New Fit for the Weekend🖤

big brother GIF by Big Brother After Dark
Why, because you said so? Nah! I've got enough for my liking, but thanks for your concern 😉
Jenna I'm just gonna toss it out and it doesn’t matter what you do and it doesn’t matter what you say as you'll do whatever you want and I could care less. You ride some of these people like a pony but you yourself don't hold up the same litmus test you want them too. Everyone is a poser or a fake but you hypothetically. Is this place full of trolls and wanna be's. Of course it is. But if your gonna play judge and jury then you got to be above what your judging and you've never put up any images beyond the ambiguous ones you started with and your not verified.
Jenna I'm just gonna toss it out and it doesn’t matter what you do and it doesn’t matter what you say as you'll do whatever you want and I could care less. You ride some of these people like a pony but you yourself don't hold up the same litmus test you want them too. Everyone is a poser or a fake but you hypothetically. Is this place full of trolls and wanna be's. Of course it is. But if your gonna play judge and jury then you got to be above what your judging and you've never put up any images beyond the ambiguous ones you started with and your not verified.
So you're saying YOU get to be "judge and jury" because you're verified 🤔🙄
You are absolutely right I do what I want because I am a grown-ass person, I'm not posting things to contradict who I am either. If ANYONE takes my word to be the gospel then that's on them, I have every right to say what I think, take what you want from it, I'm not running for President 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't need a title like you do to run through this site acting as if "verified" gives you entitlement that you're better than everyone, get over yourself, geesh! 🤦🏼‍♀️
.. another thing why you so worried about me? You say you don't care, but I'm the only one you always feel the need to say something to? There are countless people on here that say something because they are compelled to for what ever reason also UNVERIFIED and you say NOTHING 🤔 is it because you wanna pet my kitty 😽
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Jenna I'm just gonna toss it out and it doesn’t matter what you do and it doesn’t matter what you say as you'll do whatever you want and I could care less. You ride some of these people like a pony but you yourself don't hold up the same litmus test you want them too. Everyone is a poser or a fake but you hypothetically. Is this place full of trolls and wanna be's. Of course it is. But if your gonna play judge and jury then you got to be above what your judging and you've never put up any images beyond the ambiguous ones you started with and your not verified.
Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF by The Academy Awards
So you're saying YOU get to be "judge and jury" because you're verified 🤔🙄
You are absolutely right I do what I want because I am a grown-ass person, I'm not posting things to contradict who I am either. If ANYONE takes my word to be the gospel then that's on them, I have every right to say what I think, take what you want from it, I'm not running for President 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't need a title like you do to run through this site acting as if "verified" gives you entitlement that you're better than everyone, get over yourself, geesh! 🤦🏼‍♀️
.. another thing why you so worried about me? You say you don't care, but I'm the only one you always feel the need to say something to? There are countless people on here that say something because they are compelled to for what ever reason also UNVERIFIED and you say NOTHING 🤔 is it because you wanna pet my kitty 😽
Your answer speaks for itself Jenna. You don’t post anything-but you do a lot of the pot calling the kettle
black. If you’re gonna toss shade sometimes it splashes. We all are grown ass adults- at least some of us.
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Your answer speaks for itself Jenna. You don’t post anything-but you do a lot of the pot calling the kettle
black. If you’re gonna toss shade sometimes it splashes. We all are grown ass adults- at least some of us.
Ah! Duh! Of course it speaks for it's self, I said it. Oh Lord, you're not very💡let me dumb it down a bit. I do post, I don't post 🐂💩. YOU (ANNIES) can take it however YOU (ANNIES) want to take it. I (JUST_JENNA) do what is best for ME ( JUST_JENNA) did you understand it that time? I get splashed, lashed, and dragged, you see I'm still standing right? Also, wtf did I even say to YOU ANNIES THE VERIFIED to get in your feels? OH SNAPS!!! I feel like you need theme music, I wonder what it would be? 🤔 Maybe the "Jaws" theme song? 🤔
... yes, I do believe you've got about 40 years on me, so you can claim being an adult or wait, what do they call the "verified" oh ya " senior citizens", maybe they can hand out "verified" rules in the " AARP" pamphlet. Maybe you can spearhead that 😉
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