Is the QoS tattoo an open invitation?

I would like to ask if you consider that having my QoS tattoo visible is an open invitation to approach me in search of sex? If so, should I serve whoever asks me?

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the tattoo can represent different things : an important experience that you want to remain unforgettable , a fashion, a symbol of belonging to something...etc. in your case I think it represents your passion for the black man and you want to let him know. But it is not safe to let anyone approach you, it is better to always be very selective
To me it just tells people that I’m open to other alternatives it’s not a welcome mat if you know what I mean.
I have had a qos tattoo for years. Not all men know either meaning or both of the tattoo. If they do, most know how to give me the look, nod, comment. Most men realize I do not have any nor will I have a cock though.
Did you mean cuck? I had to read it a few times to figure what you were trying to convey.