Hi, i sense that you have both had a difficult marriage because of your desire for Black men. However, i applaud you and he for staying together. It is incredible that neither of you walked away.
I think it would be a really good idea for you to help him find his sexuality. What turns him on, both physically and mentally. They are not always the same.
And i can speak from experience and say that as we age, our sex drive and our sexuality can morph into new roles and directions. It is a natural thing in the anima.l world for older males to become less virile and with this a huge appreciation for the new Alpha is evident.
Try talking and spending some time exploring his sexual mind. Tell him, you both know that him fucking You is Not the sex life either of you can find happiness and fulfillment. But, that there are many other ways to play and you would really love to find those that work for him. And help you gain a sexual bond like never before.
See where this leads you. I truly hope that one day he shows interest in your sex life with Black men. But if he does not, that will be of lesser importance once you find some sexual connection again.
Please message me. I would really like to talk more and help you if i can.