Mueller looking at NRA now

The fact is the left do want to limit and obstruct the 2nd amentment. Im in pgh and the city wants to pass an unconstitutional bill, they have been told by prosecutors that it may be illegal and crimial complaints could be file and they said so what. Im paraphrasing..

wrong again their Mr. know it all....several judges have ruled against assault weapons and 2 of those judges were appointed by the right...look it up!....did Obama try to take anything no ...again all propaganda put out by the know nothing of facts you just want to show blind obedience to your GOD!
Judge rules: Massachusetts' assault weapons ban doesn't ...
Apr 06, 2018 · Judge rules: Massachusetts' assault weapons ban doesn't violate 2nd Amendment. U.S. District Judge William Youngsaid assault weapons are military firearms and aren’t protected by the constitutional right to “bear arms.” Regulation of the weapons is a matter of policy, not for the courts, he said. “Other states are equally free...

Federal appeals court says assault rifles are ‘weapons of ...
Feb 22, 2017 · The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decision upheld Maryland's ban on assault rifles, which was passed in 2013 in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in

Judge Kavanaugh’s Extremist Position on the Second Amendment › PoliticsLegal Affairs
Jul 16, 2018 · In a later ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, sitting en banc, upheld the Maryland assault rifle ban by a vote of 10 to 4 (the majority composed of Republican and Democratic appointees alike), finding that assault rifles like the AR-15 are sufficiently similar to military weapons like the M-16 as to receive no constitutional protection at all.

Antonin Scalia’s 2008 Ruling Set Parameters for Today’s ...
Antonin Scalia’s 2008 Ruling Set Parameters for Today’s Gun Control Reform Debate. The Senate debate on efforts to prohibit those on the terrorist and no-fly watch lists from buying firearms. Monday’s ruling by the Supreme Court not to take up a case banning assault weapons. All of these gun stories that have been dominating the news over the past weeks have one man at the center: the late Supreme …
Lmao, no just abke to think for myself there is a difference im not some patsy follower ...oh a piece of candy...lmao

apparently haven't shown that ability yet....and apparently can't even read the articles posted

it is republican judges ruling against assault weapons....and no one to date has tried to take any guns....except what you read and hear about from the NRA
you really think they will take your guns?

The demographics of gun ownership in the U.S. | Pew ...
Most Americans say society has a negative view of gun owners, but that people in their own communities look at gun owners is a positive way. Most (61%) say people in their community generally view gun owners in a positive way, and this is particularly the …

One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a ... - NBC News
In the Northeast, gun ownership rates ranged from 5.8 percent in Rhode Island to 28.8 percent in Vermont. In the Midwest, rates ranged from 19.6 percent in Ohio to 47.9 percent in North Dakota.
Trump is in cahoots with the NRA to give the good ole USA to Russia dontcha be knowin now - he would have ya believe !!!!
He’ll just keep postin his left wing horseshite til ya get tired o posting back - he is inexhaustible in his hatred and whining about Trump.
Trump is in cahoots with the NRA to give the good ole USA to Russia dontcha be knowin now - he would have ya believe !!!!
He’ll just keep postin his left wing horseshite til ya get tired o posting back - he is inexhaustible in his hatred and whining about Trump.

spoken like a true trumpie….anything against trump or Russia just gets him riled up

maybe if I posted some of those articles in Russian would you read them then?
Here is the issue, trump doesnt care if he offends you or pisses you off he just wants to get the job done. People are used to politicians blowing smoke and lying and flip flopping and this is brand new. Its refreshing. He has is faults but so did hillary, who her and her camp did commit crimes. If i did what she did i would be jn a cell with bubba getting my ass reamed daily. He had some mistress so what do did bill and then some. The ecomony is booming, he doesnt keep erasing red lines, he is making deals...we gave obama a chance and i wont go into that
Here is the issue, trump doesnt care if he offends you or pisses you off he just wants to get the job done. People are used to politicians blowing smoke and lying and flip flopping and this is brand new. Its refreshing. He has is faults but so did hillary, who her and her camp did commit crimes. If i did what she did i would be jn a cell with bubba getting my ass reamed daily. He had some mistress so what do did bill and then some. The ecomony is booming, he doesnt keep erasing red lines, he is making deals...we gave obama a chance and i wont go into that

are you trying to change this to a trump thread...there are already a bunch of those
ok tell me just what job he has done?

you really do fit into the deaf and dumb catagory
trump doesnt care if he offends you or pisses you off he just wants to get the job done

yes look at what all he is doing for Russia...tariffs...Syria..Nato...on and on

People are used to politicians blowing smoke and lying and flip flopping and this is brand new.

yes it is...he averages 7 lies a day!....far more than any other politician to date

He has is faults but so did hillary, who her and her camp did commit crimes

crimes...lets just start with his foundation...then into money laundering for Russia...campaign finances...on and on..

If i did what she did i would be jn a cell with bubba getting my ass reamed daily

and what did she do? the right has been investigating her for how many years and found are buying all that Russian ******* put out prior to the election in support of trump

The ecomony is booming

he inheritated a growing will take him a while to fuck it up...normally it takes him 2 or 3 years to go bankrupt himself...and now he is dealing with even more money...but he is getting there rather fast

he is making deals

all of the deals he has made either benefit himself...or russia
Here is the issue, trump doesnt care if he offends you or pisses you off he just wants to get the job done. People are used to politicians blowing smoke and lying and flip flopping and this is brand new. Its refreshing. He has is faults but so did hillary, who her and her camp did commit crimes. If i did what she did i would be jn a cell with bubba getting my ass reamed daily. He had some mistress so what do did bill and then some. The ecomony is booming, he doesnt keep erasing red lines, he is making deals...we gave obama a chance and i wont go into that
gif_BrainNjar2.gif ................................. gif_Brainwashing.gif
Im done...brain washed...thats you buddy...this has been fun but you can argue with someone who had no sense of reality

tell me....what all has trump done for you?
your boss got a nice big you didn't even get a MAGA hat
talk about dumb!

my last trump conversation with you....
the topic is the NRA
tell me....what all has trump done for you?
your boss got a nice big you didn't even get a MAGA hat
talk about dumb!

my last trump conversation with you....
the topic is the NRA
I have read some of your posts and it seems you are not fully in favor of President Trump (but can't be sure). So, I have an idea what you don't support. But, what do you you support?
PS: If you would not reply in bold letters, please.
I have read some of your posts and it seems you are not fully in favor of President Trump (but can't be sure). So, I have an idea what you don't support. But, what do you you support?
PS: If you would not reply in bold letters, please.

not fully in favor of trump is an understatement....I think he is a Russian plant!
but apparently you are another that thinks he is so great

I lean towards the left....which in this country right governed and controlled by greed and money...the greedy are doing what they can to hold the worker down....deny his right to vote....and just taking his rights away a little at a time.....our education used to be the best around...not anymore....schools are suing local governments for care is a total joke.....minorities rights..just about out the window....those without can not get much help any more......they just gave huige tax breaks to the well to do....and to pay for are cutting money in social programs for the needy...I could go on about how corrupt and greedy this country has become....some of it through pure greed the rest through pure stupidity....we have become about as corrupt as you can get
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not fully in favor of trump is an understatement....I think he is a Russian plant!
but apparently you are another that thinks he is so great

I lean towards the left....which in this country right governed and controlled by greed and money...the greedy are doing what they can to hold the worker down....deny his right to vote....and just taking his rights away a little at a time.....our education used to be the best around...not anymore....schools are suing local governments for care is a total joke.....minorities rights..just about out the window....those without can not get much help any more......they just gave huige tax breaks to the well to do....and to pay for are cutting money in social programs for the needy...I could go on about how corrupt and greedy this country has become....some of it through pure greed the rest through pure stupidity....we have become about as corrupt as you can get
I can see from your answer that you tried, thank you for that.

It is still a list of things that you dislike/don't support/are unhappy about. What you want the USA to be?