Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Of course we all saw the rebellion of all those woman dressed in white. President Trump is not the problem for the old school Democrats, their real problem is the invasion of the Socialism virus that has successfully crept into "The Liberation Party". So busy, so filled with rage the last three years concentrating all their efforts on destroying our President instead of working for America. The destruction from within the Party that Sub and Mac so love is where the history is being made, Donald Trump wasn't impeached, history will remember how one Party, and only one Party has tried to FRAME this man since the day he announced he was running for President. Allowing Bernie Sanders to hang around all these years and now Elisabeth Warren is proof that the Democratic Party is gone, and if it doesn't stay awake the Republican Party could soon follow. Instead of hating Trump the answer for America is stop Socialism and it may be to late already. People like Sub, Pelosi and Schumer are relics that have lost control, this all started with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and I was even taken in by his hopes and promises, long enough to vote for him the first time. He is a snake that attracted so many to the Tree of beautiful, delicious fruit but poison and deadly.
The destruction from within the Party that Sub and Mac so love is where the history is being made,....

Exactly. People like Mac (who thinks the Earth spins under its atmosphere) and sub (who tried to put out a brush fire with a frozen garden hose) have totally failed to understand that their party regards them as fossils. They have not yet discovered that the party they support, hates people like them.

changes nothing....still wears the brand..."impeached"....and what will history have to say about those that turned their back on law

no matter how you cut it.....trump is still second best!

The Job Market Under President Obama, In 8 Charts : NPR
Jan 07, 2017 · The Job Market Under President Obama, In 8 Charts President Obama inherited an economy that was cratering, the worst recession since the …

Obama's Final Numbers -
Sep 29, 2017 · Both Obama and Reagan left office with job approval ratings above 50 percent. Income and Poverty The inflation-adjusted incomes of American households reached the highest level ever recorded under ...
no matter how you cut it.....trump is still second best!

The Job Market Under President Obama, In 8 Charts : NPR
Jan 07, 2017 · The Job Market Under President Obama, In 8 Charts President Obama inherited an economy that was cratering, the worst recession since the …

Obama's Final Numbers -
Sep 29, 2017 · Both Obama and Reagan left office with job approval ratings above 50 percent. Income and Poverty The inflation-adjusted incomes of American households reached the highest level ever recorded under ...
you old data
2 Years of Trump Vs. 2 Years of Obama: By the Numbers

Halfway through his first term as Vladimir Putin’s Executive Assistant in Charge of U.S. Operations, Donald Trump claims he has accomplished more than any administration in history, including the highly successful Cash Money Records administration that took over for the ’99 and 2000s.

We wanted to see if this was true. So we sifted through all of the measurables from the first two years of both presidents in an attempt to quantify their presidencies.

Presidential Approval
We used Five Thirty-Eight’s combined poll averages to determine each president’s approval rating after 741 days in office. Here’s what we discovered.

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.
  • Obama: 43.3 percent
  • Trump: 55.9 percent
  • Obama: 6.9 percent
  • Trump: -16.3
Winner: Barack Obama was far more popular. Donald Trump’s net approval rating (the numerical difference between the president’s approval rating and his disapproval rating) is lower than any president in modern history.

We looked at the data for the stock market, unemployment numbers and GDP growth.

Stock Market
  • Obama: The Dow Jones industrial average rose 5,632.09 points, or 42.78 percent, during Obama’s first 741 days in office.
  • Trump: The Dow Jones industrial average rose 7,219.45 points or 28 percent during Trump’s first 741 days in office.
Unemployment rate:
  • Obama: Unemployment rate: +1.3 points
  • Trump: Unemployment rate: -0.8
Black Unemployment rate:
  • Obama: Black unemployment rose 3.1 points during Obama’s first two years in office.
  • Trump: Black unemployment fell by 1.1 points during Trump’s first two years in office.
Real Gross Domestic Product Growth:
  • Obama: Real GDP dropped during Obama’s first year before surging back to 2.5 percent his second year in office.
  • Trump: The real GDP grew both years under Trump but not as much as Obama’s second year in office.
Winner: The economy has remained consistently strong under Trump. Coming out of a recession, the economy struggled under Obama’s first year. While Obama managed to dig his way out of a recession, Trump inherited a strong economy from his predecessor and has managed not to mess it up. Trump wins a close one.

Legislative Accomplishments
Here is a list of Obama’s major legislative and policy accomplishments:

Here is a list of Donald Trump’s major legislative and policy accomplishments:

  • Tax Cut and Jobs Act: Signed a bill that cut corporate taxes and regressively benefits the wealthiest Americans.
  • FIRST STEP ACT: Signed bill with significant criminal justice reform.
  • Supreme Court: Nominated and confirmed two Supreme Court justices.
  • Federal Judges: Nominated and confirmed more federal judges than any President in recent history.
  • Travel Ban: Banned travel from six majority-Muslim countries.
  • Transgender Military Ban: Banned transgender soldiers from serving in the military.
Winner: Obama. Trump’s only legislative accomplishment was FIRST STEP and a gift to wealthy citizens. The rest were executive orders or judicial nominations.

Foreign Policy
World Leaders Publicly Insulted
World Approval
  • Obama: According to Gallup, after his first two years in office, 47 percent of people around the world approved of Barack Obama. Obama had a particularly high approval rating in European countries.
  • Trump: Trump’s approval rating remains at 30 percent. Trump’s rating is even lower in the stronger EU countries.
Winner: Obama was never laughed at by the entire United Nations, no one ever called him a “dotard,” and he did not back out of a nuclear deal.

Other numbers:
  • Nobel Peace Prizes: Obama 1; Trump 0
  • White supremacist riot deaths: Obama 0; Trump 1
  • Days playing golf: Obama 60; Trump 154
  • Number of people fired or quit administration: Obama 2; Trump 42
  • Times laughed at on world stage: Obama 0; Trump 2
  • Number of times he called someone’s mom a “bitch”: Obama 0; Trump 1
  • Paid-off prostitutes: Obama 0; Trump 2 (and counting)
  • Number of times accused of being a Muslim Jihadist from Kenya: Obama 1,039,001; Trump: 0
  • Number of times Justice Department opened an investigation to ascertain if the president was a foreign operative: Obama 0; Donald Trump: 1,928
  • Number of campaign officials indicted by the FBI: Obama 0; Trump 6
  • Number of times visited by Kanye West: Obama 0; Trump 1
Overall Winner:
Obama accomplished more legislatively than Trump. Obama was more respected on the world stage. More Americans approved of Obama’s handling of the presidency. Obama was not the subject of a criminal investigation.

The only feather in Trump’s cap is the economy, and even that is questionable due to steady growth during the Obama years. While he still can’t compete with the Cash Money Records administration of the ’99 and 2000, we still must put some respeck on his name.
just more of your childish conversation....pertaining to what topic?

Well let's see...
  • We could talk about your anti-Black racism and how you referred to Black political/business success in Atlanta as "*******".
  • We could talk about your rejection of free thought and how you threaten your own sons if they ever leave the hivemind.
  • We could talk about your anti-trans bigotry and how you repeatedly refer to trans-girls as "it".
Or we could just acknowledge that you are a fossil; an old-guard white liberal male stuck in your racist, bigoted ways and bewildered by the free thought that is sweeping the country, and exemplified by the Trump phenomenon.