Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

keep talking trash ….meaningless jabber....facts are what they are....something you trump people hate

Obama ‘best’ president of recent years, Pew survey finds ...
President Barack Obama may no ... Trump in May touted that his administration had had “the most successful first 17 month Administration in U.S. history ... Obama was the most popular with ...
I hope you would not classify what I said below as jabber @subhub174014 ?

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You haven't been to any of the places you named, and you can't apply 100% to anything (except pelosi childishness). We travel internationally for our business, and one of the first things most people say is how much they support the United States Of America, and our President Donald Trump. The business executives generally followed that up with saying how much they appreciate President Donald Trump shaking up the international trade market, because it's opening up and promoting negotiations in their own markets.
The truth is, I've met more people, especially locally, who are going to vote for him now; even though they didn't vote for him in 2016.

your travel must just be down out of the mountains!...……….

Trump Was Laughed At By Other World Leaders Behind The ...
Aug 28, 2019 · Trump has no credibility on the world stage, and his performance and reception by other world leaders at the G7 summit was the latest evidence of that.

World leaders laugh at Donald Trump as he brags about his ...
Sep 25, 2018 · World leaders and diplomats at the UN general assembly in New York openly laughed at Donald Trump after he claimed his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.

UN leaders laugh at Trump - The Washington Post
Sep 25, 2018 · Trump appeared caught off-guard by the laughter. The fact that world leaders laughed is kind of funny and frivolous. But it is worth emphasizing the sensitive diplomatic setting in which this ...

Letter: America has lost the world’s respect under Trump ...
Don’t worry, the US never had the world’s respect, it has been seen for decades as the power-hungry expansionist empire it is. What Trump has changed is that it is now in the hands of a 3 years old baby advised by literal nazis, instead of a long line of cold-blooded murderers that …

How the world sees the U.S. and Trump in 2018 in 9 charts ...
Oct 09, 2018 · This year, confidence in Trump remains low in Germany, France and Spain – but it is up slightly in the UK. Of the 25 countries surveyed, a median of 70% lack confidence in Trump to do the right thing regarding world affairs. 2 Views of the U.S. are …

Why did world representatives openly laugh at Mr. Trump at ...
6 hours ago · I still respect the citizens of the USA. If it wasn’t for CARE, I might not even exist because my mom could have starved. I am German. My people killed the sons, fathers, brothers of American families. And the very same families still had the grea...

The World Trusts Putin More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Russian President Vladimir Putin inspires little confidence when it comes to handling world affairs, a Pew Research Center survey showed. But he still outshines his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump.
Watched a little CNN earlier was fun watchin them all have lil cry baby fits over the State of the Union last night - NO they’re not biased :LOL:

for someone who constantly cries sore loser.....and you watch CNN more than I do...…...just a little bit hypocritical wouldn't you think....after all the only thing I watch on Fox is football
History may vindicate Trump too? No real endpoint as that is a topic for future historians to debate centuries into the future with possible future evidence that could either exonerate Trump or damn him long after anyone reading my post is dead. :unsure:

I really doubt that....just like Bolton has already slipped some out....same with Mulvaney......once out from under the trump umbrella.....they will squeal like a stuck pig trying to save their ass....or maybe trying to sell a book...…...trump has so much ******* going on......just like the Russian money laundering...once he loses that presidential shield......he is looking at time...or lots of legal fees.....more than he can afford...he pays them now with campaign funds...that will have dried up
not accepting of the newly flourishing LGBTQ+ community though

you have always been very protective of them...…...your office in the closet?...…...told you I could care less about them one way or the other....and do think they are entitle to all the rights same as anyone else....I just don't plan to socialize with them...….and as far as I know this board is for Ir relationships....although several on here try to bullshit their way into something and are very phoney…...hate that even more.....but if you check my box I am not looking for anything....conversation and to look or...

I think the "others" should either go to a site that caters to that......or drop the fucking subject when talking on one else brings up their sexual preferences….why do they?....this is 2 now.....the most the rest of talk about is strictly a GFY and on with the topic at hand
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Kyrsten Sinema is not only a Fox but in my estimation a Patriot !!!!!!

On the other hand AOC is not only unpatriotic but a bonafide Moron - how she could even get elected makes me glad I’m not a Democrat - she’s a pathetic disgrace along with her 3 other squad members. Their being part of the Democrat Party assures their demise as a viable party.

you left out....opinion and really should add that...because she has shown here lately she is very sharp on several subjects and gaining a following....especially from the green people and a few other issues on the just because she called trump a fuckhead….doesn't really mean anything derogatory...….well maybe she didn't say that just sounded like it to me.....but anyway...just because she is anti-trump...and has an odd way of doing things does not mean she isn't a patriot.....but you trumptard...want to sort out this minority...and then that minority...sooner or later it will get down to just a few left....this country was founded on immigrants…...unless you are a fucking indian….you are an immigrant

Obama earns high marks around the globe | MSNBC
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world. Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do ...

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
Donald Trump's ascendance to the Oval Office triggered a collapse in global confidence in the U.S. president – and he's dragging the rest of us down with him, according to a new global survey.
your travel must just be down out of the mountains!...……….

Trump Was Laughed At By Other World Leaders Behind The ...
Aug 28, 2019 · Trump has no credibility on the world stage, and his performance and reception by other world leaders at the G7 summit was the latest evidence of that.

World leaders laugh at Donald Trump as he brags about his ...
Sep 25, 2018 · World leaders and diplomats at the UN general assembly in New York openly laughed at Donald Trump after he claimed his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.

UN leaders laugh at Trump - The Washington Post
Sep 25, 2018 · Trump appeared caught off-guard by the laughter. The fact that world leaders laughed is kind of funny and frivolous. But it is worth emphasizing the sensitive diplomatic setting in which this ...

Letter: America has lost the world’s respect under Trump ...
Don’t worry, the US never had the world’s respect, it has been seen for decades as the power-hungry expansionist empire it is. What Trump has changed is that it is now in the hands of a 3 years old baby advised by literal nazis, instead of a long line of cold-blooded murderers that …

How the world sees the U.S. and Trump in 2018 in 9 charts ...
Oct 09, 2018 · This year, confidence in Trump remains low in Germany, France and Spain – but it is up slightly in the UK. Of the 25 countries surveyed, a median of 70% lack confidence in Trump to do the right thing regarding world affairs. 2 Views of the U.S. are …

Why did world representatives openly laugh at Mr. Trump at ...
6 hours ago · I still respect the citizens of the USA. If it wasn’t for CARE, I might not even exist because my mom could have starved. I am German. My people killed the sons, fathers, brothers of American families. And the very same families still had the grea...

The World Trusts Poroshenko More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko inspires little confidence when it comes to handling world affairs, a Pew Research Center survey showed. But he still outshines his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump.
Trail blazers often get laughed at @subhub174014 . They laughed at the Wright Brothers and we benefit from their gift of aviation. They said Elvis had no talent and we benefit from his music and how he might have inspired other musicians after him. And they said Disney lacked imagination yet we have Disneyworld. Similarly Trump will probably be a legend in the future for all the criticisms he is getting in this era. :unsure:

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Obama earns high marks around the globe | MSNBC
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world. Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do ...

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
Donald Trump's ascendance to the Oval Office triggered a collapse in global confidence in the U.S. president – and he's dragging the rest of us down with him, according to a new global survey.

Got anything present
They laughed because they were confused the last admin bent over and took it . now America is pitching and there catching

trump is fucking the whole world...…..most tired....and starting to do things WITHOUT the us...….France already talking with Germany and Uk about a deal...leaving the us out.....people don't like nor trust trump.....just because he has a following....and the republicans are afraid of that....doesn't meant he has the world hoodwinked....there is only so many fools/suckers in the world
you have always been very protective of them...…...your office in the closet?...…...told you I could care less about them one way or the other....and do think they are entitle to all the rights same as anyone else....I just don't plan to socialize with them...….and as far as I know this board is for Ir relationships....although several on here try to bullshit their way into something and are very phoney…...hate that even more.....but if you check my box I am not looking for anything....conversation and to look or...

I think the "others" should either go to a site that caters to that......or drop the fucking subject when talking on one else brings up their sexual preferences….why do they?....this is 2 now.....the most the rest of talk about is strictly a GFY and on with the topic at hand
Not in the closet @subhub174014 I am very much exclusively attracted to large breasts and vaginas and that will never change. It's just from my personal experience facing racism it doesn't really help to spread that kind of intolerance around. Plus I am a city slicker living in a metropolis with all kinds of demographics I suspect that don't exist in your area. To cope we have to get along otherwise it would be war.