Help for refugees.

Well, I understand your view and interest concerning bbc lifestyle and 'first aid' for your well-built wife. But, I recommend to be carfeful if it comes to bbc contacts. I'm from northern Germany, too; and I heard a lot of negative things about refugees. You have to put into your consideration that they are born and raised in a completely different culture plus a perverted religion if they are muslims. Just make an attempt in small steps. Are you a cuckie?
Nope, my fantasy is real and my reality is up to date. Don't worry about my pussy. I've a wonderful bbc lover and don't need the cock of a refugee! Oddly, you are indoctrination resistant for you ought to know from your country's history what sustainable damage uneducated immigrants mean. Take the latest statistics from my country: 44% of these 'welcome refugees' are illiterates with an IQ beneath 42! It takes an IQ of 40 to peel a banana! So what?
Your fantasy is real?? Well, than your need more mental help than you're aware of. The latest uneducated immigrants came from Germany, we'll know how that went. Sorry to see that you didn't evolve a lot from there. Gonna use the ignore button now, I have seen enough of your insulting and racist remarks.
Well, I congratulate! Pls, make use of the ignore button; so do I! Again: I'm neither racist nor > male < and I don't know who changed my avatar - lol! :devil:
change it back love, don't take ******* from anybody
personally I love who you are and that you have loving relationship
got fuck all to do with them whatever your situation is.
Ich sehe Du hast "GENAU" die gleichen Vorlieben wie ich. SCHÖN!!!
Also dass junge, potente und vor Testosteron strotzende schwarze Männer mit ca 85% unserer Flüchtlinge ausmachen finde ich von dem Gedanken her geil dass jede Frau sich bald mehrere black Lover halten kann. In meiner geilen Phantasie sehe ich schon alle schwarzen Gro0schwänze vor Augen die jede Frau sich nehmen und es ihnen gut besorgen. Wir weißen Kleinschwänze können nur zusehen und akzeptieren dass sie die Gewinner sind die uns alle nach und nach zu Cuckolds machen die keinen Sex mehr haben und ihre Energie besser ins Bedienen eines überlegenen Hengstes stecken