
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on Summer Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease.
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC.
Other than in chatrooms, I was wondering how you made a verification contact with your bulls, Oohbaby.
If you haven't had a vocal or visual contact with them, and they refuse to do so, then you really haven't established contact with them. Certainly making plans only in threads like this or private chats is NOT the way to confirm a meeting. If they won't skype or chat by phone, you obviously haven't established the 'trust' with that person IF they are real. Most people (black & white) are just fantasy and have no intention of following through with you.
Learn to use visual contact. Skype is simple to use and insist on every individual who's to meet be on the Skype chat. And if still in doubt do a background check.

PS ... the avatar you are using, who is that, husband or wife? If husband, is the husband a crossdresser?
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on Summer Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease.
It probably has a LOT to do with your entire profile screaming desperate white boy that posted a picture of a heavy filtered prohibited chemical head female kneeling on a bed. And nothing but begging constantly with no verification or proof constantly otherwise… If you are just a gay cruiser with a fetish just say so
It's because you are talking to white men pervs pretending to be black men. Just as well. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Not really. Black males may have the reluctance of meeting with couples, especially if its indicated the male spouse is bisexual. Most black males would just prefer meeting with the white female. If the roles were reversed, I know I wouldn't want the male around during sex, not until a lot of 'trust' had been established over time.
I wouldn't want to rush into a meeting for sex, either. I'd prefer meeting at a restaurant or well known bar and share casual conversation with no expectations afterward.
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on Summer Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease.
We've been stood up by validated Black males. By so called "real persons" in the past. Its not just so called bulls or black guys pulling this shti, it's all colours. I give thanks that we have a near fail safe system in place to trap or find the smegs who pull this kind of shti so we no longer have to suffer being stood up by the bottom feeders.
OP posted on the 17th and has not responded since then... Yeah go figure. I don't know about anyone else, but this whole notion about you are the prize is nonsense. To me, we agree to meet, none is more valuable than the other. You have what I want, and I have what you want. If it does not work out, oh well. Not saying don't be confident or devalue yourself, but don't think you are better than anyone else.
We've been stood up by validated Black males. By so called "real persons" in the past. Its not just so called bulls or black guys pulling this shti, it's all colours. I give thanks that we have a near fail safe system in place to trap or find the smegs who pull this kind of shti so we no longer have to suffer being stood up by the bottom feeders.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe YOU were "stood up" bc they seen YOU as a bottom feeder? It's crazy how certain people are so one sided. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Did you ever stop to think that maybe YOU were "stood up" bc they seen YOU as a bottom feeder? It's crazy how certain people are so one sided. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh dear. Did you ever stop to think? Well its clear you didn't . That the people are bottom feeders because THEY didn't turn up. Not for any other reason. It's crazy how certain people are so one sided.
Oh dear. Did you ever stop to think? Well its clear you didn't . That the people are bottom feeders because THEY didn't turn up. Not for any other reason. It's crazy how certain people are so one sided.
Thanks for making it easy for me to prove my point with your response. You probably have about 40 decades on me, and my response was well thought out 😉 I can't same the same for you.
Thanks for making easy for me to prove my point with your response. You probably have about 40 decades on me, and my response was well thought out 😉 I can't same the same for you.
Jenna you proved nothing about your point other than you have issues with anyone disagreeing with you or having their own point of view.. Enjoy the!