How should interracial be promoted more in society?

Droit du seigneur, (French: “right of the lord”), a feudal right said to have existed in medieval Europe giving the lord to whom it belonged the right to sleep the first night with the bride of any one of his vassals. The custom is paralleled in various primitive societies...

How every bride should be on her wedding day/night!
One of my all-time favorites is from the NFL 2015, so it had a huge audience. "Built for Football Families" It features a rebellious white suburban mom, who is disgusted with her beta whiteboi husband.

They are looking for parking at the youth football game. High-testosterone white mom is driving of course. Pathetic whiteboi hubbie nervously suggests they park way out and walk. High-T mom mocks him in her thoughts and drives up a grassy embankment to park nearby.

Key points promoting Interracial:
  • betaboi husband is pathetic and weak
  • when digusted mom parks on the slope, she makes a nasty face and uses the expression "we could run it right up the gut!". A subtle suggestion of her pegging betaboi with a strap-on dildo.
  • while betaboi still looks frightened, she gets out and strides purposefully away from him, leading the *******.
  • she says "someone's got to wear the pants in this family!" A white feminist appeal to taking power over the patriarchy.
  • her crucial line "yoga pants are pants!" This is the white woman's mantra, when she wants to sexually advertise her body to Alpha males.
As she strides away, we can see that her top doesn't cover her skin-tight black yoga pants. Her crotch and most of her ass are on display. This white mom is clearly planning to cuck her betaboi -- and she doesn't care who knows it. Their friends and family will see her flirt openly at the youth football game with Alpha men. There is no masculine Black King shown, but he is there in spirit -- and in the viewer's imagination.



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I love the "Built for Football Families" ad for how subtle it is. Much of it is allowed to exist in the viewer's imagination -- giving them deniability.
Subtle deniability is the best way to seed IR sex and Black Power into the minds of suburban whites.

Nowadays, we are being conditioned to expect that white daughters will rebel against the white patriarchy. But this was a suburban mom. When white moms rebel against the patriarchy and flaunt their bodies....Black Power is winning.

Hopefully soon, we might see a new version: provacative white mom flirts with Black man at the Bantam football game, while beta whiteboi hubby fetches them drinks and hotdogs -- and whiteboi ******* has given up football to become a trans-girl cheerleader.
This is so beautiful to see. We all need to help support more and more white women going black. All of us white boys need to step up! Lets help our girls go black!!!

It seems like there's a lot of interracial couples being shown in commercials, music videos, and movies. It's great. And they're always black men with white women. And more celebrities are going black. This all helps familiarize women with the idea of dating black men.

It's important to keep showing black men as sexy, smart, and more fit than white men. As women demand more from life, it's only natural that she will look to black men to fulfill her relationship or her sexual needs.

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Movies / TV:
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To Music:
So beautiful

The white male power structure has been the biggest obstacle to allowing white women to follow their natural instincts and have sex with black men. But white males can be part of the solution if interracial cuckolding was not considered a secret and disreputable subculture! Rather, it must be seen as a valid and respectable lifestyle choice that allows the woman to fulfill her sexual needs, gives white males a more appropriate form of sexual pleasure (by masturbating while watching and taking emotional satisfaction from their wife’s increased sexual enjoyment), and allowing virile black men the unrestricted access to white women that they deserve.

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White guys are always shown as tiresome mates that frustrate and annoy their wives, who regard them more as adolescent children than men. She gives the white boy little to no respect, only frustration and even mocking. A satisfied women does not roll her eyes in thinly veiled contempt at him.

That still continues but there's been a definite shift in the past few years to present Black Men as the white women's solution to the wimpy white boy. Black Men are shown as strong, virile, athletic and handsome with very masculine drives that women respond to immediately...

This message has been so effective it is playing out in real life. I was just in a mall food court, sitting near 5 whitebois about my age (early 20s). I knew they were joking about me: the usual ("izzat a boy 'r girl?") but I'm used to it. Then a smokin' hot white girl sat nearby. Painted on leggings, tight crop top with a sexy flat stomach. She clearly enjoyed her sexual power and knew the whitebois were all stiffy over her. She captured their attention and I could hear their yucking up was all about who could do her, But NOT ONE of them dared approach her.

She had a tray, but set down 2 drinks -- it was apparent she was with someone. After about 5 minutes of the whitebois goofing and making sex gestures to each other, her partner showed up with his tray. He was big, strong, handsome and BLACK! Those whitebois were crushed! I loved the triumphant look she flashed them (the first time she looked right at them).

Humiliation is the most effective promotion of IR. Figuratively and mentally, she revved up those little little whiteboi stiffies and then she stomped them with her stilettos. On my way out, I cruised past her table and said (loud enough for the whitebois to hear) "your boyfriend is hot!"

I hope I gave them a little preview of their future.
Most people prefer to be with others that look like them BUT I gurantee all that bs flies out the window when a sexy ass white woman wants cock and they know it'll stay between them lol. Alotta dudes claim they dont mess around interracially but we're men...if an attractive female wants to fuck sometimes we'll do it for sure.
Credit must go to the pioneering classic movie Airplane, for being infused with subtle IR promotion.
  • In the very beginning, the Jive talking Black men are at the airport drop-off, kissing a white snowbunny goodbye. She kisses and hugs them both, implying that she is a gangbang snowbunny. This is a prominent scene during the red zone/white zone gag.
  • The Captain, representing white male patriarchy, is a cock loving pervert.
  • The co-pilot is a strong, dignified Black man, in a respected (formerly white) job. When the kid repeats white dad's basketball criticism, he does not take any guff.
  • When Roger the Black co-pilot explains the weather to Elaine the stewardess, she gives him a concentrated hungry look and crosses her arms behind her back in a submissive posture.
  • The Jive talking Black men are both very masculine, and their conversation is actually about beating up a whiteboi who is showing sexual interest in the Black man's woman (we have already seen that she is a snowbunny), and they celebrate beating whitebois.
  • The very attractive and gilfy granny announces that she speaks Jive, to communicate with the Black men. Where would she have learned Jive? She is very confident sassing them, as if she knows Black men well and has been a Black Cock slut most of her life.
  • The Captain's wife is seen in bed, cuckolding him with a black horse; associating big horse cock with the color black.
  • The IR trophy goes to the young white girl, who tells her loser whiteboi offering coffee that "I take it black, like my men".
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Keep in mind that subliminal messages are subtle and Hollywood understands this very well. The images are fleeting. They are meant to register in your subconscious. Look at this still.

Elaine comes into the cockpit. She asks about the weather. As Roger answers her, Elaine adopts a submissive posture, with shoulders slumped and arms crossed behind her back. Roger can't see that Elaine is gazing intensely at him, with her mind on one thing, as Roger says to her "it might get rough again, unless we can climb on top" Wow! Could that be a double entendre? Could we infer sexual tension between the white girl and the Black man?

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Remember folks, Airplane came out 4 decades ago (1980). Now see the IR sexual tension in this scene.

Elaine and Ted have joined the Peace Corps to "help" an isolated Black tribe, who have never seen white people. They are walking through the crowd to greet the King. Elaine looks deeply fearful. They are surrounded by muscular Black tribesmen. What if those Black men wanted sex with her? Who would stop them?


But that is an arousing thought too. Elaine steals side-eye glances at their rippling Black bodies. She can't help it. But she is afraid to return the hard gaze of the Black men. She keeps her eyes downcast, signalling submission without meaning to. She looks at her whiteboi for confidence, but she is not reassured.


Elaine passes just inches from a muscled Black warrior who stares hard at her with open lust. She looks down again as her pussy soaks against her will.


They greet the Black King. Whiteboi does something stupid and the King knocks him out cold.


Suddenly Elaine's confidence returns. She is no longer the whiteboi's woman. He has been defeated. She will belong to the strongest man in the tribe...the Black King. Elaine looks directly into the King's eyes, to signal that she is his.


Of course, it's 1980, so Elaine is not shown as the King's prize, or a gangbang queen for the tribal elite, but it is certainly implied. There is a whole IR story hidden in this 2 minute scene.
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He speaks collectively of the whole Black Race regaining natural sovereignty over the white oppressors, or else there could be trouble. She's obviously eager to surrender to Him, but the white pilot and his race's delusions of superiority must bow down too.

Very good point about the collective Black effort!

Tie that to the two Jive-speaking Black men talking about punching out a whiteboi, and the King actually punching out a whiteboi and the theme of Black overthrow emerges.
Such images are best delivered in satirical form like this, where it can be laughed off as a joke even though the real intent pierces into the heart of white and Black audiences alike: tearing one down and elevating the Other. Forty years later we've just about reached a point where the shield of satire isn't needed to declare Black Supremacy anymore. Look at how everything else is being vilified as white supremacy. The flipside is obvious: only Black Supremacy will be tolerated.
Well said boi4blk.

For 40 years white audiences have revered this movie as politically incorrect period humor. The signature lines (don't call me Shirley) are part of our culture. Multiple generations have watched this movie with family because it innocently passes on cable TV. When stewardess Randy sings We Are One, it is a feel-good Trojan Horse to set up whites, who then laugh good naturedly at the underlying Black Supremacy theme of the movie.

One can only imagine the white parents cringing when their ******* or ******* sees the young white girl tell the the whiteboi she is Black Only.
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I was just a bit older than the whiteboi in the coffee scene when I first saw Airplane!. In my up-scale all-white world, the thought of a white girl who rejected whitebois to service Black men was completely foreign to me, but strangely compelling. I loved the coffee scene and once embarrassed my parents when I told their friends I wanted to be the coffee girl. But the coffee girl led me to search online for "I like it Black" on my PS3 web surfer, (which my parents didn't even know it had).

Coffee girl's signature line led me to discover Spring Thomas, who rocked my whiteboi world right through high school. Soon after that the first Black family moved into our all-white neighborhood, bringing with them 2 teen boys and a variety of cousins and uncles. The presence of Black masculinity changed the way all the white girls including my mom behaved.....and deeply humiliated us whitebois. I wanted to be Spring Thomas and my girlfriend Nancy wanted to be Spring Thomas too. I eventually realized that if I was feminine and pretty like Spring, my Black male friends might treat me like Spring.

It was almost as if I had no choice in becoming a white sissy. It was simply Black Power that let my femininity blossom.
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