How can I quit this fantasy?

The worst thing that can happen is that you end up where you are right now, but at least you would have grabbed some of her sweet pussy!
Don't often see anything like this on here.

Romance her again, go out for a meal with her, make her laugh. Get her fall in love with you again. The things you did before getting on this path of porn.
As for exiting this fantasy, good luck. For 20 years I've had this fantasy, its the only porn that gets me off, lack of sex drives me to porn, it's a continues cycle. The one that withholds the sex is in control.

As for sexless marriage, there are valid points here, reset your marriage, counseling, and also go your separate ways, but know this that a counselor cant just flip a switch and the sex is back on.

When I read your post and responses I immediately thought "I don't recall writing this" because I am in the same shoes as you. Several years now I have been in a sexless marriage and it takes a mental toll because then you start thinking maybe its you. I brought the ideal to my wife about this lifestyle thinking I'm not satisfying her, she doesn't want this lifestyle. I drum up fantasies about wife with black men. I then go back to how its me, I'm the problem, then I fight the urge to cheat on her, even cried myself to sleep a few times. Last year I searched up sex counselors and only 1 peaked my interest so I made an appointment, the woman was very hard to get a hold of and was several weeks out. A month later I told my wife I went to counseling and then she reached out and had 1 session. Because she was hard to get in touch with my wife found a counselor that her coworker uses and takes insurance. We've had several sessions but there was no focus on the subject of sex, but more on family and my wife and some issues such as panic from covid, and just in general. Overall I'm happy for her, but here we are again no sex and we haven't seen the counselor in about 2 months nor do I care to go back because it didnt help. In our 16 years of marriage we've only had one little tiny vibrator that we no longer have, and she doesn't want any other toys, she doesn't care for or initiate sex. As for the reply about maybe she's getting it elsewhere, I believe you when you say she's not because I know my wife is not either.

So this leads to either deal with it or get it elsewhere with or without her approval, or divorce and find a woman that has the same sexual appetite as you. Good luck.