Ladies, Do you masturbate at work?

My wife used to masterbate when she got bored and horny working third shift! Finally she got bored fucking her black mag flashlight, and started fucking her male coworkers! She would come home in the morning and sit her cum filled pussy on my face,then kiss me with cock and ball breath!Sometimes her panties were gone!
Yes, I have, not a lot but a few times in the lady's room. It's like a single person restroom not stalls, lol.
Sometimes you have to take a break from the daily work grind and pleasure yourself! When you get back to work you are more relaxed,and can preform your tasks with a clear and focused mind! They should have masterbation breaks at work! Maybe even a glory hole! Lol
Sometimes you have to take a break from the daily work grind and pleasure yourself! When you get back to work you are more relaxed,and can preform your tasks with a clear and focused mind! They should have masterbation breaks at work! Maybe even a glory hole! Lol
If you listen to all the gossip at work, you would think they already have one somewhere but I think it's more like their car in the parking garage 4th floor, lol
i have before not to orgasm but i have played with myself little in the bathroom at work and in public places to send to someone
Apparently your breaks are not long enough to allow you to finish the task at hand,so to speak! You need to file a grievance with the Union steward and petition for longer breaks!
i have before not to orgasm but i have played with myself little in the bathroom at work and in public places to send to someone
Apparently yourbreaks are not long enough to allow you to finish the tas
Way to get it done girlfriend! I would think that should be tended to at least twice a shift during working hours! We know our rights dam it! Lol Thanks for the wonderful video!
Yes, I have, not a lot but a few times in the lady's room. It's like a single person restroom not stalls, lol.

that's so, so, convenient...but in a bathroom with stalls...guys can fantasize about 2 ladies in adjacent stalls who hear each other,
know what the other is doing, and then some fun kicks in.

I know that's impossible, that's why I called it a fantasy 😈