Husbands can often times be the major roadblock to fulfilling your fantasy

As you should…ultimately it’s about you and your pleasure anyways I get respecting boundaries but if your not gonna keep things exciting then what’s the point?
Mike, but most married men probably never entertain any thoughts that are near to what you mentioned there.

I'd wager that ninety-nine percent of them do not marry a woman thinking at some point I'll become a cuckold because it's ultimately about "his wife's pleasure," to quote you. Nor do most men feel they're obligated to "spice up the marriage," and the way to do this is to allow another man or men to fuck their wives.

I'm playing the devil's advocate here, but shouldn't the husband, who might be the bread winner for the household, or an indispensable partner in that arrangement, have some say in this?

If you were married, would you let other men fuck your wife if she felt your marriage needed spicing up?

Sorry, but this is a rant that must be written.

My Goodness, some of you guys are the worst at communicating. You don’t seem to have any understanding or self awareness or manners.

Listen, we are interested and we’d like to take the next step. But some of you don’t know how to get out of your own way. I have to imagine this has other implications in your relationship and her satisfaction overall. You have to do better.

I’m dealing with one word responses over 24 hours, vague or opaque communication styles, refusal to verify, and the worst one : wanting to chat ENDLESSLY about what I “ WOULD DO TO HER”….sigh.

Bro, you have to understand the men in here do NOT want to talk to OTHER MEN endlessly about our sexual fantasies. YES we want to share and we want you to enjoy it as well. But our main goal is not YOUR sexual goal. If she is involved, sooner rather than later, that can keep the sparks going and we can all get what we want. Some of you simply want to talk, talk, talk, but not share and not get her involved after significant communication and verification. Then you simply want to share OLD pics you’ve been sharing for years with everyone else.

Black Men we don’t want to constantly talk about what YOU want to do either. Screen, participate, but please get out of the damned way.

Look, the best experiences are those that are personal. We do want to know if your lady is interested and attracted to us also because we’re not robots and it’s also a turn on to us- which is what you want.

We do want HER thoughts on the matter also. Try to understand that and play your role with more self awareness and clarity. Be respectful of everyone’s time and energy. If you lose interest, let the person you’ve been talking to for days or weeks know…. Don’t just be an ass and vanish.

If you aren’t verified or a gold member, don’t start sending a cascade of photos of someone that is supposed to be your wife… just get verified as a real couple/ person if you have that much time and energy. We also have to be concerned for our health and safety as well, and there are many people pretending to be something they aren’t on this site. Stop telling us you “haven’t told her yet”
Because you’re likely full of sh*t And just just like men. Which is fine but we’re just not here for that.
We’re here to get to her through you.

So keep that in mind too when we ask you to give some proof of your situation.

I’ve had more people ghost me after the start of the convo once I say I want an actual current pic, a LIVE camera pic on kik (even just a hand gesture will do) or ask them to actually bring the wife in to the conversation. She doesn’t exist 80% of the time.

So don’t ask me for a sh*t ton of pics and you’ve only shared old grainy 3MP photos from 10 years ago…bruh, level up.

Mr he old photos and non matching photos are a dead giveaway. How can she be a blonde C cup in one pic and a brunette A Cup in the next? What is the point of all of this? No, really?

You guys are ruining the site and this lifestyle.
And if you’re just a gay guy looking for thrills from hetero men, please stop and just go to a gay site with that desire - there are plenty. It’s literally crushing the experience.

And some of you ladies, we do love you, but please talk to your men. They are preventing you from getting readily available cock by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… I kid you not.
Talk to your husbands, please and take part in the group chat. It will go a long way to reaching out goals. If you care.

She of you just want guys to gas you up, like your pics and simp for you. That’s ok, but just be real.

In closing , If you’re in The San Diego area, you know where to find me. I’m happy to share, just be real and know when to move out of the way.
And get verified please or be willing to PROVE you’re real some other way.
These kinds of men you described basically are guarding da pussy. They DON'T WANT dey wife to give it up and they never will. They want to ensure that their wife gets nada. No BBC. Not ever, in many cases. Period. Best thing to do in such a case is move on.

Basically, if a husband:
1) Wants to talk and talk and talk, he guarding dat pussy and he means to guard it forever. You know that. I'm not saying anything you don't already know.
2) If he's dictating what kinda pics his wife can share with you, especially if the ones he allows you to see are unclear, or they're some five or ten years old pics, like you said. Or some very small pics that you need a microscope to see, or the pics are grainy as hell, that MF guarding da pussy, and he means to guard it for life.

The thing to do in such a case is move on. Life is short. Don't let these regular vanilla types waste your time. Again, I know I'm not telling you something you don't already know.

That's his wife's loss, not yours. She's the one stuck in that situation where life is going by and she'll never be able to enjoy her sexuality to max because of who she's married to. Again, that's on her and them. It's not your problem, or anything that's worth your time to think twice about.
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As Bull who’s been in the lifestyle for over 4 years now and typically husbands are the point of contact at least initially but I often find myself becoming uninterested in meeting with certain couples because of the husbands whether it be them having bad communication (I.e. one word responses, lack of detail etc), being “pushy” or over eager” or some are just flat out rude and demanding I can understand that introductions can be awkward and finding common ground is hard but from my experience the best times are in this lifestyle when all parties involved communicate well and respect one another idk maybe it’s just me and my own experiences I could be wrong but I’d like to hear if anyone else specifically other Bulls have had this same experience feel free to leave your opinions below
I typically do all of the communication myself. My viewpoint is that there's no possible way for him to decide if I'm going to be attracted to someone. Plus, we play together and separately and the only way I'll know if I want to play with someone solo is if I get to know them.
Tolerate? That is funny. You have a lot to learn. Without couples you don't have this play. It is just you and your buddies wishing you could. Guys are everywhere and are easy to find. I actually like when guys talk like you. You eliminate yourself quickly. I didn't misinterpret anything. I really hope other women see your comments. The nice thing about this site is the comments never go away. You don't replace a husband in any way. Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard. Then there are the guys that are respectful and become regulars. You aren't inviting a couple into your play. They are inviting you. Or in your case they are no longer inviting you. LOL
Well without couples there are still single women, I never said you misinterpreted anything. I've been respectful this entire conversation and haven't even shown an interest in you to be "invited" or "eliminated". I hope you don't think that men that share fun with you as a couple would stick around if it was just them and your husband without you because that is what I'm talking about. We were have a general discussion and you seem triggered after talking about an aspect of the lifestyle that doesn't relate to the way you arrange things.
I typically do all of the communication myself. My viewpoint is that there's no possible way for him to decide if I'm going to be attracted to someone. Plus, we play together and separately and the only way I'll know if I want to play with someone solo is if I get to know them.
^ This is what I was saying, the husband is not a major part of this. If he's not there and it is just the guy and you it is still part of this lifestyle. His presence is not essential.
In seeing how many guys are fake I have a feeling you are right about couples too.

Yes, they seem to like the idea of the fantasy.
Sometimes they will have a wife or girlfriend but they haven’t told her yet and she doesn’t know.
They’re too afraid to bring it up to her but want to engage in the fantasy and discussion with men.
That’s not a turn on for us at all and can be quite an annoying. Especially if he keeps going on and on and on, sending you photos and asking “ if she’s hot”, etc.

Like bruh, tell her already and get back to me.
There are a few in here that have been doing it for years - going back to the days of Craigslist. Using the same tired play. I mean exactly the same.

Learning how to spot them a lot earlier. Dealing only with’ real people ‘ or getting a kik live pic sooner rather than later. If they can’t even show you a HAND on kik, you know they’re fake. Especially the ones they get mad when you request it. It’s like you’re messing up their fantasy.

There are a lot of nice ladies couples on here for sure. Just wish the creeps, fakers and flakers would go away.
Tolerate? That is funny. You have a lot to learn. Without couples you don't have this play. It is just you and your buddies wishing you could. Guys are everywhere and are easy to find. I actually like when guys talk like you. You eliminate yourself quickly. I didn't misinterpret anything. I really hope other women see your comments. The nice thing about this site is the comments never go away. You don't replace a husband in any way. Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard. Then there are the guys that are respectful and become regulars. You aren't inviting a couple into your play. They are inviting you. Or in your case they are no longer inviting you. LOL
"Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard."

I never, ever see couples that think, act or behave in this way.

That's why I went into the BNWO. The non-extreme cuckolding is really just "Black guy has big penis, let's use him for our racist fantasy." It gets old.

Of course, it's Black men's fault for allowing it. I know for a fact real Black Masters such as myself don't allow it.

I respect the cuck. But if he's not in chastity, I don't even bother anymore. Cuckolding has been pretty mainstream for a while. You either get it or you don't. The racist casual play of using BBCs as dildos and discarding them is played out with me.
Tolerate? That is funny. You have a lot to learn. Without couples you don't have this play. It is just you and your buddies wishing you could. Guys are everywhere and are easy to find. I actually like when guys talk like you. You eliminate yourself quickly. I didn't misinterpret anything. I really hope other women see your comments. The nice thing about this site is the comments never go away. You don't replace a husband in any way. Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard. Then there are the guys that are respectful and become regulars. You aren't inviting a couple into your play. They are inviting you. Or in your case they are no longer inviting you. LOL
This might be one of the most egotistical things I've ever read.
I typically do all of the communication myself. My viewpoint is that there's no possible way for him to decide if I'm going to be attracted to someone. Plus, we play together and separately and the only way I'll know if I want to play with someone solo is if I get to know them.
If your husband has no clue who or what you are attracted to then you either have poor communication or a bad marriage.
"Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard."

I never, ever see couples that think, act or behave in this way.

That's why I went into the BNWO. The non-extreme cuckolding is really just "Black guy has big penis, let's use him for our racist fantasy." It gets old.

Of course, it's Black men's fault for allowing it. I know for a fact real Black Masters such as myself don't allow it.

I respect the cuck. But if he's not in chastity, I don't even bother anymore. Cuckolding has been pretty mainstream for a while. You either get it or you don't. The racist casual play of using BBCs as dildos and discarding them is played out with me.
You can say things are mainstream but that doesn't make it true. Are you still buying into the whole cock size thing? That is a myth. Men are more than a cock and if they aren't then they are not worth it.
If your husband has no clue who or what you are attracted to then you either have poor communication or a bad marriage.
At what point did he say he has no clue? He knows my type, what I'm interested in, etc. But only I am able to decide if a particular person is of interest to me. That's like saying he should at all times be able to know what I want to eat.
At what point did he say he has no clue? He knows my type, what I'm interested in, etc. But only I am able to decide if a particular person is of interest to me. That's like saying he should at all times be able to know what I want to eat.
Poor comparison but I expect that from someone like you. You let others devalue your marriage based on your comments. You can move along now, there is no further reason for you and I to interact.
"Guys like you are more like a dildo for a wife to use and have a little fun and then discard."

I never, ever see couples that think, act or behave in this way.

That's why I went into the BNWO. The non-extreme cuckolding is really just "Black guy has big penis, let's use him for our racist fantasy." It gets old.

Of course, it's Black men's fault for allowing it. I know for a fact real Black Masters such as myself don't allow it.

I respect the cuck. But if he's not in chastity, I don't even bother anymore. Cuckolding has been pretty mainstream for a while. You either get it or you don't. The racist casual play of using BBCs as dildos and discarding them is played out with me.
"The racist casual play of using BBCs as dildos and discarding them is played out with me." I never said anything about his race so don't push your racist crap on me.
Yes, they seem to like the idea of the fantasy.
Sometimes they will have a wife or girlfriend but they haven’t told her yet and she doesn’t know.
They’re too afraid to bring it up to her but want to engage in the fantasy and discussion with men.
That’s not a turn on for us at all and can be quite an annoying. Especially if he keeps going on and on and on, sending you photos and asking “ if she’s hot”, etc.

Like bruh, tell her already and get back to me.
There are a few in here that have been doing it for years - going back to the days of Craigslist. Using the same tired play. I mean exactly the same.

Learning how to spot them a lot earlier. Dealing only with’ real people ‘ or getting a kik live pic sooner rather than later. If they can’t even show you a HAND on kik, you know they’re fake. Especially the ones they get mad when you request it. It’s like you’re messing up their fantasy.

There are a lot of nice ladies couples on here for sure. Just wish the creeps, fakers and flakers would go away.
I could not agree more on both sides of the spectrum. This could be a great post if taken or meant in the right context. Like I said, in the end I don't want anyone to shut up, I want them to present who they are and then I can decide if I even want to have a conversation or not. Must being on a site like this is an audition for everyone. As a woman I am constantly judging others. Mainly because I want safety in my life and I an guarded about who I let in.
photo collecting and cat fishing are an epidemic on both sides of this spectrum for sure which why I keep my account pretty public with plenty of photos and video examples so when I get asked for “pics that’s aren’t on there” I immediately block and report…but that’s not to say I don’t even encounter other legit husbands that will wanna make trades on my nudes and tell me “what I would do to her” constantly
15 is not really " alot of pictures". Just sayin. At least you have them. 75% dont.