How tall do you like your women?

Just wondering what height women the bulls here like.

My wife is a bit over 6' and she thinks her height is intimidating to many men. She is also big boned (muscular/solid, not fat ) and combine with her height make some "bulls" we have met look small in comparison. Her hands wrapped around an 9" cock make it look average size. I fully understand why porn uses tiny chicks :)

I have seen my wife have sex with shorter guys, and it seemed kind of awkward with them. Putting pillows under their knees to get them to align in certain positions like doggy. I'm about 6'5" 240, so her body type works nicely with me.

How tall do you like your women?
Although i am not a "bull", i am not a submissive either, so the question maybe doesn`t apply to me, or maybe it does. ;)
i know that body height is an issue for many women and men. Maybe it`s because i am confident, iDK, but when it comes to women i don`t have a preference for a particular height. For me it`s all about the package, inside and outside.