I am starting to regret this. Locked and frustrated.


I introduced my wife to the world of cuckolding in 2022 and since then our marriage has taken quite a turn. While hesitant at first she came to appreciate the joy of messing around with well hung guys knowing I enjoy it too quick. She has a regular boyfriend since last summer and this is where my problems started. I really enjoyed him and her having a good chemistry going and that he fucks her just like she wants it. Their relationship intensified and around last Autumn they where already meeting on daily base. Meaning he’d come over straight after work acting like he owned the place and then fucking my wife. In the beginning I was allowed to watch and sometimes interact but around that time last year he became more dominant and oftentimes would tell me to do stuff while they would fuck. My wife and I had talked about chastity before the regular thing with her boyfriend even started and she had told him about it at some point. Last October he told me he wanted me locked for Locktober and I agreed because it turned me on. It was an intense experience. My wife loved it instantly. Unfortunately for me it did not really end with October. Apart from some breaks around last Xmas and early January I have pretty much been locked constantly. Also I am rarely ever present when they fuck. Usually just ordered to do stuff and leave them alone. I get short releases at times but that’s it. My wife loves the chastity and she also enjoys her boyfriend a lot. I told her I’d like to end chastity and that I would like her to see him less. She reacted angry at first. Later she told me she understood but asked me to reconsider and give it time until end of this year and not to make a hasty decision. I am stuck in a dilemma where I actually got what I wanted but now I do not enjoy. At least not all the time. But I also feel that there are just two options now. Go with it or end it all. Have other cucks experienced similar situations?
Maybe ask her to end it with her bf and go for a more polyamorous route, then she’ll stay being yours to an extent. But if this guy is coming over daily, then that means in his perspective she’s his girlfriend and you’re the annoying third wheel; hope you don’t get your ass beat for trying to steal his woman.
You are right. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I will talk to her soon and ask her to end this relationship. I do not see how this could not end bad. This is probably the last chance to do something about it.
Truth lies in the saying "Be careful what you wish for... it might as well come true."
You have come a long way and honestly i think you have passed the point of no return already.
And you said it yourself: It's either accept or leave.

Just try to see the positives and advantages...

The best thing you can do is try to derive your own pleasure from your wife's joy and happiness. ("Happy wife - happy life!")
...Or otherwise find new ways of pleasure from masturbation while inside your penis prison cell. Hint: prostate massage works wonders. ;)
If your wife and your replacement won't let you watch while you masturbate with your fingers up your butt then be informed that there is plenty of good material to watch instead on porntube sites for free - that's other male's wives being fucked to multiple orgasms by the Black men who know how to do it right.
Life's too short to despair. Instead accept the role you have already grown into and enjoy life to the fullest!
Never forget that this is what you wanted. And never forget to thank your wife and her new "husband" for your new life.
Truth lies in the saying "Be careful what you wish for... it might as well come true."
You have come a long way and honestly i think you have passed the point of no return already.
And you said it yourself: It's either accept or leave.

Just try to see the positives and advantages...

The best thing you can do is try to derive your own pleasure from your wife's joy and happiness. ("Happy wife - happy life!")
...Or otherwise find new ways of pleasure from masturbation while inside your penis prison cell. Hint: prostate massage works wonders. ;)
If your wife and your replacement won't let you watch while you masturbate with your fingers up your butt then be informed that there is plenty of good material to watch instead on porntube sites for free - that's other male's wives being fucked to multiple orgasms by the Black men who know how to do it right.
Life's too short to despair. Instead accept the role you have already grown into and enjoy life to the fullest!
Never forget that this is what you wanted. And never forget to thank your wife and her new "husband" for your new life.
This is so hard to accept. I did not take into account that all of this will take this dynamic. It’s great to see my wife satisfied. I can see that she enjoys this a lot. On the other hand it is hard to accept her boyfriend being here EVERY DAY. He treats me like a stubborn boy. I told my wife several times that it annoys me but she brushed it off saying that he did not mean to treat me bad. It’s really hard for me to do what you have written.
This is so hard to accept. I did not take into account that all of this will take this dynamic. It’s great to see my wife satisfied. I can see that she enjoys this a lot. On the other hand it is hard to accept her boyfriend being here EVERY DAY. He treats me like a stubborn boy. I told my wife several times that it annoys me but she brushed it off saying that he did not mean to treat me bad. It’s really hard for me to do what you have written.
Don't take literally what i have written. i just didn't want to go soft on you. i wanted to open your eyes!

Think thoroughly about it... do you want to keep your wife or are you better off without her anyway?

If you want to keep her you need to get rid of the chains and get back your balls, i.e. crack open that cock cage - if you can't do it yourself, consult a doctor or a fire fighter, those have the instruments to set you free. If you have to rely on a professionist for that then never feel shame nor humiliation. It is about keeping or losing your wife which is not the time for animosities like that!

Do not ask her politely if she can imangine disposing her boyfriend but sit her down for a serious conversation! Tell her how you feel, that you love her and want to live the rest of your lives together with her but not in this mess of a relationship. Give her time to think about your marriage but not too much time. Tell her she will have to make a decision (until due date) otherwise you will. ;) In the meantime she will not see her boyfriend and if she does you will interprete that as her decision.

Another option is less direct but may work as well. Take off a few days from work for a good reason - it does not matter what you tell your employer as long as they give you off. Go home directly, pack a suitcase and tell your wife you are going on a short holiday trip with a lady friend of yours. Make sure to dress to attract, use after shave, etc. and that she sees when you dress that your cage is gone. Tell her you will need to talk when you come back home in a few days.

Whatever you do... do not just ask her her opinion or ideas of your joint future. You need to take control and action. Now! Be "da man"! Regards.
Dump your cock cage/chastity device NOW. Just do it. Don't ask. Don't make an announcement. Go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy bolt cutters if you need to.

Sit down with your wife and let her know you are unhappy. Tell her what would make you happy. If she still has any love for you, she will want to fix things.

Consult a divorce attorney. Discuss your situation and seek guidance should your wife decide she doesn't care about you or your feelings any more. You need to be prepared to pull the plug. A lawyer can help you do that. Do NOT threaten your wife with divorce! Don't mention it. Just get prepared to do it if you find she has absolutely no regard for your feelings and needs any more.

Your fantasy was fun for awhile, I'm sure. But the new lover and your wife are taking things too far. You are feeling dismissed, insulted, and uncared for. Now you need to see if your wife still cares at all about you, or not. Proceed accordingly. Good luck.
Take responsibility for what you chose to do. You cannot tell your wife to leave her boyfriend... wtf? it's HER boyfriend and this decision was taken with you in agreement... now are you having cold feet because of the consequences? Do you think it's right for people to go around saying one thing but doing other?

Your wife it's not a doll you can just turn off so you can feel fine, she is a human being and so is her bf. You cannot treat them like if you owned them, because in that case, your wife would have the very same right to tell you to leave the house or whatever.

You need to work on what you chose and embrace it, bc it seems you have not or did not understand that cuckolding it's basically the sexualization of INFIDELITY by the couple. it naturally involves submission, masochism (mental), physical looks, power, etc...

My suggestion for you it to let it go with the flow, learn to accept and enjoy your new position as the least sexually desired male in that house and begin working to develop a new relationship with her and her bf, one that you can enjoy while they're together.

Now if you don't really want to keep on with the game, you'll have to tell her that you want the divorce... the "leave your bf" thing it's not valid, you can only take decisitions for yourself, not for others.
It's a marriage. A partnership. He can voice his dissatisfaction about how things are going at any time. He has that right.

His wife can choose to ignore him. She can choose to listen & try to make things better for him. Her choice.

By the way, the MARRIED COUPLE decides what sharing/cuckolding means to THEM. There isn't a universal playbook they have to follow. Whatever they agree on is what it is for them.

Right now hubby is no longer happy. Things have evolved to the point the marriage is being damaged. How they handle that is also up to them. He doesn't have to just suck it up and be miserable.
Tough situation.
Sounds like you want to honor your wife’s needs and desires but she’s not willing to honor or respect yours. That to me sounds a bit selfish on her part. If any any time what you choose to like, or accept changes ( and in this case it clearly did) you need to talk through it and reach a consensus. Someone once told me there are only 3 choices to any tough situation
1 accept it. Doesn’t sound like you’re willing to do that.
2. Change it. Have the hard discussion with your wife. If she truly values your marriage and respect you she’ll change.
3. Leave

Personally the minute the guy disrespected me in my own home ….not only would have he been shown the door….it would have been with extreme displeasure on his part.
Again. Only my 2 cents but deal with it soon.
Take responsibility for what you chose to do. You cannot tell your wife to leave her boyfriend... wtf? it's HER boyfriend and this decision was taken with you in agreement... now are you having cold feet because of the consequences? Do you think it's right for people to go around saying one thing but doing other?

Your wife it's not a doll you can just turn off so you can feel fine, she is a human being and so is her bf. You cannot treat them like if you owned them, because in that case, your wife would have the very same right to tell you to leave the house or whatever.

You need to work on what you chose and embrace it, bc it seems you have not or did not understand that cuckolding it's basically the sexualization of INFIDELITY by the couple. it naturally involves submission, masochism (mental), physical looks, power, etc...

My suggestion for you it to let it go with the flow, learn to accept and enjoy your new position as the least sexually desired male in that house and begin working to develop a new relationship with her and her bf, one that you can enjoy while they're together.

Now if you don't really want to keep on with the game, you'll have to tell her that you want the divorce... the "leave your bf" thing it's not valid, you can only take decisitions for yourself, not for others.
Spoken like a man looking out for himself….and not the guy asking the question.

He absolutely can change his mind and communicate to his wife that having a boy friend is no longer acceptable. Maybe if she didn’t let it get to a point where the BF comes 1st they wouldn’t be at this junction . But I don’t know those details and that’s just one scenario.

People in the lifestyle change their rules to what fits them as they mature in the relationship. Every couple is different. What’s not different is a lack of respect, understanding and not willing to accept your partners hard stops. That’s a recipe for disaster every time.
Personally I hope they work it out. Going to be tough. She’ll likely reset him putting his foot down. If he doesn’t put his foot down he’s going to resent her….but that fkn BF. He’d be gone tomorrow.
This is so hard to accept. I did not take into account that all of this will take this dynamic. It’s great to see my wife satisfied. I can see that she enjoys this a lot. On the other hand it is hard to accept her boyfriend being here EVERY DAY. He treats me like a stubborn boy. I told my wife several times that it annoys me but she brushed it off saying that he did not mean to treat me bad. It’s really hard for me to do what you have written.
1st thing I’d do. Communicate to both of them they are no longer welcome to play in your house. Full stop.
Dump your cock cage/chastity device NOW. Just do it. Don't ask. Don't make an announcement. Go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy bolt cutters if you need to.

Sit down with your wife and let her know you are unhappy. Tell her what would make you happy. If she still has any love for you, she will want to fix things.

Consult a divorce attorney. Discuss your situation and seek guidance should your wife decide she doesn't care about you or your feelings any more. You need to be prepared to pull the plug. A lawyer can help you do that. Do NOT threaten your wife with divorce! Don't mention it. Just get prepared to do it if you find she has absolutely no regard for your feelings and needs any more.

Your fantasy was fun for awhile, I'm sure. But the new lover and your wife are taking things too far. You are feeling dismissed, insulted, and uncared for. Now you need to see if your wife still cares at all about you, or not. Proceed accordingly. Good luck.
You are 100% right, this is the smart thing to do. I believe his wife and her BF have already deep feeling for eachother, they pushed things too far. You gave a great advise
Spoken like a man looking out for himself….and not the guy asking the question.

He absolutely can change his mind and communicate to his wife that having a boy friend is no longer acceptable. Maybe if she didn’t let it get to a point where the BF comes 1st they wouldn’t be at this junction . But I don’t know those details and that’s just one scenario.

People in the lifestyle change their rules to what fits them as they mature in the relationship. Every couple is different. What’s not different is a lack of respect, understanding and not willing to accept your partners hard stops. That’s a recipe for disaster every time.
Personally I hope they work it out. Going to be tough. She’ll likely reset him putting his foot down. If he doesn’t put his foot down he’s going to resent her….but that fkn BF. He’d be gone tomorrow.
Why play with infidelity in the first place then if you're gonna regret when things become real?

Better to leave things like that and just keep it as a fantasy, cause I mean, people do not fathom the kind of reach of this fantasy.

It's like a dude thinking war is cool and easy, but running away from it when he experiences the real thing.
You are 100% right, this is the smart thing to do. I believe his wife and her BF have already deep feeling for eachother, they pushed things too far. You gave a great advise
But yeah, when you sexually mingle feelings can develop! Why women have to block what they feel just to satisfy a man who doesn't do that?
Take responsibility for what you chose to do. You cannot tell your wife to leave her boyfriend... wtf? it's HER boyfriend and this decision was taken with you in agreement... now are you having cold feet because of the consequences? Do you think it's right for people to go around saying one thing but doing other?

Your wife it's not a doll you can just turn off so you can feel fine, she is a human being and so is her bf. You cannot treat them like if you owned them, because in that case, your wife would have the very same right to tell you to leave the house or whatever.

You need to work on what you chose and embrace it, bc it seems you have not or did not understand that cuckolding it's basically the sexualization of INFIDELITY by the couple. it naturally involves submission, masochism (mental), physical looks, power, etc...

My suggestion for you it to let it go with the flow, learn to accept and enjoy your new position as the least sexually desired male in that house and begin working to develop a new relationship with her and her bf, one that you can enjoy while they're together.

Now if you don't really want to keep on with the game, you'll have to tell her that you want the divorce... the "leave your bf" thing it's not valid, you can only take decisitions for yourself, not for others.
Horrible advice.
Why play with infidelity in the first place then if you're gonna regret when things become real?

Better to leave things like that and just keep it as a fantasy, cause I mean, people do not fathom the kind of reach of this fantasy.

It's like a dude thinking war is cool and easy, but running away from it when he experiences the real thing.
What a simplistic point of view. You’ve never done anything in your life that you regret?
The guy isn’t asking if he should or should not participate as a cuck. That boat has sailed. He’s asking for advice now that he’s been there and doesn’t like it. Your advice is useless.
I introduced my wife to the world of cuckolding in 2022 and since then our marriage has taken quite a turn. While hesitant at first she came to appreciate the joy of messing around with well hung guys knowing I enjoy it too quick. She has a regular boyfriend since last summer and this is where my problems started. I really enjoyed him and her having a good chemistry going and that he fucks her just like she wants it. Their relationship intensified and around last Autumn they where already meeting on daily base. Meaning he’d come over straight after work acting like he owned the place and then fucking my wife. In the beginning I was allowed to watch and sometimes interact but around that time last year he became more dominant and oftentimes would tell me to do stuff while they would fuck. My wife and I had talked about chastity before the regular thing with her boyfriend even started and she had told him about it at some point. Last October he told me he wanted me locked for Locktober and I agreed because it turned me on. It was an intense experience. My wife loved it instantly. Unfortunately for me it did not really end with October. Apart from some breaks around last Xmas and early January I have pretty much been locked constantly. Also I am rarely ever present when they fuck. Usually just ordered to do stuff and leave them alone. I get short releases at times but that’s it. My wife loves the chastity and she also enjoys her boyfriend a lot. I told her I’d like to end chastity and that I would like her to see him less. She reacted angry at first. Later she told me she understood but asked me to reconsider and give it time until end of this year and not to make a hasty decision. I am stuck in a dilemma where I actually got what I wanted but now I do not enjoy. At least not all the time. But I also feel that there are just two options now. Go with it or end it all. Have other cucks experienced similar situations?
She is not right in the head. I would end it.