How should interracial be promoted more in society?

Quite. At the very least , illustrations should show the differences in penis size , and be open about its importance . The pupils will all be watching porn anyway and will only take sex education seriously if it seems realistic to them. I think it’s particularly important that white boys understand that they dont need to compete ( and lose)- it’s ok to be a cuckold.
Absolutely agree with this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a cuckold, and it's important that white girls (especially) understand that they don't have to settle for smaller cocks.
Sex education should include lifestyles and challenge and encourage young white couples to accept interracial cuckoldry.
Education should absolutely include cuckolding relationships because these are increasingly commonplace and just as valid as traditional monogamous arrangements.

It should be explained that for some of you, mummy will have a special man friend who helps her feel good and make babies.
Should be a rule of white girls that are actively having sex with black men
It should be made compulsory that they have to introduce at least 1 or 2 other white girls into the BNWO lifestyle too
Weather it’s their friends
Sister cousin friends wives ect

And every white girl who is in the same situation has to pay it forward for their friends and family members too to experience the pleasure of having a big black cock stretch them out like no one ever has before
I saw a TV commercial last night that was a good IR promo. Black man, white woman, 2 brown *******. Can't remember what it was advertising but the IR part came through clear. Looked like he had bred her twice and she was loving the family situation.
Almost every other advert in the UK seems now to include a black male, his white wife and their mixed race offspring. I'm sure this gets into the psyche of all that view these adverts.
Almost every other advert in the UK seems now to include a black male, his white wife and their mixed race offspring. I'm sure this gets into the psyche of all that view these adverts.
Same in the states, in reality, the black man is absent in most situations, the women spend most of their lives alone raising the mixed race ki ds
I think the society accepts white fem and Black male relationship a lot more then compared to a brown woman with black man. As as an Indian Woman, if I am even seen with black friends the gossip that goes on is ridiculous. But I am married to Indian man may be that's why
You're just sexy as hell so keep fucking us blacks!!!
Bulls have more to lose by approaching, use that white privilege and let them know you're interested. My pops told me, don't take pussy, ask for it nicely, you'll be surprised who says yes. Same applies, ask for bbc nicely, you'll be surprised who will indulge you.

Black men in the cubicle era know it's best to appear non-threatening and asexual in mixed company, so we play that role almost to a fault. It's why there's a disconnect, you're seeing our representative most of the time. Catch us alone and show you're interested, you control the social dynamic and forgot, I guess. Compliment us one-on-one if the cologne smells good or you like our haircut. It has to be between the two of you, though; watch the difference.
If she is with her husband how could he signal it’s ok to seduce his wife?