I am pleased to announce the official release of the Keys and Anklets Podcast

Hey there. Yes, I'm actually going to be doing a specific series where I am doing interviews with Bulls. If you're interested, I'd like to interview you for one of the Bull specific episodes. Would you be interested?
I would love to hear Sir Bao in an interview on Keys and Anklets!!!!!!
(I'm not sure if this is in the right section so if Admin reads this, please move it to the appropriate section)
As many of you now know, I have recently launched the Keys and Anklets Podcast which is all about the hotwife and cuckold lifestyles. Spreading the word is of vital importance and I want to accomplish this by having a social media presence. I'm looking for someone who is very familiar with twitter, tumblr, instagram and also who has the free time to invest. Basically you would be posting pics, following people, retweeting, commenting on pics and profiles, etc. Also it would need to be someone who is very passionate about this lifestyle because this stuff can get tedious lol I cannot offer any financial compensation so you would be doing this strictly for the 'love of the game'. All I ask is that you be serious and dependable. I'm not here to waste my time or anyone else's. Also, telephone conversations are a must so be prepared to talk. If possible I would like to find someone who is on the west coast since I like to keep late hours myself and the time difference would create less of an impact on their daily routine. If you're interested please reach out to me. Thank you all for the support and encouragement you've given me so far.
have you found someone for this yet?!
Hello everyone. I know that it's been a while but I have finally added new episodes to my free site. You can find them here:

As always, I look forward to your feedback. Enjoy :cool:
Congrats Michael on hitting the 4 year mark of The Keys & Anklets Podcast. Hard to believe it's been that many years already. Thanks for all you've done for the community and the lifestyle.
Hello all. It's been a while since I posted an update so I thought I'd share some of my newest episodes with all of you. Enjoy and as always, I enjoy hearing your feedback

Hello all.
It's been a while but I am happy to announce my next Live Broadcast Afterparty interview on the Keys and Anklets Podcast. My guest will be none other than the steamy @AnitaUKslut4u from twitter (she was featured in Episode 56 Episode 56 - A Cultural Exchange - A Conversation w/Hotwife Anita — The Keys and Anklets Podcast
This episode has been a long time coming and I'm happy to finally be able to bring it to you
This will be this Friday night 2/26 at 8pm EST, 5pm PST. If you cannot attend you can submit your questions here and they will be read on the air.
If you want to listen live you can do so by going here

This is going to be fun.
First of all I want to thank all of you who have given me your input on my first 2 episodes. You know who you are and you have my sincere thanks. With that being said I am happy to announce that my hotwife/cuckold lifestyle Podcast, which will be called The Keys and Anklets Podcast, is officially live. There are several ways that you can listen:

The website: www.keysandanklets.com

iTunes: Just go to the podcast section and do a search for "The Keys and Anklets Podcast"

If you have a podcast app on your phone (spreaker, podcast addict, etc) just do a search and include iTunes titles in your search.

If you have any trouble accessing the Podcast, please don't hesitate to let me know.

I am looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the shows as well as the site an I'm anxious to see what the future may hold. If some of you are unfamiliar with what my podcast is all about, you can read more about it https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/cuckold-podcast-coming-soon.121529/
This is really cool! Awesome to see growth!