Amateur bareback anal

I have a site but consider myself very amateur, mostly because I don't have sex to create content but rather to enjoy some orgasms. And hubby catches photos good bad or ugly, often bad and unpostable, and the guys I meet are regular b2w guys and bbcs i meet at bars and flirt with. Many of my encounters, especially lately, have been sans hubby at the guy's house or motel room.

That said, my hubby has caught some amazing moments, including anal.
I don't do anal. It hurts. But after a few amazing squirting orgasms, if a hard thin cock knocks at my backdoor, I'm likely to let him push in. I've found that if I'm cowgirl on a BBC with other BBCs sitting around watching, one will get behind me and try to DP me. If I'm really horny, I'll let him.

I know it's my husband's favorite thing to see me do, but I've declined far more than I've accepted. On some occasions, when I am getting anal or a DP, I'll have a crazy strong orgasm. Stronger than any other. But it's elusive, and often I won't abide the pain to get to that orgasm.

Showing my husband their cum leaking out of my ass seems to be the ultimate level up for a lot of BBCs. :)

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Did you lick the black man's cock clean?
I share your opinion on this matter. I like naturalness, real women and not pictures that do not exist in real life. To see the emotions of a woman during anal contact, sometimes pain, sometimes not. To see how the penis is grasped by the sphincter ring.