Nude Beach

I have a few friends that are American. They love nude beaches. Two have been to the one in Sandy Hook. It must be a great place as they seem to go all the time. They once years ago before the shooting that nude beaches were the only place where you never see guns as there is no where to carry them. I guess the joke is no longer funny.

will understand if management takes this down.

on a side note Michigan has some great nude beaches For swimming.
Nude beaches in michigan!?!
It’s not like they go out of their way to advertise them. Too many gawkers would show up. However yes there are more than a few. The locals know where to find them. There are also nude beaches in Ohio and Wisconsin.

Actually, just about any federally owned beach can be nude if you can find a spot far from the main crowd. The way I understand it is that the federal government does not have a rule on nudity...that's all down at the state level. So unless the property is managed / patrolled by the state parks nudity can be a grey area. The key is to find spots that don't offend the general population.
Actually, just about any federally owned beach can be nude if you can find a spot far from the main crowd. The way I understand it is that the federal government does not have a rule on nudity...that's all down at the state level. So unless the property is managed / patrolled by the state parks nudity can be a grey area. The key is to find spots that don't offend the general population.
Have to thank all those who DM me this their State Nude Beach locations. And to those in Michigan look I am sorry I let the cat out of the bag that your state has one great nude beach’s. I would especially like to thank the guys Alaska for the locations of the volcanic heated lakes. Especially Herb who sent A photo of his wife enjoying the lake with the northern lights in the back ground. On another note Herb I will not Post it. Yes I did find it on Google maps. Your secret is safe with me. I understand Alaska is Hot Wife Heaven something like seven guys for every lady.