Muslim Men and White Christian Women

Muslim Men with White Christian Women

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Something about the idea of a Muslim guy coming in and "conquering" and fucking my wife until she's pregnant for him is a huge turn on.. much moreso than other races for some reason..

I recommend Turkey. It's westener / white friendly. Make your wife dressing a little bit provocately and watch from distance how the local men buzz around her like flies in pursuit of getting access under her skirt.
I had wrapped the towel around my waist and walked unsteadily along the beach back to my hotel. My brain was still in a state of emergency and I couldn't think straight. What had just happened? How could it be that I had taken a stranger's strong-smelling cock in my mouth and blown him, who kept calling me a whore, cum in my mouth and I had swallowed his sperm? I had almost reached my room when I crossed paths with a hotel employee. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and asked: Are you all right, madam? I replied yes, everything was fine and hurried past him.

When I arrived in my room, I went into the bathroom and when I saw myself in the mirror, I realized why the employee had looked at me like that. There was a whitish substance on my chin, neck and chest, a mixture of my saliva and sperm. I took off my bikini and got into the shower. After I had showered and dried off extensively, I let myself fall onto the bed. I lay naked on the bed and my thoughts revolved around what had happened before.

*******, my right hand went to my crotch. I massaged my clitoris with my middle finger. My arousal grew and grew and I had an orgasm like rarely before when I pleasured myself.

I then fell asleep and when I woke up it had already started to get dark. I quickly put on a dress without a bra and panties, washed my teeth and put on my make-up. Then I went over to the restaurant and sat down at a free table. I was studying the menu when the waiter said to me: 'Good evening madam, what can I get you to *******? I looked up and recognized the man I had crossed paths with when I came back. My head immediately became hot. Uh, a Chardonnay please, I stammered. I'll be right back, he said and left.

My face must have turned fiery red, I was incredibly embarrassed when I thought about how I had looked when we crossed paths. When the waiter came back and brought me the Chardonnay, I ordered a tajine with beef. As I was in the middle of my meal, the waiter came to my table and served me more wine. You've already met Hadir, the waiter asked. Who? I asked back. The waiter leaned slightly towards me and said in a hushed voice: 'That's the name of the man you sucked his cock on the beach today, madam. Again the heat shot into my head. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, madame, said the waiter and went to the next table.

After the meal, I hurried to my room. I was just too embarrassed to know that the waiter had watched me sucking Hadir's cock. I wondered if there had been any other observers. Once in the room, I filled large glass of Baileys that I had bought in duty-free and emptied the glass in one go. I took off my dress, went into the bathroom, removed my make-up, brushed my teeth and then lay naked on the bed.

Zhasla jsem světlo, ale samozřejmě jsem nemohla myslet na spánek. Před očima jsem měl obraz Hadirova ztopořeného penisu. Čokoládově zbarvený dřík s tlustými žilkami, mléčně kávově zbarvený žalud se středovou dírou moči, ze které mi vstříkl do pusy to obrovské množství semene. Roztáhla jsem nohy, pravou rukou jsem si masírovala stydké pysky, strčila jsem si 3 prsty do kundičky, vytáhla je, přiložila ruku k ústům a olízla prsty. Moje ruka se vrátila k mé kundičce a třela si klitoris, dokud jsem neudělala tvrdě.

Druhý den ráno jsem vstával brzy. Zavolal jsem na recepci a zeptal se, jestli by teď bylo možné se nasnídat. Samozřejmě, paní, dejte nám prosím 10 minut. Poděkoval jsem jí a zavěsil. Po dobré snídani jsem se rozhodl jít do bazénu.

Lehl jsem si na jedno z těch širokých a velmi pohodlných lehátek a četl si knihu. Byl jsem tam jediným hostem. Bylo kolem jedenácté, když se najednou ozval hlas: Dobré ráno, madam, přejete si *******? Byl to číšník ze včerejšího večera. Podíval jsem se nahoru a řekl: "Dal bych si piňa colada, jestli je to možné. Ale samozřejmě, madam, že hned přicházím. Spěchal pryč a já jsem se o něj starala, když se mi znovu vybavil Hadir.

Dnes v 8 hodin večer jsem měl být zpátky na místě, kde jsem ho vyhodil. Číšník se vrátil s mojí Piňou Coladou. Položil sklenici na stolek vedle mého lehátka. Poděkoval jsem mu a on řekl: "K vašim službám, madam. Mohu pro vás udělat ještě něco? Ehm, ano. Co o něm víte o tomto Hadirovi? No, já ho osobně neznám, madam. Mohu vám říci jen to, co se o něm říká. Ano, prosím, odpověděl jsem. No, bydlí támhle v domě se svými dvěma syny. Přestěhoval se sem asi před pěti lety. Říká se, že byl velkou postavou marocké tajné služby. Jeho žena a ******* byli zabiti při pokusu o atentát. Tehdy dal výpověď ze služby. Je to pro vás dost, madam? Ano, děkuji, odpověděl jsem. Číšník se trochu uklonil a odešel. Usrkl jsem ze své sklenice a podíval se na lagunu.

Bylo 7:30 večer a já nervózně přecházela po pokoji. Právě jsem se osprchovala a oholila si nohy a kundičku. Celý den jsem zápasil sám se sebou. Mám nebo nemám? Ale moje stále rostoucí nadrženost zvítězila. Chtěl jsem to udělat. Ale co si mám vzít na sebe? Vzhledem k tomu, že mě Hadir několikrát nazval děvkou, pomyslela jsem si, že se tak budu oblékat. Měla jsem s sebou krátkou černou minisukni, kterou jsem si oblékla bez kalhotek a bílou, lehce průhlednou halenku. Nenosila jsem podprsenku. Šla jsem do koupelny a nalíčila se. Rtěnka, kterou jsem si nanesla, byla jasně červená a na víčka jsem zvolila světle modrý odstín. Dala jsem si vlasy nahoru. Když jsem se na sebe podívala do zrcadla, pomyslela jsem si, ano, takhle vypadá děvka.

Nenosila jsem své červené lodičky, které ladily s barvou mé rtěnky, dokud jsem se tam nedostala. Vyšla jsem z pokoje a spěchala směrem k pláži, doufajíc, že cestou na nikoho nenarazím. Byla už tma, ale cesta byla dobře osvětlená, až na pár metrů k místu setkání. Poznal jsem to místo, ale nikdo tam nebyl. Nasadila jsem si lodičky, a když jsem vzhlédla, byl tam.

Měl u sebe baterku a pokynul mi, abych k němu přišel. Srdce se mi rozbušilo, když jsem k němu kráčela. Stál jsem teď před ním. Vyhrnul mi minisukni a sáhl mi mezi nohy. Z kundičky mi už zase kapalo mokro. Dobře, řekl, jsi připravená. Pojď za mnou. Znovu jsem si stáhla minisukni a následovala ho po pěšině, dokud jsme nedorazili před dům. Otevřel dveře a pokynul mi, abych vešel. Udeřila mě vůně hašiše. Vešel jsem dovnitř a uviděl dva muže, jak sedí na pohovce a kouří vodní dýmku. To jsou moji synové, řekl Hadir, plácl mě po zadku a řekl: Bavte se. Pak vyšel předními dveřmi a zavřel je.
and how did it go on?
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It was mid-September and the fall vacations had begun. My two daughters had flown to the States with their ******* and I was packing my bags for my vacation in Morocco. 2014 had been a stressful year for me. First the divorce and the associated countless appointments with lawyers, the court hearing where my lawyer luckily got the maximum for me. Then moving out of the house I had lived in for almost 15 years and moving into my new condominium. As my ex-husband also has his office in the house we lived in (he is a self-employed financial advisor, although I never understood exactly what he does, only that he apparently earns a lot of money), we agreed that he should keep the house and that I should move out with my daughters. I didn't want to live in the house any more anyway. My thoughts only revolved around where he could have fucked his secretary in our house.

For my well-deserved vacation in Morocco, I had chosen a small but exclusive hotel, La Sultana in Oualidia. I had booked the Caban suite there, a kind of tree house. My anticipation was great when I landed in Casablanca. The 2-hour drive to the hotel in a Bentley made me feel like a queen. The reception at the hotel was just as sublime. Every wish was read from my eyes. And the facilities are truly sensational. After checking into my room, I treated myself to a large portion of oysters on the terrace with a bottle of Chardonnay. Then I went to bed early.

I woke up to a knock on the door. It was room service bringing me breakfast. After having breakfast and a shower, I decided to go to the beach. I put on my bikini and went out the door. The hotel is located on a lagoon, so it is separated from the sea. I walked along the beach and found a spot I liked. I spread out my beach towel and started doing my yoga exercises. When I had finished, I folded up the beach towel and wanted to go back to the hotel. And then I noticed the man. He was sitting about 20 meters away from me on a stone under a tree. He was wearing a white djellaba. His face was dark and gaunt, with a hooked nose, piercing black eyes and he had a mottled gray beard. I estimated that he was over 60.

He grinned at me. I had no idea how long he had been sitting there watching me do yoga. And then I saw that he had pulled his djellaba up over his knees. My eyes fell on his genitals and I was like hypnotized. I had never seen such a big cock and testicles before. He made a gesture with his hand and motioned for me to come to him.

I approached him as if in a trance. When I got to him, he said in French “You are a fine white whore. Kneel down and suck my cock” My brain must have completely shut down because I got down on my knees, took his huge cock in my hand and brought it to my mouth. He smelled quite strongly of piss but I slid my mouth over his glans and licked it. I could feel how this excited him and his erection increased. Soon I was struggling just to get his glans in my mouth. “Do you like that whore”, he asked and put his hand on the back of my head. He pushed me deeper and I started to gag. He let go and I had his cock out of my mouth for a brief moment. I struggled for breath but shortly afterwards he pushed his cock back into my mouth.

I don't know how long it went on like this. My saliva ran down the corners of my mouth and every now and then my eyes went black. He started to moan and I knew he was about to come. He gripped my head with both hands while he ejaculated in my mouth. I swallowed his cum as best I could. He pulled his cock out of my mouth, patted my cheek and said: "You've done well whore, now get up”. I stood up with shaky legs. He looked down at my bikini bottoms and said, “Well, look at that”. I looked down and saw a dark wet spot. He pulled my panties down with his left hand and grabbed my crotch with his right hand. When he pulled his hand back again, his palm was full of my slime. “You must have really enjoyed sucking me whore. I want you back here tomorrow night at 8. And now go.”
Damn Baby, you loved being a fucking whore for him, didn’t you??
I had wrapped the towel around my waist and walked unsteadily along the beach back to my hotel. My brain was still in a state of emergency and I couldn't think straight. What had just happened? How could it be that I had taken a stranger's strong-smelling cock in my mouth and blown him, who kept calling me a whore, cum in my mouth and I had swallowed his sperm? I had almost reached my room when I crossed paths with a hotel employee. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and asked: Are you all right, madam? I replied yes, everything was fine and hurried past him.

When I arrived in my room, I went into the bathroom and when I saw myself in the mirror, I realized why the employee had looked at me like that. There was a whitish substance on my chin, neck and chest, a mixture of my saliva and sperm. I took off my bikini and got into the shower. After I had showered and dried off extensively, I let myself fall onto the bed. I lay naked on the bed and my thoughts revolved around what had happened before.

*******, my right hand went to my crotch. I massaged my clitoris with my middle finger. My arousal grew and grew and I had an orgasm like rarely before when I pleasured myself.

I then fell asleep and when I woke up it had already started to get dark. I quickly put on a dress without a bra and panties, washed my teeth and put on my make-up. Then I went over to the restaurant and sat down at a free table. I was studying the menu when the waiter said to me: 'Good evening madam, what can I get you to *******? I looked up and recognized the man I had crossed paths with when I came back. My head immediately became hot. Uh, a Chardonnay please, I stammered. I'll be right back, he said and left.

My face must have turned fiery red, I was incredibly embarrassed when I thought about how I had looked when we crossed paths. When the waiter came back and brought me the Chardonnay, I ordered a tajine with beef. As I was in the middle of my meal, the waiter came to my table and served me more wine. You've already met Hadir, the waiter asked. Who? I asked back. The waiter leaned slightly towards me and said in a hushed voice: 'That's the name of the man you sucked his cock on the beach today, madam. Again the heat shot into my head. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, madame, said the waiter and went to the next table.

After the meal, I hurried to my room. I was just too embarrassed to know that the waiter had watched me sucking Hadir's cock. I wondered if there had been any other observers. Once in the room, I filled large glass of Baileys that I had bought in duty-free and emptied the glass in one go. I took off my dress, went into the bathroom, removed my make-up, brushed my teeth and then lay naked on the bed.

I turned off the light but of course I couldn't think about sleeping. I had the image of Hadir's erect cock before my eyes. The chocolate-colored shaft with the thick veins, the milky coffee-colored glans with the centered piss hole from which he had injected this huge amount of cum into my mouth. I had spread my legs, my right hand massaged my labia, I put 3 fingers in my pussy, pulled them out, brought my hand to my mouth and licked the fingers. My hand went back to my pussy and rubbed my clitoris until I came hard.

I was up early the next morning. I called the reception and asked if it would be possible to have breakfast now. Of course madam, please give us 10 minutes. I thanked her and hung up. After a good breakfast, I decided to go to the pool.

I had laid down on one of those wide and very comfortable deckchairs and was reading my book. I was the only guest there. It was around 11 when suddenly a voice asked: Good morning ma'am, would you like a *******? It was the waiter from last night. I looked up and said: "I'd like a pina colada if that's possible. But of course ma'am, coming right up. He hurried off and I looked after him when Hadir came to mind again.

Today at 8 o'clock in the evening I was supposed to be back at the place where I had blow him. The waiter came back with my Pina Colada. He put the glass on the little table next to my deckchair. I thanked him and he said: "At your service, ma'am. Can I do anything else for you? Uh, yes. This Hadir, what do you know about him? Well, I don't know him personally, ma'am. I can only tell you what is said about him. Yes, please, I replied. Well, he lives right over there in a house with his two sons. He moved here about five years ago. People say he was a big shot in the Moroccan secret service. His wife and ******* were killed in an assassination attempt. That's when he resigned from the service. Is that enough for you Madam? Yes, thank you, I replied. The waiter made a little bow and left. I sipped from my glass and looked out over the lagoon.

It was 7:30 in the evening and I was pacing nervously around my room. I had just showered and shaved my legs and pussy. I had been wrestling with myself all day. Should I or shouldn't I? But my ever-growing horniness had won out. I wanted to do it. But what should I wear? Since Hadir had called me a whore several times, I thought to myself, well then I'll dress like one. I had a short black mini skirt with me that I put on without panties and a white, slightly transparent blouse. I didn't wear a bra. I went into the bathroom and put on my make-up. The lipstick I put on was bright red and I chose a light blue shade for my eyelids. I had put my hair up. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought, yes, that's what a whore looks like.

I wouldn't wear my red pumps, which matched the color of my lipstick, until I got there. I left the room and hurried towards the beach, hoping that I wouldn't bump into anyone on the way. It was already dark now but the path was well lit except for the few meters to the meeting point. I recognized the spot but there was no one to be seen. I put on my pumps and when I looked up, there he was.

He had a flashlight with him and he motioned for me to come to him. My heart raced as I walked towards him. I was now standing in front of him. He pulled up my miniskirt and reached between my legs. My pussy was already dripping wet again. Good, he said, you're ready. Follow me. I pulled my miniskirt down again and followed him along a path until we arrived in front of a house. He opened the door and gestured for me to come in. The smell of hashish hit me. I entered and saw two men sitting on a sofa smoking a shisha. These are my sons, said Hadir, slapped me on the butt and said: Have fun. Then he went out the front door and closed it.
Oh you little slut, we’re you their whore that night??
It was mid-September and the fall vacations had begun. My two daughters had flown to the States with their ******* and I was packing my bags for my vacation in Morocco. 2014 had been a stressful year for me. First the divorce and the associated countless appointments with lawyers, the court hearing where my lawyer luckily got the maximum for me. Then moving out of the house I had lived in for almost 15 years and moving into my new condominium. As my ex-husband also has his office in the house we lived in (he is a self-employed financial advisor, although I never understood exactly what he does, only that he apparently earns a lot of money), we agreed that he should keep the house and that I should move out with my daughters. I didn't want to live in the house any more anyway. My thoughts only revolved around where he could have fucked his secretary in our house.

For my well-deserved vacation in Morocco, I had chosen a small but exclusive hotel, La Sultana in Oualidia. I had booked the Caban suite there, a kind of tree house. My anticipation was great when I landed in Casablanca. The 2-hour drive to the hotel in a Bentley made me feel like a queen. The reception at the hotel was just as sublime. Every wish was read from my eyes. And the facilities are truly sensational. After checking into my room, I treated myself to a large portion of oysters on the terrace with a bottle of Chardonnay. Then I went to bed early.

I woke up to a knock on the door. It was room service bringing me breakfast. After having breakfast and a shower, I decided to go to the beach. I put on my bikini and went out the door. The hotel is located on a lagoon, so it is separated from the sea. I walked along the beach and found a spot I liked. I spread out my beach towel and started doing my yoga exercises. When I had finished, I folded up the beach towel and wanted to go back to the hotel. And then I noticed the man. He was sitting about 20 meters away from me on a stone under a tree. He was wearing a white djellaba. His face was dark and gaunt, with a hooked nose, piercing black eyes and he had a mottled gray beard. I estimated that he was over 60.

He grinned at me. I had no idea how long he had been sitting there watching me do yoga. And then I saw that he had pulled his djellaba up over his knees. My eyes fell on his genitals and I was like hypnotized. I had never seen such a big cock and testicles before. He made a gesture with his hand and motioned for me to come to him.

I approached him as if in a trance. When I got to him, he said in French “You are a fine white whore. Kneel down and suck my cock” My brain must have completely shut down because I got down on my knees, took his huge cock in my hand and brought it to my mouth. He smelled quite strongly of piss but I slid my mouth over his glans and licked it. I could feel how this excited him and his erection increased. Soon I was struggling just to get his glans in my mouth. “Do you like that whore”, he asked and put his hand on the back of my head. He pushed me deeper and I started to gag. He let go and I had his cock out of my mouth for a brief moment. I struggled for breath but shortly afterwards he pushed his cock back into my mouth.

I don't know how long it went on like this. My saliva ran down the corners of my mouth and every now and then my eyes went black. He started to moan and I knew he was about to come. He gripped my head with both hands while he ejaculated in my mouth. I swallowed his cum as best I could. He pulled his cock out of my mouth, patted my cheek and said: "You've done well whore, now get up”. I stood up with shaky legs. He looked down at my bikini bottoms and said, “Well, look at that”. I looked down and saw a dark wet spot. He pulled my panties down with his left hand and grabbed my crotch with his right hand. When he pulled his hand back again, his palm was full of my slime. “You must have really enjoyed sucking me whore. I want you back here tomorrow night at 8. And now go.”
Nice story, but hqving lived in Morocco it doen't feel realistic; especially in Oualidia, if you want to experience such situation bettr off at desert gate in camps, under the stars away from social pressure and religious angst: berbers can be "very welcoming" with european open minded females with late night visits in tents...
Im Alyson sub bi wife size 14 blonde seeking to be black owned controlled used abused humiliated degraded long term here in uk. Muslim men welcome. Meet at yours over weekends initially. Bulls need not respond, experienced doms only
Dm me white slut