How can I quit this fantasy?

After years of wanting this and talking about it, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Now our marriage is sexless and boring. Do yourself a favor and don’t pursue this. It doesn’t help anything. Good luck to y’all.
Stop then.. Try to stop...however it's still alive within you.
After years of wanting this and talking about it, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Now our marriage is sexless and boring. Do yourself a favor and don’t pursue this. It doesn’t help anything. Good luck to y’all.
Reset your marriage, get off the computer, and into your wife’s knickers, start fucking her again, but get off the net, if it gets to that stage, drown your appliance.
I’ve tried. She just doesn’t have interest in sex anymore. I’ve brought up multiple things to spice this up. This way of course, toys, RP, different positions, different times of day, etc. I honestly think bringing this up tanked the marriage even more. But y’all don’t want to hear about this. I’ll take y’all’s advice and stay off this website.
I’ve tried. She just doesn’t have interest in sex anymore. I’ve brought up multiple things to spice this up. This way of course, toys, RP, different positions, different times of day, etc. I honestly think bringing this up tanked the marriage even more. But y’all don’t want to hear about this. I’ll take y’all’s advice and stay off this website.
Have you considered your wife may be getting it else where? Don't mean to upset you or anything... just a thought.
Have you considered your wife may be getting it else where? Don't mean to upset you or anything... just a thought.
I’ve thought this but my wife always puts out when I ask her. She is just not as sexual as me. As far as another guy is concerned she is very picky and wants to find the right guy before she goes any further. First guy she was with was not good and now she is super cautious.
Have you considered your wife may be getting it else where? Don't mean to upset you or anything... just a thought.
I don’t think she is. I’ve never seen a sign that she is. She just says she’s tired a lot from work and stuff. I get that but damn I work as well but I’m still in the mood for her.
I feel and live your pain! My wife was a great slutwife,loved sex with me and everyone else too. She loved all kinds of cock and always wanted a verity of cock too. She loved black cock,and took it whenever she could get the hands on it! Then she went through menopause, and had a hysterectomy, and completely lost interest in sex with anyone! It sucks,she was a real good whore and I miss my whore! Sometimes they just lose interest? Try to take their advice and see if you can rekindle her fire with you before trying to get her to do anything with other men. You might still have a shot, me I'm done,but I haven't completely given up trying.
I think there are many here who can relate. Every marriage is different and i think only few manage to hold onto there being a good healthy sex life in the long term.
Some of the above advuce here may sound blunt but they are talking sense. Chasing this lifestyle when she isnt interested in sex is a waste of time and a huge drain on your energy as well as extremely damaging on what sounds like a struggling relationship.

I have been right where you are. Message me, i do understand.
I think there are many here who can relate. Every marriage is different and i think only few manage to hold onto there being a good healthy sex life in the long term.
Some of the above advuce here may sound blunt but they are talking sense. Chasing this lifestyle when she isnt interested in sex is a waste of time and a huge drain on your energy as well as extremely damaging on what sounds like a struggling relationship.

I have been right where you are. Message me, i do understand.
I appreciate your response. The sex has been a issue for a while now. Should I just stop trying everything all together. When I talk about our sex issues it’s a problem.
Menopause is awfull for some females

Limited your time on websites that can be the issues as you will become more frustrated presume you are masturbating a lot which can also be a issue
After years of wanting this and talking about it, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Now our marriage is sexless and boring. Do yourself a favor and don’t pursue this. It doesn’t help anything. Good luck to y’all.
THats your fault- work on your marriage instead of a fantatsy dominating it. You have pigeonholed yourself into a corner. Learn what makes your wife excited, learn how to please her and the sex will come back. You abandoned all that in pursuit of what YOU WANTED and when it wasn't what she wanted you backed away from her. Get some counseling. You are not capable of solving the issue on your own, mediation is needed.
After years of wanting this and talking about it, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Now our marriage is sexless and boring. Do yourself a favor and don’t pursue this. It doesn’t help anything. Good luck to y’all.
Stuck in a boring and sexless relationship after years huh. Maybe the both of you could use a break.
I don’t think she is. I’ve never seen a sign that she is. She just says she’s tired a lot from work and stuff. I get that but damn I work as well but I’m still in the mood for her.
Well there's your sign then. Tired. Doesn't feel like having sex with you. Non passionate with you. Something to consider.
Well there's your sign then. Tired. Doesn't feel like having sex with you. Non passionate with you. Something to consider.
This is exactly how they act when they are getting their cock somewhere else! You may want to look into what she's up to,chances are she has another lover,possibly at work, if she's coming home too tired to be intimate with you!
Reset your marriage, get off the computer, and into your wife’s knickers, start fucking her again, but get off the net, if it gets to that stage, drown your appliance.
I agree ☝️ with what @DeniseN has typed, and if that doesn’t work, seek a “Counselor” (That’s if you are into to this), if all fails! “Go your separate ways!”