a nearby college. a liule get together for dancing and swimming , while hub's away at a conference. :)