Nude Beach

Not True! My husband and I were nudists, going to nude resorts and beaches, for about 15 years. I was never attracted to another man during that entire time. Sure, I looked, but never thought of or even mentioned my desire for another man during all that time.

It was a vacation in the Bahamas, where I was wearing a bathing suit, that another man, a Black man, interested me enough to do something about it. And what's ironic is that it was my HUSBAND who mentioned it first.

I'm sure that there are nudists who play, but in and of itself, nudism does not equate to sexual activities, at least among the vast majority of nudists.

To put even a finer point on it, since I was first 'Spaded,' I've never played with another nudist, White or Black.

Your generalized statement is about the same as saying that every woman who goes to Starbucks is looking to get laid.

Become a nudist. Associate with other nudists. And I'm positive you'll find that they are as about as 'normal' as a group of people engaged in any other social activity.
I agree

Nude beaches have a lot of naturist, who do not equate nudity with sexually. And are very vocal if you take it sexual as they don't want the authorities closing down their escape zone from textiles.

From my experience I've seen less naughty behavior on the new beaches versus regular public beaches.

Inviting pic attached


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