How big do you think the Andaman islanders are?


hey’re the black people of Asia. (negritos, specifically of India territory) Of course with laws we won’t get the best visible description but based on accounts from many people such as that one British explorer, and some photos (though crappy) they seem to be quite big. Of course not fully grown yet since them to still have been flacid and not fully erect.

Would probably a great place to hang out for sex vacations of they ever went public. To try some new bbc for some I guess. I’m talking more so of the Andaman Islands. Not north sentinel island because they will probably never make contact.

Anyone else have information on this. Seems quite fascinating. Any predictions of their full erect length. Definitely bigger than most whites based on some parts I found. Similar to some Africans. (not Ethiopians but other parts of Africa) not surprising since they look the most African. And have similar environment. Would love to see your thoughts.