Hotel Antics?

I'm a hotel front desk manager for a beach hotel here in Myrtle Beach. A lot goes on in our hotel particularly during holidays. Our balconies and elevators are popular places and the indoor pools an jacuzzi are not far behind.
I am so glad I found this thread and your reply. You are beautiful, and to know you are adventurous with black men, wow. And, I looked at your posts, and see under how many, you said A Lot. That is even more exciting. To envision you pulling a train with BBC, one after the other, what a beautiful site to behold. (I am a white husband, not really a cuck, to a lady who enjoys black men)
I love the sound of moaning from the next room and definitely like adding my own !
I agree and have to add my comment, if I may. I was once at a hotel and a black and and white woman entered the room across from mine at the same time. Shortly afterwards, I went to get dinner, and could hear the moaning and sounds of sex. That helped to hook me. The number of times I have been at hotels, and walked down the isles to listen for sounds of sex. I hate to say, but my neighbor in Atlanta was dating a black man, and I even purchased a, something like a hearing aid but amplifies sounds, just so that I could hear through the walls better. (when his truck was at her apartment, they were getting busy!) Can you say desperation! I would have paid to watch, as based on the sounds, he was giving it to her good.