I was blessed to see four interracial couples today.


It is unusual to see IR couples. But today I was blessed to see our white women with black men.

1. I saw a young woman, likely in high school. She was tall,, thin and pretty and we happened to get on the same elevator. She was joined by a black guy that was obviously her boyfriend. He was athletic but not heavily muscular, more like a baseball player than football. She stood close to him for the ride and they nuzzled a bit. It was very cute. I could see he was sleeping with her and she loved her status of being worthy of a handsome black man.

2. Just after I saw a young family. The woman was blonde and fair skinned. A bit dumpy. She had several mixed race children in tow, which is what caught my attention. I scanned around and saw the ******* nearby wrangling one if the children. I really couldn't see his face, but when she look at those ******* you could see she was proud to be ending her line of the blonde and blue eyed look.

3. After the mall, I went to a home store. And there was yet another white woman with a black man. I didn't see them for long because we were heading in opposite ways.

4. Finally I went to the gym. Not unusual to see mixed race workout partners there, but this one caught my eye. A very fit blonde woman working on a machine. She was probably in her 30s and carried that bit of extra weight than she had a decade before along with her toned body and great posture. She turned to speak to someone and I noticed an older black man. He he had been white, I would have thought he was her *******. And who knows, maybe he is, she could be a stepfather. Or perhaps he is her lover or husband? I vote for lover as the idea that I could marry a woman that was already the lover of a black man is exciting. With me being her pussy free husband and serving her and her lover how I could.

It was a very blessed day to see four IR couples that appeared to all be engaged in the normal life events of daily life all the while merging the races in their own ways.
Always amazing to see. I work in a public entertainment venue and usually see several interracial couples each day. 99.9% of the time it's a black male with a white female. Lately, it seems like I've been seeing more and more white couples with black or mixed ki ds. Dying to know the story behind it but of course I have to work with my imagination.
Lately, it seems like I've been seeing more and more white couples with black or mixed ki ds. Dying to know the story behind it but of course I have to work with my imagination.
That is always my favorite thing to see. But like you, I never would bring it up even if I knew the couple.
It was a very blessed day to see four IR couples that appeared to all be engaged in the normal life events of daily life all the while merging the races in their own ways.
... and with ALL this "blessed day" of observing IR couples you FAILED to snap even ONE PHOTO of these BLESSED IR COUPLES.
And to think, it would have taken your post from fantasy to dynamic with just one simple click with your smartphone.

"Opportunities not taken are Opportunities LOST"
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I'll have to admit, the trending for white males is NOT encouraging these days.
When baseball & hockey have all black players and black coaches, we can comfortably say "The End Is Near"
Where I live in very urban Canada with a sizable Black demographic it's the routine, all day every day, to see Black men with white girls or white women with their Black-sired kidds in tow. Among the under 40s it's common, for under 30s I'd say it's near an equal ratio with white-white couples and the younger you go the more prevalent. Most media messaging spotlights Black male - white female pairing and many displaced white guys seem to be with Asian girls, or solo. Don't often see a Black woman with a white man.
Actualy nowadays you can see a lot of interracial couples, both a black man and a white woman, and a white man and a black woman, or Asian women... nowadays you can be with someone you love, regardless of where the person was born or what color their skin is.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between love and sexual fetish, this site is about fetish.
... and with ALL this "blessed day" of observing IR couples you FAILED to snap even ONE PHOTO of these BLESSED IR COUPLES.
And to think, it would have taken your post from fantasy to dynamic with just one simple click with your smartphone.

"Opportunities not taken are Opportunities LOST"
I don't publish photos of people to satisfy random wankers on the internet.
It is unusual to see IR couples. But today I was blessed to see our white women with black men.

1. I saw a young woman, likely in high school. She was tall,, thin and pretty and we happened to get on the same elevator. She was joined by a black guy that was obviously her boyfriend. He was athletic but not heavily muscular, more like a baseball player than football. She stood close to him for the ride and they nuzzled a bit. It was very cute. I could see he was sleeping with her and she loved her status of being worthy of a handsome black man.

2. Just after I saw a young family. The woman was blonde and fair skinned. A bit dumpy. She had several mixed race children in tow, which is what caught my attention. I scanned around and saw the ******* nearby wrangling one if the children. I really couldn't see his face, but when she look at those ******* you could see she was proud to be ending her line of the blonde and blue eyed look.

3. After the mall, I went to a home store. And there was yet another white woman with a black man. I didn't see them for long because we were heading in opposite ways.

4. Finally I went to the gym. Not unusual to see mixed race workout partners there, but this one caught my eye. A very fit blonde woman working on a machine. She was probably in her 30s and carried that bit of extra weight than she had a decade before along with her toned body and great posture. She turned to speak to someone and I noticed an older black man. He he had been white, I would have thought he was her *******. And who knows, maybe he is, she could be a stepfather. Or perhaps he is her lover or husband? I vote for lover as the idea that I could marry a woman that was already the lover of a black man is exciting. With me being her pussy free husband and serving her and her lover how I could.

It was a very blessed day to see four IR couples that appeared to all be engaged in the normal life events of daily life all the while merging the races in their own ways.
Amazing 👏
I saw a younger maybe mid 20s black man at the beach the other day.
With 4 white women all college age in tow!
I absolutely loved it!
Im.in central Florida and while it's more common to see mixed couples it's not that common on the beaches here where I am.