Ladies: How Many Black Men have you had sex with?

Really, firstly, I am into sex for the quality not for the quantity of sex partners and secondly, in general I think asking about numbers is a bit childish.

But since in my case, it’s very easy to still have an overview I will answer anyway. So far, I have been with just three black men. Simply because there are not a lot to choose from where I live.
Really, firstly, I am into sex for the quality not for the quantity of sex partners and secondly, in general I think asking about numbers is a bit childish.

But since in my case, it’s very easy to still have an overview I will answer anyway. So far, I have been with just three black men. Simply because there are not a lot to choose from where I live.

Just curious…are you equal opportunity when you’re looking for a man, Emilia? Will any race do in the moment of need?