Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Gee I remember in 2016 when they said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning 😆
Biden is a fulla shite swamp creature - anybody voting for him is daft :|

Who's the swamp creature again? Trump is the swamp ringmaster!

Trump Threatens Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Over Rallies

Oct 26, 2020 · President Donald Trump railed against Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (D) at his latest rally, appearing to threaten the governor for making it difficult for him to hold a rally in the state during...
How is it that this somnibitch can demand that a winner be declared by midnight tomorrow when in 2016 HE HIMSELF needed until the wee hours of the next day to be declared the winner :unsure:?! Just forget about fairness . . . kind of how when Supreme Court nominations are made and confirmed upon the advice and consent of the Senate huh? And all of these frivolous, bullSHYit GOP challenges to suppress the vote and get votes thrown out :mad: Should result in nothing but GOP voters being disenfranchised . . . court costs, attorneys' fees, and 127,000 Repukeian votes stricken 🤬!!!
No worries.
The election isn't over until ALL the votes are counted. That never happens on Election day.
The President doesn't declare a winner, like some tin pot dictator.
The states do their counts and have until December 14th for an official count.
On January 6th, the new congress in joint session counts the votes and declare the winner.
Democrats are polling even stronger than we did in 2018 when we won the House with a record number of wins.

Those words from Trump, are the words of man who knows the people he govern, do not want his services any longer. He cannot win the vote, not enough people support him. He cannot intimidate, as he is the very definition of weakness. He can't even rely on his 'court' as his legal arguments are laughable to the point they won't even hear his case.
Smell that burning toast? That's Trump's future.
No worries.
The election isn't over until ALL the votes are counted. That never happens on Election day.
The President doesn't declare a winner, like some tin pot dictator.
The states do their counts and have until December 14th for an official count.
On January 6th, the new congress in joint session counts the votes and declare the winner.
Democrats are polling even stronger than we did in 2018 when we won the House with a record number of wins.

Those words from Trump, are the words of man who knows the people he govern, do not want his services any longer. He cannot win the vote, not enough people support him. He cannot intimidate, as he is the very definition of weakness. He can't even rely on his 'court' as his legal arguments are laughable to the point they won't even hear his case.
Smell that burning toast? That's Trump's future.

Yeah, but we know this CHUMP gonna tweet he won :rolleyes:
Yeah, but we know this CHUMP gonna tweet he won :rolleyes:
I honestly believe after the shallacking tomorrow, he'll be all alone. He's got a dying Senate that will blame him for their losses, and a Supreme Court with only really one loyalist, and two other lackeys.
The whining and crying from Trump on his twitter account will match the whining and crying we'll see here.
I honestly believe after the shallacking tomorrow, he'll be all alone. He's got a dying Senate that will blame him for their losses, and a Supreme Court with only really one loyalist, and two other lackeys.
The whining and crying from Trump on his twitter account will match the whining and crying we'll see here.

AND he facilitated coronavirus spreading throughout the White House and getting people sick. What’s funny is that months later he will still be tweeting like he’s the president . . . but nobody will give a ******* . . . not even Kayleigh McEnany :LOL:
I honestly believe after the shallacking tomorrow, he'll be all alone. He's got a dying Senate that will blame him for their losses, and a Supreme Court with only really one loyalist, and two other lackeys.
The whining and crying from Trump on his twitter account will match the whining and crying we'll see here.

Only whining is done by you Dems - if ya win ya win - only whining will be done by you Dems if ya lose - and for another 4 years :{