Nude Beach

Five ass shots


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Nude Beach story one:

Back when San Onofre Trail Six was still a legitimate nude beach use to go there with the girlfriend I use to live with.(swedish blonde I've previously mentioned in posts)

One time we are laying there near the fence to the Camp Pendleton side when two nude dudes approach us.

We are on our backs, girlfriend had legs parted. The stop right in front of us at our feet and engage us in conversation. Probably as a pretence to check us out. (Luckily that girlfriend was into showing off a bit).

I'd describe these two as white, looking like construction workers or handyman types. No idea what they really did, that's just how I pictured them based on looks and banter.

After about 10 minutes of BS talk about how great the day was and other crap the invited us back to their spot, located on the Camp Pendleton side of the fence and said they had cold beer.

That girlfriend didn't ******* and we were enjoying our own spot so declined.

I always wondered what they had in mind. Just find cool people to ******* with, get my girlfriend back to their spot for MMF or MMMF or fuck and suck the two of us?

After we declined they soon moved off.

After breaking up with that girlfriend it's like a year later and I'm hanging out on trail Six this time with a 20 year old Hispanic chick who had sexy tan arms and legs and an untanned torso. We were drinking Sapporo's and just enjoy tanning naked, when the two exact same guys show us with the exact same M.O. and as above endgame us in conversation before inviting us back to their Camp Pendleton spot for cold beer.

We were like, "we have beer, thanks just chilling here" and they moved on.

Just friendly, or looking to get a couple ******* and move in on the chick, or fuck us both?

I always imagined after a few beers when everyone was good and buzzed, they'd have gone down on us both and worked us till we were good and horny and couldn't stand it anymore before fucking us side by side at their little beach camp.

Anyways didn't take them up on their offer either time.
Slut wife, couple of these I would weasel bikini bottoms my wife has that red one only in a white and light blue instead of the red, although she hasn't worn it without the top....yet....


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Still sore from being fucked by a thick Black cock, she rinse off in the soothing Caribbean water before returning to her husband, who had fallen asleep on their beach towels waiting for her return.
For their third anniversary her husband had gone all out and rented them a beachside villa on a private beach. The beach was nearly deserted and she felt quite comfortable as she prepared to tan in the nude.....

But just as she started to relax on the recliner, she saw a large Black man, strolling in a cocky and entitled way on what was supposed to be a private beach!!!!

And he was coming right towards them!!!

30 minutes later her husband watch as the large Black trespasser, fucked her long and hard on the same beach recliner....


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Your husband was talking about snorkeling and all the colorful fish they'd be able to see in these warm Caribbean waters, he was so absorb in his own conversation, that he didn't even notice as she turned back to the beach.....

A large Jamaican man, hsir all crazy dreadlocks, thick bare chest, and washboard abs, his face split in a huge smile as he held out a smoldering blunt, inviting her to partake.....


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Nude Beach story two:

This time i was in San Francisco and came across this Beach South of the Golden gate bridge. Turned out the North part of the beach is a nude beach.

So stop jogging, got naked and went towards the Golden gate bridge. It was a weekday so the beach was pretty lightly populated by nudists. Anyways down the beach it got way more remote and now was only solo dudes, probably waiting for someone friendly to come by.

Shoreline got Rocky and I kept going and way beyond where there any people I found a giant gray whale skull just sitting on the beach, it was epic looking.

Eventually I got to the south side of the Golden gate bridge, But there was a fence to prevent you from rounding the bend and arriving at that fort this kind of at the base.

But yeah I was at the golden gate bridge naked.

There were zero people around for quite a huge stretch of that shoreline.


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Not True! My husband and I were nudists, going to nude resorts and beaches, for about 15 years. I was never attracted to another man during that entire time. Sure, I looked, but never thought of or even mentioned my desire for another man during all that time.

It was a vacation in the Bahamas, where I was wearing a bathing suit, that another man, a Black man, interested me enough to do something about it. And what's ironic is that it was my HUSBAND who mentioned it first.

I'm sure that there are nudists who play, but in and of itself, nudism does not equate to sexual activities, at least among the vast majority of nudists.

To put even a finer point on it, since I was first 'Spaded,' I've never played with another nudist, White or Black.

Your generalized statement is about the same as saying that every woman who goes to Starbucks is looking to get laid.

Become a nudist. Associate with other nudists. And I'm positive you'll find that they are as about as 'normal' as a group of people engaged in any other social activity.
true my bad.