Hung guys, do you watch porn ? if yes, what kind ?


title says it all ahah it's something i'm sometimes curious about. Do hung people watch porn , when they can have all the sex they can ask for?
I do watch porn, cause where I live I'm young by every standard. I've been with my fair share of women, but I did travel this past year to different states which were the majority of my body count. So I have to mainly go find my sex if I really want it & I don't like ONS so it gets even more difficult.

As for what kind? Interracial of course.
Almost all of my hung black lovers have been huge porn fans

My brother is pretty hung and gets laid nonstop, and freaking DOES porn yet still watches it nonstop. If u stop by his house its almost a sure bet there is porn playing on his 70" or PC. lmao
Yes we do, it´s not true you can get sex at any time, no one knows your size on the streets nor they are interested.
That´s a female privilege
I agree with the previous post. We definitely watch porn but men and women are completely different when it comes to the ability to have sex at anytime. You ladies can just look at a guy and we'll drop our pants for you lol.